Could you imagine the psychological damage of having your adult mind shoved back into your 6 year old self? You’d be unable to relate to or even tolerate any of your peers, so say goodbye to any childhood friendships. You’d be unstimulated by the mountain of busy work in school and frustrated by all the topics you’d have to relearn. I personally would go through all of the procrastination troubles again. There are plenty of traumatic events that you would not be able to prevent or even affect. Nevermind that you are still carrying that trauma with you, you’re just trying to not re-live it. Develop any chronic illnesses? Maybe you can get treated quicker but you still have to watch your health decline. It’ll be a decade before you have any kind of autonomy to do any stocks or Bitcoin type stuff, unless you want to become some prophetic wünderkind. As far as I’m aware, mt gox was one of the only reliable places to get Bitcoin, until it wasn’t. I don’t know the day that it fell apart off the top of my head.
I never understand why anyone would choose the “do it all over again” scenarios.
You know the usual memories of doing weird shit in pre school, being traumatized, also losing people and stuff like that. The usual memories that totally regular people have from that age and stay with your for the rest of your life
I saw a tall man in a leather jacket in a supermarket and ran up and hugged him because all tall men in leather jackets are my dad. 5 year old me forgot that he was passed out at home from some drug/alcohol concoction so how could he be in the shop?
Red, easy. I was raised by total red necks (heh), complete hicks, and it did give me bottom of the barrel ideas about what i wanted to be. I could have healthier habits and work towards a better self earlier. Money? I’ll just be an early Bitcoin adopter and make all the cash I’d ever need. Hell if it came down to it i could make money on the dark web and use my age as a shield and tool. Friends? I could cut out bad friends early and find my future friend group whenever i want, I’d probably even have an advantage since I’m way more of a nerd now (see that first point).
por qué no los dos? Punch him in the mouth and do whatever you want.:-P
Or just stare deeply into his eyes until he blinks, then turn around and leave the room. You’re F-ing Neo, you don’t need to play these kids games - if there’s something you want, you just materialize it, easy.
Ofc… if this were a more irl scenario, I don’t think I’d be taking pills from some random dude offering me to either “get rich quick” or turn me into a 6-yr-old, pudding or no. Maybe this is how he gets rich, by selling my organs or some such.:-P
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