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NABDad, in Not if the lack of grammar and education gets you first...

I’d like to see a teacher attack this with the red pen.


I’m not even a teacher, and I would love to attack this with a red pen.


I keep thinking of this.



Not enough space to leave any sort of retort.


Ableist slurs aren’t coo- oh - you can spell above a second-grade level.

NABDad, (edited )

I don’t care about a retort. I’d just like to see corrections in red, with a “D- PROOF READ!!!” written at the top, and maybe a “Provide sources” at the bottom.

Edit: and perhaps a “See me after class”

Jessica, in Yeah, yeah, yeah...

Wanna see me stick nine inch nails through each one of my eyelids?


Copy me and do exactly as I did

@FrenLivesMatter@lemmy.today avatar

Pilot a drone and use it to blow up 9 kids

thorbot, (edited )

Democracy’s dead, wait, tryna get this all straight

But I can’t figure out how Cheeto man still ain’t jail bait

@FrenLivesMatter@lemmy.today avatar

And Dr. Schwab said “you’ll own nothing and you’ll like it” (nuh-uh)

“Then why’s you broke yet? Man, choose violence.”

Jackcooper, in Success is built through GAMBA

Who is this guy I’ve now seen in two gambling memes


I call him GAMBLOR


New Masters of the Universe hero dropped

SatanicNotMessianic, in Success is built through GAMBA

That gambling tower is defying the laws of physics and it will come crashing down.

Just like gambling, I guess.

NakariLexfortaine, in ಠ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ಠ

Hey, it happens. You’re stuck, crawling through some duct work, it’s hot as hell in there so you strip off, then you hit a weak spot. Bam, straight down onto some dick with a cushy pelvis to break your fall.

Saw 3 different men die that way. Terrible way to go.


You say terrible but it sounds like a great way to die


For the one on bottom, yeah.

It’s the men who landed on top I pity. Couldn’t even enjoy the dick from all the bone shards.

Everythingispenguins, in What'll It Be?

What you don’t know is he is already 6 pints in. If it wasn’t for the back to his chair he would be on the floor.

sour, (edited ) in Success is built through GAMBA
@sour@kbin.social avatar

but the children ._.

EvilEyedPanda, in Success is built through GAMBA

Don’t forget the government bailout when their gamble fails.


Only applies if you won enough already.

@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

Get enough of the country on your payroll and you can just claim it’s bad for the economy if you go under.

Taps head


Modern problems man.

ObviouslyNotBanana, in Sir, there's been a second phase
@ObviouslyNotBanana@lemmy.world avatar

I too have pee in my jeans

ChaRRdude33, in Success is built through GAMBA

Are you telling me my gambling addiction will finally pay off??!


Most gamblers quit right before they become rich


The Quitter’s Fallacy.


I’m not sure why that’s germane, but I’m happy it’s here.

@0421008445828ceb46f496700a5fa6@kbin.social avatar

Are you gambling with your money or other people's?


The serious answer is that you need to play positive sum games.

Enkers, (edited )

I disagree. The serious answer is you have to be the one person that gets lucky.

Take 1024 people each with $1000. They all play roulette and go all in every round, half on black half on red. After 10 rounds, 1023 people have lost all their money, and one has won a million dollars.

The person who “made it” didn’t do anything different, or play a +EV game. He just got lucky.


Roulette is not a positive sum game, though. If you keep playing, eventually you will lose everything to the house.

A positive sum game is where repeated plays will average out to a net gain. The secret is having enough initial capital to keep you alive if your initial gambles don’t pan out. People living paycheck to paycheck don’t have that

Enkers, (edited )

You’re correct, but you’re also being a bit pedantic and ignoring the point OP is trying to make. It still illustrates the point just fine at 47.4% instead of 50%. Odds of winning 10 in a row go from 1:1,024 to 1:1,746.

jmcs, (edited )

Was any of your ancestors a particularly successful mass murderer in the middle ages?


I mean, depending on your definition of mass murderer, you can safely say yes.

AlwaysNowNeverNotMe, (edited )
@AlwaysNowNeverNotMe@kbin.social avatar

Not unless you do it outside a golden palace that abstracts your money into vouchers and chips.

But generally wealthy people make more gambles in business, partnership, accountability, other people's lives and social welfare, and the general stability of the world.

