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guiguinofake, in Chicken soup

Thinkpad clitoris


What are you a fuckin parrot?


Dude that’s a prejudice, have some respect


The industry standard term for it is the Thipple.


Why did you eat it off the thinkpad?


I use arch

Kolanaki, in Russian roulette brownies
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

“I shouldn’t have eaten the whole thing…”

RIP_Cheems, (edited ) in 🤢...
@RIP_Cheems@lemmy.world avatar

You clean it in the tub. The fuck is wrong with that sister?

bruhduh, in Off to a party with the boys
@bruhduh@lemmy.world avatar

Michelin cooks be like

molten, in Chicken soup


@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

How old are you? 🤨


Well, afaik they don’t let you enlist in the USMC until you’re 17


Lmfao. I’ve got some buddies who resent that statement. Same guys who tell me the red ones taste best.


Old enough to know better but young enough to do it anyway can I get a HELL YEAH!

@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

The only perk to being an adult - you can do shit kids get yelled at without anyone yelling at you 😂.


First thing I did when I moved out was eat an entire roll of cookie dough.


Found the Marine

Sorgan71, in Chicken soup


Laticauda, in Chicken soup


moon, in Reblog if youre american

I love when this topic comes up because people definitely don’t have a weird fixation on foreskin and totally have balanced discussions that calmly hears both sides.


This mf both sidesing cutting baby dicks, smdh.


Why is this a both sides thing? Circumcision is a Jewish rite that became a larger thing because of a couple mentions in the Christian New Testament. It also has some medical application for individuals with certain conditions.

Doing it to all male babies doesn’t make rational sense unless you are a specific type of religious.


While circumcision has been a Jewish tradition historically, it has come a long way since then. There are decades of medical research and studies that prove that it is a safe procedure for newborns and bring numerous benefits later in life. Please trust the science and not the religious rhetoric.

@CurlyMoustache@lemmy.world avatar

Not a fixation on foreskins but on personal freedoms and the right to choose what happens to your own body:

Are you an adult? Cut off what ever part of your body you want to. I don’t care.

Are you an adult who wants to cut of body parts from others? No. Stop it. Let them decided themselves when they are old enough.


I’m so glad it was done to me when I was a baby. 100% the proper way to do it.


If you intentionally do not recognize it as a legitimate medical procedure with lots of science backed behind it, then you’re purposefully spreading misinfo. That’s just a fact. Just like how some people in this thread are saying it reduces sexual pleasure, scientific evidence states this is not true. It’s also significantly safer and less risk when they’re a baby. These are just peer-reviewed objective facts that have been extensively tested and confirmed.



That document is regarding the spread of STIs. There’s plenty of other methods to avoid those that don’t involve cutting part of your dick off.


Like washing?


you’re an idiot and so is anyone that agrees to circumcision for an infant.


Very level headed statement after being shown evidence


lol ‘evidence’


I’ve been reading your comments, it’s amazing how someone can link an article to 37 grown men voluntarily circumcising themselves and use that as evidence towards why children would like to be circumcised.

You fucking dumb my guy.


Or a lobbyist for big foreskin.


Haha the irony of you coming out so strongly after your original statement is gold.


Not really, I’m open to seeing any evidence as to why the CDC is factually wrong.


Don’t ask me, I think we should just cut the whole thing off.


Hey, as long as you own what you’re cutting I’m cool


No. All of 'em. Americans do go far enough. Everyone should walk around with little nubs.


lol ‘facts’


“You know, I’m really tired of having to clean my nails and trim them. I know, I should just cut my fucking fingertips off. That way I don’t have to worry about pesky things like dirt or germs living under the nails!”


it’s absolutely amazing. what a cockgoblin.


ignoring bodily autonomy and the right for your OWN CHILD to choose what their penis will look like for a medical procedure that only should be used when a phimosis diagnosis has been made or when you join specific religions (and not for “so he looks like dad” or “my religions imaginary friend collects foreskins of infants”)

moon, (edited )

It’s kind of you to worry about the aesthetics of your child’s penis, which studies have shown that it improves body image and sexual satisfaction anyways. You should really leave the medical suggestions to the professionals. There’s so much anti-science in this thread going on, I’d assume that I was in a crazy 5G anti vax conspiracy bullshit forum. What is it about medical scientific evidence that makes people so upset? All I’m doing is repeating and sharing established medical studies after all, but apparently that makes people a little emotional. Kind of like vaccinations!


this is NOT about aesthetics. this is about robbing a child of a deeply personal choice.


Suppose we should just not name children until they’re old enough to choose their own name too. We’re talking about some fuckin skin on the tip of the dick lol. Most will never even know the difference until they go see it in a health class or Google what the differences even look like.

