Better put on your tin foil hat and microwave your phones!
That prevents them from tracking you, mind controllering you, and activating the 5G nodules in your COVID Vaccine that Trump the deep state created to wipe out the liberal sheeples. Don’t ask why liberals seem to have a higher survival rate than conservatives, just keep listening to me…the COVID Vaccine is going to kill you. It’s going to mutate little COVID penises and turn you gay from the inside out. Concentration camps, FEMA Penis penis penis penis penis penis penis 8=============>~~~~~
I would 100% prefer to have a horse name dobbin. He could take me to tbe marker and also be my support animal! I would love dobbing for the rest of my life
I came here to say this too, but I did that thing where you look to see if someone else has said it. Hi, my people! I would sell my soul for this to become a thing.
Can we customize this service to also block Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson? I can’t seem to block enough of their shit to keep them from my feeds, and it drives me nuts.
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