Like say becoming an arms dealer then paying the cost of a F-150 economy package to a couple senators and having them spend their endless war chests with no audits or oversight on some missiles to kill some goat farmers or something.

Or creating a pesticide with the upside of remaining active in soil for 4 or 5 centuries (and recycling in the human liver for up to a year after exposure) and having it produced in an impoverished southern town and then exported to French Polynesia so they can continue to grow cloned banana trees.

Or like taking doctors on nice yacht lunches and golf trips and telling them yes you really have developed a non addictive opioid.

kamen, in My whole night is booked now

Do people actually sit down and watch these focused? I see longer and longer videos on YouTube because the algorithm seems to favour those, but for me, the longer it is, the more chance it has to be played as background noise or not played at all.

@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

Yeah I play them when I’m coming or having dinner. I don’t think I’d bother watching them the same way I’d sit down to watch a movie, though.


When you’re what?


Yeah. Sometimes I get a bit fidgety and like to do something with my hands, so I’ll do some knitting or something, but I always pay attention primarily to the video. I feel like I don’t really remember anything from videos if I listen to them in the background.

@Pharmacokinetics@lemmy.world avatar

I love watching Pyrocynical videos. Good editing and writing grabs your attention anyway.

@Cultural_Hope@lemmy.world avatar

That cheeky bugger got me with his eight hour Utopia video.

Kolanaki, (edited )
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

Pretty much all the things I am subscribed to make 20-45 minute videos and I watch them like any other TV show of the same length.

The things I throw on just to have something in the background are way longer. 4 hour stream VODs. 10 hours of music. 24/7 AI generated bullshit.


I focus for 15 minutes as I don’t have time for 4 hours, but then they end and I realize I’ve lost another day.


I love em’. Better than anything else on TV imo. I love a full breakdown of an analog horror ARG or an internet mystery rabbit hole deep dive. And usually because ots just one dedicated creator with no deadline/boss/focus group/format to appease, they have so much more character, charm and uniquenes… There’s no studio who could hold my attention with the cookie cutter slop on any of the streaming platforms.


I do. I don’t do nothing while I do it, but I do other things as background, and treat that as foreground.

I also do what you do, but I definitely also consume them as a primary thing.


Video essays are like the perfect cross between a podcast and an audiobook. They’re long enough to put on while I’m doing something else, like cleaning or studying, but short enough to get through in one sitting. And then if I need a break from what I’m doing, I can focus on the video for a little.


There are a few good ones that are absolutely worth watching, also kinda ones where if you don’t pay attention it’s meaningless.

from Folding Ideas:

as an into to him a 17 minute (nugget sized, lol) piece about Jamie Oliver and his Weird war on Nuggets:


if you like that you might wanna check out his longer videos, the most well known is probably:

The Line goes up - The problem with NFTs 2h 18m It’s a rundown of Crypto’s and NFTs and explainer of what they are their socio economical roots etc, really good.

Contrepeneurs - The mikkelsen twins 1h 50m A good video about a layered ponzi scheme.

The Future is a Dead Mall - Decentraland and the Metaverse 1h 50m this about the metaverse and similar “second life clones”

This is financial advice - 2h 30m A deep dive into GME, Apes, Diamond Hands and MOASS, also really good.

Why it’s rude to suck at World of Warcraft, 1h 25m really interesting video about WoW, game design and the meta game around WoW

In Search of Flat earth - 1h 16m deep dive into flat earthers

Another really good Video by a different Channel, some more news

A Brief Look at Jordan Peterson - 2h 55m - A methodical, step by step dismantlement of the idea that Jordan Peterson is anything else than a Right Winger and a moron.


Dan Olson and Cody Johnston are absolute treasures


I will easily watch four 15 minute long videos, but I need to schedule some dedicated time to watch one hour-long video, or I’ll probably fall asleep.

RizzRustbolt, in My whole night is booked now

Hbomb posted a new video?


Roblox_oof.mp3 is a masterpiece.


Second New Vegas video pleaseeeee

GiddyGap, in Not if the lack of grammar and education gets you first...

Not exactly a rave review of the American educational system.

No wonder European countries don’t accept US high school diplomas as sufficient for acceptance into a college or university.


No wonder European countries don’t accept US high school diplomas as sufficient for acceptance into a college or university.