What are the pros and cons here again? The cons of the situation is that they might end up wanting some extra skin at the tip of the dick for whatever reason. The pros is health and self confidence improvement. The pros outweigh the cons here, it’s a no brainer. It’s a simple medical procedure has been factually proven to improve health and self confidence, and it’s by far the safest to perform on a new born.


like @CurlyMoustache said: names can be changed. and if your confidence is based on a mutilated sexual organ, then go cut yourself as much as you like, but leave others alone. don’t do something irreversible to someone without their consent.

CurlyMoustache, (edited )
@CurlyMoustache@lemmy.world avatar

This is the most idiotic thing I’ve ever read. They can change their name if they want to. How old they have to be is different from country to country.

Equating naming a child with cutting off stuff from their bodies is fucking stupid.

@Boldizzle@lemmy.world avatar

I had to laugh when they used naming a child as an example. What a dipshit.


thanks for writing down what i was thinking lol


i dont like my given birth name, i could legally change if it i please. In fact i don’t like the concept of legal names much at all, but thats a different story.

Lets throw in some similar cases here. Ear lobes, why not just chop those off at birth? They dangle around weirdly and are places to put jewelry. Which can cause injury.

Ever heard of scarification? It’s like a tattoo, but subtractive instead of additive.

You ever heard of penile subincision? You just yeet a massive slit into the bottom of the penis, that leads into the urethra.

Why not just do those things to children upon birth?


Multilating childrens genitals for appearance is pretty fucked up.

That choice should be left to themselves and no one else. Unless absolutely necessary of course.

The supposed benefits are very very small and the majority of the world is doing absolutely fine without removing the foreskin of children.


Maybe go back and read all the text you ignored about the other benefits. Would love to see you link any established peer-reviewed studies that can back up your neanderthal level reading comprehension.


I don’t give a fuck about those “benefits” which have miniscule impact and can absolutely be achieved by means other than cutting a baby’s foreskin.

Adults can cut their dick off if they want, surely a lot of men would do it if those benefits are so impressive.

Parents should not have the freedom to mutilate their babies because they say so. Only if a doctor recommends it because of an actual disease (phimosis or whatever).

That is basic ethics. Don’t make unneeded permanent choices for a baby. If it is a decision that can easily wait until the baby is an adult, it is evil to make it for them.


That’s a study of 30 turkish dudes…


Honest question, did you read this study before you posted it? The sample size is 37 Turkish men who voluntarily applied for circumcision. Do you not find that sample to be extremely small? Don’t you think there would be some inherent bias when assessing the psychological effect in people who had chosen to undergo the procedure? If anything, this study reinforces that circumcision should be left to the individual to choose, rather than having the procedure done against their will as an infant.


When my son (2) was born there was decent pressure to circumcise, we were asked leading up to birth, before birth at hospital many times, and many times after.

I’m sure there’s plenty of single mothers who don’t know any better and just eventually agree. I’ve been told hospitals sell the cut off for woman’s make up stuff


I don’t know where you’re from, but in the US, hospitals are strictly forbidden from doing anything with biological material post-procedure except 1) biopsy, 2) disposing it in accordance with biohazard containment practices, or 3) limited instances of release to the patient (think kidney stone).

Nobody is selling infants foeskins for makeup. That’s fucking stupid conspiracy bullshit.


But do they charge for the procedure?




Doesn’t seem like bullshit, however it is used for more than make up, like skin grafts and bio science. Apparently Oprah Famously said she uses a cream with foreskin in it


Ah, let’s see… An SEO article from a clinic in India about the possibilities of what can be done (with absolutely zero citations), a reddit thread and the Coup de Grace, Oprah, who famously gave us “Dr.” Oz. I’m gonna go ahead and not choose to give a bunch of credibility to those sources.


Cum, I love how your replies are more than happy to pick apart your sources without providing any of their own. A casual scroll through the other comments will reveal that most people who weren’t circumcized at birth have issues with it or regret having to have the procedure done later in life.

There’s a reason the procedure is so ubiquitous for so long, the science and health research is there to prove it. Same way getting vaccines is mandatory in the US for going to school. Same way abortion would be if politicians didn’t keep getting involved in legitimate medical research. These procedures have been studied and peer reviewed for decades by experts, best leave it to them. hopkinsmedicine.org/…/greater-benefits-of-infant-…

If you want to have a real argument with myself and cum (lmao) bring your own sources and maybe other people will take you seriously.


Exactly, you get it lol. This is a funny topic because you can simply drop a fact sheet by medical professionals that all overwhelmingly agree on this topic, and then people will lose their mind. That’s why I’m only interested in looking for scientifically backed viewpoints instead of people getting so emotional. Reality disagrees with their traditions so they really hate it.

TokenBoomer, (edited )

Findings from the University of Sydney suggest that around 38% of the male population globally is circumcised.

