Meta-Shit (

Electro posting (

Counterspell this (

it's not (

Doesn't look like anything to me (

They're good dogs, Brent (

Task failed successfully (

You're welcome for making your Tuesday just a little bit worse. (
Contract has been fulfilled (

Better than you (

Why are jokes about Jim Jones hard to tell? (
They have the longest punch lines.

lasagna cat (

Anachronism (

New server policy. Lemmites who misbehave get sent to Disney land with a bus full of Disney adults. (

Went dark because capitalism (

elephants (

Anxiety symptoms we don't talk about (

Don't make me hide my vibe (

At least I don't discriminate (

Pool party (
We at the Westville Marriott want you to know that we hate you and hope you die. (

Ewwwwwwwww (

fun facts (

You know how bad it needs to be to be ignored for over 2 decades! (