except of course no government can regulate a Freed market.
If we truly Freed the market of government controls the workers could ownership of the fruits of their labor and the laws of supply and demand would regulate the market naturally
Not true. Large-scale power plants are WAY more efficient at turning fossil fuels into work than internal combustion engines. Even if all electric car power was generated by coal (it’s not, almost half of electricity generation now is nuclear + renewables), electric cars would still have net emissions that are half of gas cars.
It’s a process that is absolutely underway and making great progress, even the USA now generatea more from solar than from coal, many countries like Scotland are already producing over 90% of their electrical use from renewables with only 2% from fossil fuels.
It’s worth noting too that these numbers are only grid based usage and a lot of solar is direct use, often being stored in an electric car rather than sold to the grid - with rooftop solar at home and at work it would be possible to use a car without requiring any of the oil extraction, transport and refining faculties. I don’t know how many people it would take using solar cars before a single oil well goes untapped but I do know if we get to a point where no one is using gas stations then that’ll be an awfull lot of horrible polluting infrastructure we don’t need, just carrying the fuel through wires instead of in tanker lorries is a huge saving alone.
That’s not a huge problem. Chernobyl and Five Kilometer Island were old reactor designs, and Fukushima mostly sustained an earthquake+tsunami (it would fully succeed under better corporation oversight)
2 Hidden valley ranch packets, 1 tbsp onion powder, 1 tbsp garlic powder, 1 tbsp salt, and 1 tbsp paprika if you want to try to make it yourself. It tastes exactly the same to me.
You can paint the tortilla chips with canola oil and sprinkle the seasoning on. Or just drink the seasoning with a straw if you want to.
Oh look, another anti-car meme from someone who clearly doesn't understand cars. Keep it up, Lemmy. One day your relentless negativity will achieve something, and I'll laugh all the way to my grave because it'll be the exact opposite of what y'all wanted.
But you understand cars right? Pray tell, what is wrong about this post. We all obviously need your divine knowledge, ofc which I presume will also have cited sources right.
Bike 45 miles each way to work and tell me it's still a viable solution for everyone, everywhere.
Try to build a rail network that adequately covers 3.8 million square miles without driving your country into blinding debt.
Tell me that I need to haul a cello that I value more than my own life in the rain.
Squeeze enough groceries for a family of four to eat for a week into bicycle saddlebags.
But as I mentioned elsewhere, the more smug and sour you act, the more the average person is going to oppose you simply because you're an absolutely insufferable asshole. Then again, if you had social skills, you probably wouldn't be here in the first place because you'd have friends (and maybe a fucking clue).
72km is indeed a long distance, but by using bike for travel does not mean using bike to go from your house to your destination unlike how a lot of people think. My usual route (30km) is bike 1km to a bus station where I get on my bus, it takes me almost all the way to my destination. From there, I either get off at a stop which is a 12 minute walk to my destination, if I have plans to travel with my friends who live in the area, or I go to the city center where I take a bus. I do know someone who has to travel 115KM (71 miles) to work, but they just take one train and it brings them within walking distance of their work. And if its raining, I can just walk with an umbrella, get on a tram, and go on from there. By the way, my travel is usually around €150 per month, which is a fixed cost as I have a monthly subscription for the travel. It would be around €500 I think for my friend.
Assuming you are from USA because of miles. A rail network does not need to be placed on every inch of your land. Public transport follows a hierarchy, same as your roads. You don’t have your interstate network taking you to every little corner now do you? Trains are similar. Trains connect major cities. Metro connects up the suburbs and all the distant yet important areas and busses and trams and bikes are for local transport. As for the cost, according to reports from 2016, the total infrastructure costs for rail networks in the EU were €80 billion, while the same for road networks was about €184 billion. Source Am I saying these numbers are conclusive? Absolutely not, European countries in general have prioritised better public transport infrastructure for a long time, and fixing existing infrastructure is a huge undertaking, one which requires a lot of manpower and expert engineers.
And how are you getting this cello in your car? Also, renting a van to use when moving is pretty cheap if you didn’t know! No need to pay quarterly taxes and if the person before you was kind enough, you don’t even need to pay for fuel (although you should leave rented cars with the fuel you got it with). Don’t tell me you trust 16 year olds who just got their license to not hit your car when you are transporting something worth more than your life in the rain.