Circumcision is the exception. I’m sure the 60% of uncircumcised men across the world live tortured lives. Source




And you’re profoundly misinformed


How is listening to the CDC being misinformed lol


The new CDC guidelines highlight methodologically flawed studies from Africa that have no relevance to the United States. They chose to ignore studies that were conducted in the United States and show no link between circumcision and the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV (Thomas et al., 2004).

Media literacy necessitates consideration of opposing viewpoints from reputable sources. Not all “experts” agree with the CDC. Source.


Of course they don’t. Still, the CDC is very reputable and I trust them over it. It’s also ridiculous to say the CDC is misinformation.


I didn’t say the CDC is misinformation, just that other scientists have shown the flaws in their methodology. Science. I have a healthy uncircumcised son. I would have circumcised him at birth if the science warranted it. It does not. If parents circumcise for religious reasons that’s their choice. But it must be recognized that the science used to validate this religious belief is weak.

CurlyMoustache, (edited )
@CurlyMoustache@lemmy.world avatar

Sure. As I said: adults can cut of anything they want. Babies cannot decide for themselves. It is immoral and barbaric to cut of parts from the bodies of babies.

Condoms gives insanely more protection than a circumcised penis. The health benefits are therefore just a fart in the wind and should not be used as a an argument for cutting people without their consent. Teach healthy sex practices in schools


Science is different than peer reviewed science. The STI study has some big problems (especially moral problems) - one practical problem though is the hiv test in the study isn’t accurate for some time (3 months I think) and that messes with their data and wasn’t accounted for properly (some test candidates definitely had HIV before the study). Another huge oversight was that a freshly cut man isn’t going to have sex for weeks while he heals, deceasing the chances of contracting HIV. Another sign that something is wrong is European countries that have less HIV than the USA. But even if it was guaranteed that you contact HIV 10% less often if circumcised, that’s still not even close to a good enough benefit to justify the procedure.

The “data” on why circumcision is beneficial is mostly just cut men trying to justify why they’re superior and is biased. The sensitivity being the same claims are silly. Studies done are controversial because measuring sensitivity is hard. A big red flag is reading testimants of adults who got cut - usually they say it was super painful while healing, then crazy sensitive, underwear was uncomfortable and they had trouble lasting during sex. But a couple years later and they’d lost sensitivity. Underwear feels fine, refactory period goes up. This is because of keratinization of the glans of the penis. Similar to a callous on skin tissue


I think part of the problem with this discussion is that a lot of us who were circumcised without consent spend most of our early years thinking it’s normal and there is nothing to be upset about. So when people point out the practice is generally very harmful, it is upsetting. It can be hard to process at first, and I think, unfortunately, some people double down on traditional rationalizations as a defense mechanism.

That being said, I am not a fan of people referring to my genitalia as mutilated/mangled or to me as damaged. It is completely valid to be upset about having your foreskin removed without your consent, but I feel sometimes people veer a little too far in projecting their own hurt onto others. Many people live fulfilling lives with circumcised penises, and some even do it by choice, so, speaking strictly for myself, I generally am glass half-full about it.


Yeah, I think since the practice is based on organized religion and there’s no consent when circumcised, the validity of circumcision is quite questionable.

But, medically speaking, is circumcision harmful?

That’s a genuine question and I see a lot of uncircumcised people complain about phimosis and the skin flap getting tighter and more uncomfortable as they grow older, being cut sounds better.


But, medically speaking, is circumcision harmful?

Seems to be among the hysterical crowd who’s not actually familiar with the medical opinions on this topic. Not surprising.

Oddly, I happen to know a plastic surgeon who performs the procedure in my city, he’s apparently the go to guy for it so when given the opportunity to talk about children’s genitals I just had to take it up with him…he told me, to my surprise that the vast bulk of his patients now are recently immigrated from Africa. Wasn’t expecting that, was more just curious how much bullshit he got on a day to day basis given his specialty.


last i checked according to the ole reliable wikipedia, circumcision is still pretty big in other parts of the world, notably africa iirc.

Society is weird.


It’s odd to me, and the specialist that the majority of his work now involves African people rather than the clientele he’s been working with for the past 30ish years of his practice was the point he emphasized.


yeah, it’s a fair observation, i just felt the need to mention that for some reason. Often times weird things have fairly simple explanations.

EndlessApollo, (edited )

It can be very very harmful, with pretty much no benefits. The claim that it helps prevent spread of sti’s is thoroughly debunked, and a person’s risk of getting penile cancer is way lower than the risk of complications from circumcision. The claim that is easier as a baby is also VERY thoroughly bullshit, on account of a baby’s foreskin is literally attached to their penis and has to be ripped away. All that pain and risk and long-term damage for basically nothing, it’s kinda fucked up that it’s still as common as it is


Your entire post is simply false and outright misinformation.

