It drives me crazy, this performative enviornmentalist bullshit. I have to pay 10c (on top of 300% food cost increase don’t forget) for a plastic bag at the grocery when i forget my canvas ones. In these bags i must pay for i can place fruit individually wrapped in plastic.
Every time something gets worse, we must be the ones to pay. This whole environment-saving-by-paper-straw phenomenon is so insipid that I would rather believe that it’s actually a deliberate corporate strategy. At least that would make sense. If they keep us thinking that something is being done, they don’t have to change a thing, and if it’s “all of our jobs” (read: not theirs), to save the world, we’ll never take them to task for their (greater) part of the waste.
Nothing beats collection of beer/cola can's pull tabs for recycling competition at schools. That forces children to ask parents to buy more of the six packs so that they could have the tabs.
You’re treating it like a hypothetical but that is in fact exactly what’s going on.
Corporations and the politicians they own are hyperfocused on (relativee to centralised) inefficient end user recycling and regular people taking responsibility for the environment and climate change to distract from the fact that maybe 95%+ of it are the fault of corporations, not their customers.
Even consumer waste is many times worse than it would be if companies didn’t for example use all that plastic and design electronics to become obsolete if functional at all in as little as a single year just to squeeze as much money out while spending as little as possible.
It is actually a deliberate corp strategy. Plastic straws were never a real concern, save for that ONE turtle. Plastic straw make such a negligible amount of plastic waste that stop using it will have virtually zero measurable impact in amount of plastic waste we create. All it ever was intended for was to make us feel like something was being done while doing absolutely nothing.
That’s not to say all plastic reduction initiatives are pointless. But the straws definitely belong in the least environmentally impactful category.
All it ever was intended for was to make us feel like something was being done while doing absolutely nothing.
It certainly does help a little bit. But it’s of course still not a coincidence that companies are pushing for it instead of more effective measures… It’s not just cheap but it also pushes people to believe that measures to save the environment are all useless and annoying, and makes them less likely to want more to happen.
It’s the “thoughts and prayers” of environmentalism. I’m convinced the net effect is negative after you factor in the way it distracts people from anything that might actually help.
Fund a grassroots media campaign advocating to make corporations pay to fix the environment and for price control laws to stop them passing on costs to the consumer.
At some point, people are going to have to accept their legal systems have been completely broken by regulatory capture and that they’re going to have to go to war to implement new governments that actually will do what the people want them to do. That’s the real talk that needs to happen
Not only the billionaires, even the millionaires, and all the people taking the plane more than once a year. It is an ecological crime the pollution of air transport.
Is that planes that are packed to the gills or private planes that actually have space that people aren't crammed into?
Also, 3-4/6 liters of what? ICE cars and modern planes aren't burning the same fuel, so I'm not sure what this is intending to portray by directly comparing how much of each (in liters) that they burn (serious question, no snark)
efficient ICE cars consume ~6l per passenger per 100km.
More like 6L per 100km, whatever the number of passengers, I suppose. So it’s usually still less than planes.
And there are better alternatives like trains or buses, which can be actually efficient for long distance travels (high speed trains, night travel. Works well from city centre to city centre)
There is also the additional issue of contrails which are a massive factor of greenhouse effect
Edit #2: ICE is a type of train in germany. I mistook “ICE cars” as meaning trains and was wondering how flying is supposed to be more efficient than trains. Hence my confusion.
**OG comment (invalid, see Edit #2):**Where are these numbers coming from?
I cannot find any source for the 3-4l/passenger/km claim. I cannot find any source for the claim that planes are more efficient. Nothing comes even near this claim.
Edit #1: I just want to add that my old combustion car (VW Up! / Seat Mii / Skoda Citigo) burned around 4.2l/100km. So I according to you, if I had another person with me, I’d beat both planes and trains with what stands uncontested as the most inefficient form of transport?
No its not, when I close Lemmy it disappears (IMAGINE BELIEVING THAT POSTING MEMES IS “CHANGING THE STATUS QUO”) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
The whole premise of this joke is ridiculous. Leftovers are worth eating most of the time. Waste is fucking horrible. I can’t stand people who throw food out instead of saving and eating it. I literally make food in advance sometimes to be eaten later.
Why do I feel like giving this a month will make all of this irrelevant?
but this is a crime against God, humanity, gaming and anime!!!
I get it, your favorite game doesn’t work because of a new release. It happens. Take a ticket and sit down for a while. Valve isn’t omniscient about every Linux build in existence or possible glitch on the first week of release.
Hell, TF2 has been broken on arch for almost a month without bypassing a .dll file.
I remember when games launched and generally could be expected to run, because easy patching wasn't a thing yet. They had to make sure that the games worked.
I don't like that this has moved to "well, it's just the first day, week, month, give them time to fix the game." No! When the game releases and people pay money for it, it should work!
We are talking about Counter Strike 2, a complete rewrite of the game’s code for a new game engine. EVERYTHING has fundamentally changed over the last year.
… in cs2 the smoke is physics based particles that can be moved with bullets or grenades. That tech alone is very complex and the calculations need more modern hardware. Not to mention the dynamic shadows and graphics overhaul.
That’s simply moving the goal posts. “There hasn’t been a change for over 2 decades” - “here is a bunch of changes they actually did” - “NO ONE ASKED FOR THEM!” like what kind of argument is that?
Also if you bought CSGO and are expecting to play it, it’s long been gone. It went free to play, even before that they had pretty big gameplay changes like being able to bring in different weapons. Updates to the game have been made. Negev is now a bullet laser! There is a revolver! The M4A1-s exists!
I never complained about a lack of changes for two decades. CS:GO worked perfectly well for me as-is. And because I’m a mac user, I’ve now lost matchmaking in a game i did pay for.
Yeah, the Mac issue is a concern. Surprisingly, Valve dropped that without warning. CS2 being a free upgrade to CSGO was touted for a while. It’s almost impossible to miss if you play CSGO. The issue is that you bought into a game knowing it was a GAAS game and you expected it to never change for the worse. If you played CSGO for any length of time you’ll remember weekends of one-shot kill revolvers and 2 hit-kill deagles. So clearly, it’s not out of scope for Valve to push an update to break things. Maybe you’ll get a Mac version back, or maybe they’ll put back the matchmaking servers. Maybe you’ll find that GAAS games are terrible for the gaming ecosystem and will abandon them. Lots of solutions here, only one path you control.
Overall CS2 is getting good-ish reviews. So it’s unlikely you’ll get CSGO fully back.
it wouldn’t be an issue if you could still play CSGO in the meantime. They removed a game that was working for some, and put in one that isn’t working in its place lol
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