Actually, most families in the Netherlands already do that. We use bakfiets here.
Maybe you should go talk to your friends or something, have a beer maybe. Walk to the local pub and- oh wait, my bad, I forgot that walking to someplace probably will be lethal where you come from with all those cars. Try to be a bit more positive. And you did not answer my question either, just started insulting me, which was very uncalled for I should say. Its like shooting a man because he stole a $5 sandwich from your store. Anyways, I hope this answer clears your doubts regarding my views on your questions, and I do hope to actually get my question answered instead of getting more stupid questions and insults.
I'm in London. I cycle to work and use the tube network and bus network whenever I can. I also have a private car which I use for trips where public transport or my bike is impractical. It's a 2016 model, I expect that it may need replacing in 5 years time. If I took the cartoon at face value, I might think it makes no difference from a climate chang perspective whether I choose petrol or electric - and this is clearly wrong.
If I took the cartoon at face value, I might think it makes no difference from a climate chang perspective whether I choose petrol or electric - and this is clearly wrong.
That's ok, OP will just block you for making a valid point that doesn't align with whatever is written on the inside of his colon.
you can also see that there are only a few hybrid vehicles a bit better than bev, and bev are overall ‘better’ in this diagram?
in fact - if you filter by vehicle class you see that bev are always ‘better’ in their respective class than hybrid or ice. you can’t compare a bev suv with a midsize hybrid.
Do you also see the amount of carbon to the left? That isnt total. Its per mile. You cannot even read the diagram and then you claim switching to evs is bad…
The problem for us country fuckers is that cars take a beating. Then you run into a lack of parts to keep a good car that’s just old going in good trim. My car is a 2007, and I’m already running into trouble with some parts. Well, that and the fact that I let my dad drive it, and he seems to attract idiot drivers that want to hit him, so even new parts won’t always fit, which is double frustrating.
And it isn’t like we have reliable public transport as an alternative. We do have a bus line, if you don’t mind taking two hours just to get to a grocery store, standing around in southern humidity and heat, and then walking a quarter mile from the stop to the store. Which, if you’re also disabled, good luck on that last part along a crappy road with a nasty ditch. Don’t even try that in a wheelchair lol. My buddy, spider, had to get his scooter hauled out of that ditch when he tried to save gas money by using the bus.
But, yeah, the whole idea of cars as disposable to a degree has gotta stop. They’re tools, not ego extensions.
Public transport takes 3.5 hours for my daily commute each way. Personal vehicle is 45 minutes.
A bike is going to get you killed in numerous parts of the Country. Here the massive pick ups that have never hauled more than a sack of groceries take sharing the road with bicycles as a very personal insult.
Depends upon the old one, (huge difference between 12-18 MPG and an EV), and what is done with the it after doesn't it?
No doubt your logic is based on the carbon footprint of two cars - the old ice and the new BEV.
Where that logic falls down is the old ICE becomes a more affordable efficient used car that can replace an older ICE that it blowing blue smoke. Further, new BEV become used BEV in a few years. Used BEV are becoming quite affordable and cost effective. They are also far outlasting their projected battery life.
Finally, demand for BEV increases R&D on more efficient storage technologies that are cheaper and have a smaller environmental footprint.
Yes, more and better public transport should be a thing. But the US is just too big - and in many cases too empty - for ubiquitous public transport to be cost or environmentally efficient.
Show me one State, just a single one, where the majority of Cities have functional mass transit across the entire City which does not take five or six times what a personal vehicle going straight there takes. I'll wait.
If you can’t, using the same private vehicle for a long time, while not ideal, is acceptable.
The typical breakeven point for an ev (when carbon emissions saved overtake emissions produced by its production) is around 30k kilometers. That’s excluding potential downstream emissions saved by the old ice being sold second hand. I don’t think even very wealthy people are getting rid of their cars so soon.
My brother in christ are you dense? No. Parking the 65 Galaxy and buying a new ev is most definitely better than driving it. 10 miles to the gallon is horrendous.
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