I was able to filter posts about him and the truck using the Sync app, this has snuck through because there’s no keywords in the title. I might add Tesla to the list actually.
I love it, because it’s becoming the de facto example of how you don’t need to a good businessman or a smart person or any other excuse people bring up to justify billionaires. I don’t need to spend time explaining how billionaires are not doing some magic to make billions, I can just point at Musk and say he is missing all the qualities the billionaires are supposed to have. In the end Musk is just a sadder real life version of this guy. Except there wouldn’t be any police for him.
What I think is nuts is how many people see all this and still don’t get it. For example, my neighbor is a conservative voter and he still LOVES Elon. He sees Elon as intelligent, industrious, and successful simply because he has lots of money. He doesn’t care that Elon has repeatedly shown that he basically just won the millionaire’s lottery and used his familial apartheid riches to make more money but way more than your average millionaire might, more than anything because of luck. Nope. He deserves it, somehow, despite being a huge do-nothing douchebag.
A mathematician, physicist, and statistician all go hunting when they come across a deer. The mathematician first calculates for the mass of the round, the muzzle velocity, and drop rate then says “ok, give me the rifle.” He fires and misses by 3 feet to the left. “Miss!” exclaims the statistician.
The physicist takes the rifle and says, “you forgot to calculate for wind velocity!” He does some more calculations between 3 spheres and then says that he’s ready. He fires the rifle and misses by 3 feet to the right.
“We got him!” the statistician excitedly yells as the deer goes running off into the woods.
The mathematician misses three feet to the left and the physicist misses three feet to the right. If you take the average of those two, like in statistics, it’s right in the middle and would hit the deer.
Just in case, statistics have a lot of mechanisms just to avoid these average issues affecting your analysis, this is situation is much more “how to lie with numbers”. And yeah, ppl don’t like me.
In simplest terms, statisticians are stereotypically known for wanting to simplify curves. So, if you see a plot graph of data and notice a cloud of points that appear to angle in a certain direction, statisticians will sometimes draw a line from the first average point to the last average point and say that line represents the data. So the joke is that statisticians throw out the individual data and say the average represents the real world, so three left and three right equals and average of a direct hit.
For the physicist, they’re known for representing everything as spheres to simplify their math and create approximate calculations. This means that back-of-the-envelope calculations will get you close but won’t be precise.
Mathematicians are said to only calculate for one variable at a time, in this case, trajectory without accounting for wind or air resistance. Mathematicians also often joke about using “dots in space.”
The overall joke is that these are three incredibly intelligent people abusing the most boiled down versions of their fields and failing terribly because they refuse to experience the world in anything other than numbers and figures.
I hope you are now able to enjoy the joke more, although I imagine it’s now more tedious than enjoyable.
Wow no joke it was super nice of you to explain that to me 🤣 I’m still don’t follow 100% (my brain isn’t well suited for math) but I do find it funnier understanding it more!!
I would say there are limits to what one can easily achieve from their starting point in life, but your statement is so fatalistic that anyone who believes it might aswell stop trying and just give up on life.
I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be grill’d. I still have no idea what that is though. That is basically the most generic name for a hamburger possible.
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