Ok sure. But it’s not really an effective protest as they’re fulfilling the requirement to enter the competition. Because the competition is steered by judges they will simply eliminate the trans men in the first round.
The rule is there to make sure the judges are not sexually aroused when they see a trans woman.
A greater means of protest would be if the non-trans competitors all quit the pageant. But their look is their only talent, so they won’t.
Retail managers are about the dumbest people I’ve ever worked with. All they know how to do is boss people with passive/submissive personalities around (poorly) and make up rules when things go awry. Also shifting blame onto others is a key skill in retail management.
Cost of living where I am is around $38-40 so I’m all out of whack with this, sorry. But on most contracts our first 2hrs of OT would be 1.5x, whereas you’re somehwere around 1.85x? So that’s neat.
The city where I live has a higher col then the surrounding rural areas. Our living wage is $15.34 and poverty wage is $6.35 I don’t have a report for the surrounding areas but my gut says somewhere around $10/$5.
In the US you have to get paid 1.5x for hours over 40. $30/2.5/1.5 = $8. And thats assuming no paycheck deductions such as tax, healthcare, alimony, etc
It was a legitimate protest of a stupid law that uses a legacy of inconsistent thought and limited perception to do an end run around the first amendment, but the text of the law requires a poster per building, so if they have enough in English, there would be no "need" to accept or post them. Now, if a principal or administrator had some balls, I certainly don't see why they couldn't use one of these or to flank the posters they do post with lots of context or more diverse ideas.
Now, if a principal or administrator had some balls
You don’t become a public school middle manager in Texas by showing balls. You’d get weeded out before you even got through the substitute program for teaching gym class.
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