I’m not who you asked but it’s been 4 hours and I don’t think they’re coming back. Imo pits are dangerous unless properly trained. I have 2 I rescued as puppies and if I let them do whatever the fuck they wanted they’d either he shot or put down by now. They’re good dogs but require attention or else they’ll be bad dogs. Kind of like huskies.
Wealth redistribution is good. Socialism definitely could end up being better than capitalism with the right implementation and regulations. A socialist revolution is a bad idea; wealth redistribution can be implemented in capitalism. Lobbying is real, but voting still makes a difference. Vote in more than just the presidential election and canvas for issues or politicians you support. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
progress isnt a continous upward climb in the short term. In the 90s crime shot up and no gay marriage soooo. We can definitely go farther with capitalism like with higher taxes on the rich, minimum base income, etc. Voting does matter, if you dont vote you have no leverage over those who speak for you.
no point of going farther with oppression, when we obviously reached its limits. shit, we are headed towards hell on earth because capitalism cannot deal with that.
you want to vote then go vote, and invariably when they do jack shit, wait 4 more years.
How has it reached its limit? I just gave two examples of ways it can improve. Voting for the president is not the only thing you can do. You can canvas for politicians or issues you believe in and vote in other levels of the government. I don’t get the sentiment of voting doesnt matter so we wont vote. Its a self fulfilling prophecy. We are not heading to hell on earth because there are a lot of people more informed than either of us working on solving all different kinds of issues. I dont understand blaming capitalism for everything. It completely hand waives the nuance of situations and how we can realistically improve them.
All the generally established capitalist wiggleroom like minimum wages, paid holiday, affordable health care, education instead of manual labour for children etc were established by massive strikes and (threats of) violent masses.
I love how people just come up with this shit with their knowledge of their local area. Any train here requires driving to, and does not come and go frequently, and takes longer. Our infra is terrible.
On the flip side, some places have awesome infra and I wish I had that. I’d prefer to pedal bike if I could. But where I’m at you’re very likely to be killed without bike lanes or sidewalks, and it would take hours to get anywhere important - IE work.
This person has a point though. Typically most people can’t even afford to live where I live, and most of the jobs are 50Km away. The nearest bus stop is an hour and a half walk. Biking is dangerous since there are ditches and no sidewalks on either side and people typically drive 90Km/hr.
And when you get to the bus loop, buses come every hour. Takes 3 transfers before you get to a train. Then you take a train to a bus. Then more walking.
It’s 2.5 hours each way if you bike. 3.5 hours each way if you walk to the bus stop.
If it snows, it’s a crapshoot. Sometimes the trains cease to function. Longest one way commute I’ve had on transit was 7 hours.
I think some people just need to realize not everywhere is like Amsterdam and has a wicked bike lane and transit setup.
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