Absolutely nothing you said is even remotely true.

Shame on you.


Be careful not to offer too much evidence with your dramatic accusations.

  1. Kids can’t consent. Parents do it for them in every aspect. This is no different. Making medical decisions for your kids is normal.
  2. You have no reason to be bitter about a legitimate pre emptive procedure to prevent smegma and potential phimosis
  3. Male circ is a safe and sometimes necessary procedure.
  4. Why cant you people be honest? You’re bitter we get it. But lying about circumcision is just stupid and doesn’t convince anyone to not do it.
  5. Everyone should Google phimosis. Anti circ ppl love to lie about there being no medical reason or excuse it away.
  6. It’s none of your business what other people do with their bodies.
  7. There is nothing harmful here at all. It’s no different than removing a skin tag. Demonizing it is laughable.

Google says phimosis is fixed easily and is rare to begin with. I think being passionate on either side is silly


Harming babies unnecessarily tends to bring out passion in some.


I’m circumcised and happy about it because of conversations I’ve had various women about dicks in general and my dick in particular with a few of them. That being said if I ever have a son, he won’t be circumcised. Unless his mom is Jewish I guess. But I don’t understand the anger around the subject at all.


I’m circumcised, my son is not. If it is your religion, have at it. But forcing religious traditions onto those that don’t have a say is problematic. It’s getting better, but it’s still pushed in hospitals unnecessarily.


It’s good you’re able to talk sanely about it.

But I don’t understand the anger around the subject at all.

It’s simply a subject of personal autonomy and body integrity.

Imagine being a grown man or just a teenager and being forced to perform that operation without your consent nor any explanation (as it’s mostly useless out of social norms and potentially harmful). I guess you’d be furious, at least.

That’s it.

CaptnNMorgan, (edited )

But it’s not happening to grown men or teenagers against their will. It’s happening to people when they won’t remember it and the idea is it prevents minor annoyances about being a man. Archaic and unnecessary? Definitely. But getting mad at people isn’t going to change their mind and doesn’t help people understand it’s unnecessary. That said, being someone who has a mentally unhealthy aversion to bathing, I’m really glad I don’t have to even think about “smegma” I didn’t even know it was a thing until I was fully grown.

Edit: to be clear, I don’t think anyone should do that to their kids. If you can’t teach your kid to clean themselves you probably shouldn’t have them to begin with. I just think it’s more helpful for future kids if their parents aren’t circumcising them because they don’t want to agree with the annoying angry people online. It would be more helpful to spread knowledge without judgement or making people feel shameful for something they thought was good. That’s how you get people to double down.


This is the dumbest fucking list of bullshit

  1. Kids can’t consent. Eyup.
  2. Cutting of a body part to avoid cleaning it is a unique kind of stupid argument.
  3. Nobody is against it when it’s necessary. That’s what is known as a strawman argument.
  4. No one is lying. You are the one trying to convince someone to do something. Not doing anything is the fucking default.
  5. Again, addressing phimosis is NOT the issue people are against.
  6. Babies are not capable of doing anything to their bodies.
  7. It can absolutely be harmful and comparing the removal of nerves and tissue from genitalia to a skin tag is so stupid that I actually think you’re trolling.

You’re being 100% dishonest and misinformative in your post.

Why u guys gotta double down on your complete lies when called out?
It’s pathetic. Mind u own business and cope with ur sad doggy penis.


Lol. This mf here getting their bs called out point by point with simple rhetorical counters and retorts with a solid “No u. And you have a dumb pee pee.” Epic.


Thanks for this lol. I started to respond yesterday but as I was thinking about their arguments halfway through I decided it wasn’t worth my time or energy (validated by their response to this comment LOL).

yum_burnt_toast, in Chicken soup
@yum_burnt_toast@reddthat.com avatar

spicy and tingly beef biang biang, shortening this name is illegal

Karmanj, in Chicken soup

5 guys

@dabster291@lemmy.zip avatar

oh boy, I sure hope this is referring to the popular fast food restaurant and not cannibalism!


Why do you got to be like that? He could have just come out of a really hardcore gay club.

Or, if he’s a she, a really hardcore not-gay club.

dditty, in Chicken soup


gndagreborn, in Reblog if youre american
@gndagreborn@lemmy.world avatar

My poor penis.

copymyjalopy, in Chicken soup


@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

Where is my little Pussy, come here Puss, don’t be shy 🥰.

Fuckfuckmyfuckingass, in The spankings will continue until the cumming stops. AMA
@Fuckfuckmyfuckingass@lemmy.world avatar
RavenFellBlade, in Chicken soup
@RavenFellBlade@startrek.website avatar

I hope Meatloaf can sing…

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