Same. I have the widget on my phone where my home screen has a little owl with motivational messages about keeping up your good learning habit. By 10PM it turns dark red and there is no more motivational message. Just an evil stare by the owl. That’s usually when I get around to doing my lesson…
From his Wiki page, he is in hiding and his army has all but entirely disbanded. It also notes that by 2012 he was already in hiding and and the US was already providing Uganda with military assistance against the terrorist group he founded.
Their initial sale isn't to the middle east or in any way driven by the middle eastern market and tends to be completely done on the merit of the vehicle.
The trucks in the middle east are almost all second hand to the level some people were horrified and surprised when the vehicle they sold in the US, still bearing their logos and name, showed up in videos of insurgents and straight up terrorists in the Middle East.
Dubai Porta Potty is a slang term for a woman who purportedly allows Dubai billionaires to defecate into her mouth for large sums of money. In late April 2022, an NSFW and NSFL video of a man defecating into a woman’s mouth began trending on TikTok and Twitter, generating discussions, memes and reaction videos referencing the viral video. According to the rumored backstory, the clip depicts a billionaire committing the act on a prostitute. Discussion of the video was shared under the hashtag #DubaiPortaPotty.
Rumors of models agreeing to perform deeply scatological and fetishistic sex acts in exchange for large sums of money have appeared online since roughly 2015. Mentions of “Dubai Porta Potty” have appeared as early as December 29th, 2015, on 4chan.[2] The blog “TagTheSponsor” operated from 2015 to 2019, and the runner would pretend to be a Dubai billionaire offering women money in exchange for sex, sometimes including scatological sex acts, and post the conversations.[3] On April 24th, 2019, Redditor Dhall15 posted a Starter Pack meme about women returning from Dubai smelling poorly (shown below).
I don’t understand this. I’m 32, I’ve been working labour intensive construction jobs since I was 18, and before that I played football, rugby and hockey pretty much year round. I’ve been pretty tough on my body pretty much my whole life.
99% of days I wake up feeling completely fine. Some times I’ll have a sore back or neck or something, generally from lifting heavy shit or just overworking. Then a few days of recovery, I feel fine. All these memes I see of 30 year olds acting like they are 75 are just so stupid.
I actually started going to the gym a few weeks ago not having done proper physical exercise in the last 13 years. A large portion of the random pains and cartilage grinding are just straight up gone already.
That’s because you’re active. Being a couch potato is one of the most damaging things you can do to your body. An object at rest stays at rest… forever.
I assume most meme makers live sedintary lives which has their own forms of wear and tear (always sitting, poor posture, lots of concrete surfaces) and not exercising enough makes any physical labor hurt more becase they aren’t used to it.
Big generalization but that also describes me when left to my own devices. I felt a lot better getting outside and working mildly physical jobs
Walking is surely if one of the best things you can do to yourself if you have an otherwise sedentary lifestyle - actually uses a lot of muscles, feels less of a chore because you can easily be preoccupied by multiple other things in parallel (enjoying the view, thinking about things, having a phone call, listening to a podcast, thinking about your destination, etc.).
I’ve been working remotely for several years now, but one of my jobs used to start later late in the day, so I had some free time before that, which I used to walk around doing chores - felt great. Once I moved to the other job, with a more traditional schedule starting in the morning and ending in the evening, but still a bit off for my timezone, I stopped walking as much - gained a lot of extra weight just because I stopped “exercising” as much due to having awkward hours to do chores before or after work.
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