I have no idea if they still do it, but a decade or so ago it was all over the internet that a Brazilian fast food company had started using edible wrappers and made a marketing stunt out of it. The chain was apparently “Bob’s”.
I remember when I was a kid back in the 80s, they had a brief show where kids could show off their inventions and this one girl came up with a type of edible tape you could use to do things like hold burritos together. I still think that’s genius. Of course, it never became an actual product.
Honestly, they’re pretty neat. I’ve gone through tours of Mammoth Caves that require waivers, and they strongly recommend that you not take that tour if any part of you has a circumference of more than 42", because you won’t fit. There was a spot that was about 12" high, and 72-ish wide that you had to crawl through that took a sharp right; you had to take your helmet off to get through. But then you get out into this enormous cavern filled with rock formations that are seen by less 100 people/year.
But if I didn’t know that that crack was passable, that I’d be able to get through or get back out again? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no.
Maybe it’s because I live in a place with a lot of earthquakes, but I think I’m good off putting my head between rocks that could slightly shift and obliterate me.
The Appalachian foothills in Kentucky are pretty geologically dead; there aren’t any fault lines anywhere close by. It’s about as safe as any cave network can be.
I do recommend going to that are and taking some tours, especially in the middle of summer where you can see the inversion layer where the air goes from being 95F to 60F. Even the fully-accessible tours that don’t go through any tight spaces are pretty cool.
Not everyone, but the vast majority of everyone, and even those who don’t want to buy would still probably be better off with owning instead of renting.
“Going a few hundred grand in debt to buy a non-liquid asset” a house is probably the best asset you could buy for yourself, and also, do you think you’re saving money renting? Do you think a landlord is losing money on his mortgage? You’re covering the mortgage anyway, and then a premium for not having it in your name.
Renting over owning is a more stable outlay (no “surprise, you need a new water heater” expenses for renters) and it gives flexibility for moving with any kind of frequency. I agree that home ownership should be more attainable and affordable, but it’s not a clean win 100% of the time for everyone.
Yes, a buffer built into the rental price (“inflated” is a loaded term; rents can be inflated, but a rental price set to cover mortgage and amortized expenses isn’t by definition inflated), but it’s still stable.
Yeah, also way more stable in countries where you are not protected by the law and may be told get outta the property you’re renting less than a month in advance. And in countries where you’re protected, the landlord will usually get in your arse checking if you’re a fraud, this makes renting quite a bit more of a problem.
No one wants to rent. Sure landlords serve a purpose in this capitalist hellhole, but if people could live in a single family home that they own most would take that option to rather than be beholden to some shithead that takes a 3rd of your income and just brings you problems
While it’s true that it would be better for them in the long term, it’s also true that some people prefer convenience.
I have a coworker that pays the power company extra each month so that if her water heater dies they’ll replace it for her. Why the fuck does the power company offer this service and by the time she needs one she will have more than paid for one.
Lots of people don’t change their own oil in their cars, it’s easy and cheaper, but people don’t want to do it.
Coffee… that’s all I’m gonna say on that topic.
Renting is a service some people want, just like some people want to live in an HOA.
More people would probably buy a house if they could just pay the mortgage, similar to a rent to own setup, but that’s not an option available to most people.
Wouldn’t the convenient (and cheaper) situation here not be to rent, but to own and hire a handyman when needed? I’m just not sure how a landlord offers any kind of convenience to anyone. (Maybe there’s something I’m missing of course.)
You are absolutely correct, but it still requires making calls, coordinating with a handyman, being available when they come by, etc. It’s the same logic for why some landlords hire property managers. If being a landlord is so easy you’d think they wouldn’t need to hire someone to specifically manage their properties.
While I agree with you on paper, I’ve never had a landlord make it easy or convenient for any of those things in my experience. Usually they’re MIA and can’t seem to get anything done without a fuss honestly. Could just be my luck/the types of places I rent to be fair on that though.
Yeah and I saw a recent post saying that roughly 66% of Millennials would like to buy if it were affordable for them.
Rental experiences all come down to the details, how expensive is it, what extra costs (can you have pets) and benefits (do you have laundry in the rental or is it a shared space), is public transportation more accessible, etc.