  1. Yes, they do. I have been to two.
  2. At least in my country, the highschools are not exactly good. Many students get ~30% attendance. On top of that, there aren’t enough highschool slots for students, so poorer performing students can’t go to highschool or have to pay for private school.

Yes, they do. I have been to two.

There may be some countries. But I know the Scandinavian countries will not accept US diplomas without the student passing extra testing that others don’t have to go through.

It’s possible that’s for a full program. You may be able to take individual classes or certs with a US diploma.


There may be some countries.

I’ve never encountered any country that didn’t accept US diplomas, or rather treated them any different than any other non-EU diploma.

It’s possible that’s for a full program.

I am talking about full bachelor’s programs.


I’ve never encountered any country that didn’t accept US diplomas, or rather treated them any different than any other non-EU diploma.

One example is Denmark where a US highschool diploma is only considered under quota 2, which means you have to have other merits than just the highschool diploma. It could be additional testing and relevant work experience.

Diplomas from most other countries are considered under quota 1, which looks at the diploma only.

There are many other countries with similar rules.


One example is Denmark where a US highschool diploma is only considered under quota 2

Do you have a source because from here I see


Which doesn’t seem too different from other countries



which means you have to have other merits than just the highschool diploma. It could be additional testing and relevant work experience.

I guess that is met by the AP requirements, but it seems like wherever they can set more strict standards they try to, including with EU countries.


This is the source (in Danish): ufm.dk/…/valg-af-gymnasieskole-i-udlandet

Maybe Google translate will help you.

Amerikansk high school-eksamen

En amerikansk high school-eksamen vurderes kun i kvote 2.

Nogle IB-skoler, som også er amerikansk akkrediterede, det vil sige anerkendte som amerikanske skoler, tilbyder et amerikansk High School Diploma som alternativ til en ikke fuldt gennemført IB-eksamen. Vær da særligt opmærksom på, om eksamensforløbet opfylder de krav til en amerikansk high school eksamen, som er beskrevet i Eksamenshåndbogen.

Krav om 3 AP-eksaminer

Der kræves 3 AP-eksaminer aflagt ved College Board og bestået med mindst karakteren 3, for at den amerikanske high school-eksamen kan give adgang til universitetsuddannelser. For at opfylde kravet om AP-eksaminer kræves desuden, at AP-eksaminer er aflagt inden for minimum 3 forskellige fagområder. Eksempelvis vil AP-eksamen i fagene US Government, Physics og Calculus AB være inden for 3 forskellige fagområder, mens AP-eksamen i fagene Physics, Calculus AB og Calculus BC kun dækker over 2 forskellige fagområder.

Et High School Graduation Diploma uden disse 3 studieforberedende og beståede Advanced Placement Tests giver adgang til erhvervskademi- og professionsbacheloruddannelser samt kunstneriske bacheloruddannelser. En sådan eksamen kan ved supplering blive adgangsgivende til universitetsuddannelser. Denne supplering bør ske i samråd med det uddannelsessted, hvor man ønsker optagelse, så man samtidig kan få at vide, om man opfylder eventuelle specifikke adgangskrav.

Det er som altid uddannelsesstedet, der afgør, om den enkelte kan optages.


Okay, so roughly the same as what I posted. Yeah I suppose it is quota 2, but as I said, it doesn’t seem much different than many other countries. It’s certainly not saying the US highschool diploma is exceptionally bad. Especially given how common AP classes are.


Well, it says what I initially said. That a regular US highschool diploma is not acceptable as a standalone document to get you accepted. You have to do extra and even AP classes won’t get you out of having to go through quota 2. And that’s really a reflection of a US highschool being an inferior education in their eyes.


What are the requirements for a Danish student?

Also again, this seems similar to the requirements for other foreign students.


If you read (or translate) the link I sent, you’ll see that it’s specifically aimed at American students with a US highschool diploma.

Danish students can apply under either quota.

Prunebutt, in Sir, there's been a second phase

I see, we’ve passed the Pixar lazy ideas with AI phase and entered the videogames lazy ideas with AI phase.

GrammatonCleric, (edited )
@GrammatonCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Using web searches is lazy because books exist

Veneroso, in Discord rule

Okay, what about jousting? Hear me out okay!? Isn’t that how the large hardon collider works?

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