Back when I rented my washing machine broke and the rental company had a new one installed the same day, the bus route went right up to my building, and the Greenway trail was adjacent to the complex. They decided to increase rent by $100 so I looked at buying a house and found a condo I could afford. The condo was $300 cheaper (including the HOA fee) than the new rent, but the bus didn’t come to where my condo was, the Greenway trail was 10 min road biking away, and when the HOA decided we had to install new lights and doors I had to pay for that (luckily I was able to do the labor myself, but a lot of people couldn’t). Before I sold and moved the HOA was about to replace the roof on my building and we would have all had to pay out of pocket our portion (which equated to approximately 3.75x what I paid for the mortgage and HOA fee, so an extra 3.75 months worth of payments).
Also, a lot of places have more or less protections for renters which can impact things.
“Tipping the landlord” Some landlord/employer posted on Twitter how none of their employees/tenants are grateful for the nice things the capitalist provides them with. They said that they’d like to get tipped occasionally. It might have been a shitpost, but it blew up. Now, ‘tipping the landlord’ is an internet gag line. No one in real life tips their land lord.
In addition to that. It's probably mocking these places where it asks if you want to leave a tip when you didn't see a single employee your entire visit. Or counter service/fast food etc.
It’s as real as Kids requesting litter boxes in school because they identify as a furry, it’s just meme BS that a specific political group has latched on to and bitch about. It’s definitely not real.
Until I joined Lemmy I would have agreed with you.
EDIT: Unless you are talking about the litterbox thing, I have heard this brought up as legitimate discussion before. I quickly squashed that conversation, but there are (stupid) people out there that believe it.
I have never seen it and I’ve been renting for 20 years (omg thst is so depressing). I can imagine a landlord with a poorly set up payment processor possibly having it, but that is a stretch
That was a more subtle disinformation deflection by conservatives. Schools did need litter boxes for mandated mass shooting lockdown preparations.
Instead of the horror of children needing to use litter boxes because American conservatives cant regulate their firearms, it was, “Haha, liberals want litter boxes for furries.”
It (used?) to be expected to tip your maintenance man at the end of the year in big apartment buildings (there’s even a friends episode about it). Some scummy landlords try to claim that they are the maintenance man and more and so deserve a tip. I have personally had landlords ask for it,
A while back, there was this thing where some very out of touch landlords were whining about having to actually do things for their tenants and that tenants should tip them for this. Naturally, they were rightfully shamed and ridiculed for it and it never caught on, but the way I first heard about it was seeing another landlord agreeing with the original post.
Is there something about the word "porn" that actually communicates "really pretty pictures of something but without any human creations" beyond its Reddit meme usage? Because it doesn't for most people.
Also, not all community rules and objectives need to be in the name and URL. The word "porn" in URLs is problematic for users sitting behind state or corporate internet connection though. Be kind to your local network administrators!
Porn in the sense of something that is the sort of over the top example of a thing that elicits an almost aroused response. Like a gratuitous picture of food would be considered FoodPorn. Or like 2 perfectly machined pieces of metal fitting together perfectly would be EngineeringPorn.
Literally anything else. Earthpics, coolearthpics, globescope, naturerama, third planet…that was just 5 seconds of thinking. Using the word porn for everything just lacks creativity.
I don’t care about a retort. I’d just like to see corrections in red, with a “D- PROOF READ!!!” written at the top, and maybe a “Provide sources” at the bottom.
My brother is autistic and this is the type of autistic person who is hated by other autistic people. This is why autistic people hate mentioning it, because they get lumped in with these people.
Wait, this is getting even more interesting. Who is the kind of autistic person that is hated by other autistic people: (a) people that try to be nice about enforcing a no masterbation announcement rule or (b) people that announce they are going to go masterbate? Also, does your brother fall under a, b, or something else?
Autistic people who announce when they’re going to masturbate make all other autistic people cringe for being so incredibly unaware and making the rest of them look weird.
I don’t think anyone was assuming these people were autistic. It’s possible you have a skewed view because you are around an autistic person more that most people.
It’s almost definitely B. Most people on the spectrum would not say “im gonna go masturbate” and those who are would use autism as an excuse for why they behave that way, which is just not valid. Autism can make it harder to behave in a way that is socially acceptable, but not like this, hence why others on the spectrum dont like people like this. They use autism as a sort of sheild to allow them to behave in ways that are just not right. The best example of this i can think of off hand is Chris-Chan, but they are an extreme case of this. Anyways, people like this make it harder to be upfront on the fact that you are on the spectrum, because the first thing that comes to mind will be people like that.
my college DSPS lab has this image on all its computer screens. I just saw it yesterday, it reminded me of this post, now I’m here to say it. Blah blah blah
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