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wolf6152, in It's right behind me, isn't it

I’m mailing Nelnet a bag of dog shit every month. Fuck em


I stg did they buy all the debt cheap because everyone else was worried it was going to be canceled or something?


With the guarantee to never time out, I didn’t know student loans got traded like Pokémon cards akin to medical debt.

I wonder if you could get these buyers like you can get most medical buyers, with them not having the appropriate records to “prove” you owe it. 🤔I’m sure that loophole is probably closed for student debt though.


I got moved to Nelnet as well and I hate 'em. At least my last provider had a decent website and didn’t constantly get confused about how much I owe.

frostycakes, avatar

Somehow they’re an upgrade over the pure dumpster fire that was my old servicer (Fedloan, which I found out was owned by the fucking state government of Pennsylvania. Can’t believe the states are allowed in the loansharking game). I still want to go to Lincoln and show them a nice time, but at least those keystone fuckers are out of the game for good.

Mr_nutter_butter, in those ppl... avatar

Still a lot of stuff that’s not moved over either as fedirated isn’t as esay to use yet or reddit being established

walter_wiggles, in We all go through that goofy looking stage

OMG Track_Shovel is soo cuuute!

Track_Shovel, avatar
Mothra, in We all go through that goofy looking stage avatar

You gotta give it to Braxton, he’s the GOAT

Varyk, (edited ) in World attention

Ukraine is in no way being forgotten, they were just sent another 200 billion after the Gaza war started.

That said, can someone ELI5 the skeleton conflict?

kamenlady, avatar

This may surprise you, but there are multiple things happening in this picture


Anyone else find it hilarious that wiki uses the word “Belligerents” to label the list of warring nations?


Is that not what “Belligerent” means?


Calling someone belligerent is general done as an insult. So yes in typical Wiki fashion they are technically using the word correctly. But if read with connotation then it reads more like “here’s the list of assholes.”


That is what the word is for. It is an insult because you are calling someone confrontational


Okay I don’t agree because well. Beligerants basically means aggressive person/nation/etc. But if we don’t use beligerant what would you use instead?


I think you misunderstand. I’m not saying the usage is wrong. I’m saying if you read the page in the same way people casually speak then it’s funny


I think you misunderstand. The way Wikipedia uses the word is the original usage, so only funny if you don’t know about it. Applying it to bar fights and such is the tongue-in-cheek usage.

From Latin belligerans (“waging war”), present active participle of belligerō (“I wage war”), from belliger (“waging war, warlike”), from bellum (“war”) + -ger (from gerō (“I lead, wage, carry on”)).


I’m not saying the usage is wrong.

But thank you for googling something I already looked up before posting my original comment. I genuinely don’t understand why people on this platform think they have authority on how language can be used and interpreted. It’s exhausting


Well sorry. No offence intended.


Well I found your observation amusing

Satelllliiiiiiiteeee, avatar

Not every conflict is between nations and the infobox has to work across different conflicts. Belligerents is probably the best option to label the sides of a conflict


The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict[f] is an ethnic and territorial conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, inhabited mostly by ethnic Armenians until 2023, and seven surrounding districts, inhabited mostly by Azerbaijanis until their expulsion during the 1990s. The Nagorno-Karabakh region has been entirely claimed by and partially controlled by the breakaway Republic of Artsakh, but is recognized internationally as part of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan gradually re-established control over Nagorno-Karabakh region and the seven surrounding districts since 2020.

kamenlady, avatar


Twelve Azerbaijani civilians and two soldiers were killed in 2021, by landmine explosions. Seventeen Armenian and ten Azerbaijani soldiers were also killed in shoot-outs in the border area, while 38 Armenian soldiers were captured. Twenty-eight of the captured Armenian soldiers were subsequently released.

In 2022, three Armenian soldiers were killed and 14 wounded in an attack by Azerbaijani drones in Nagorno-Karabakh on 25 March.

The fatalities of the current war, is how i imagined wars when i was younger. Soldiers in combat with other soldiers. Civilian casualties “only” through landmines.

No raiding, raping, torturing & murdering of civilians as a sport of some sort

Mchugho, in Public Transit my beloved 😍

I wonder how many fuck cars people will buy a car when they finally graduate and get a job and realise they want 1 hr 30 commuting every day instead of 3 hours?

comfy, avatar

I didn’t. Even when I lived an hour away from my job, it was about as fast by train as driving, and I could spend that time productively or relaxing instead of concentrating on.

If it takes twice as long without a car, that’s a problem that should be solved!


Ah, yes. Minimizing other people’s arguments by implying they don’t have jobs.

This is a bad comment that you should probably delete.


Nope. I’m touching on the student politics that infest sites like this. Opinions that are easy to hold when your only destination is your university campus.


Cool. I’ve been working for 8 years, commuting in the range of 10-15 km to my various places of work throughout that period, with the exception of the pandemic period during which I worked remotely.

Not once have I driven a car to any of my jobs. A mix of public transportation and cycling has covered all of my needs, and I wouldn’t have saved any time by opting to drive.

This invalidates this terrible comment, so let’s not keep repeating.


So because you have a job then Lemmy isn’t full of reactionary student politics? Great logic.


The point is your generalization is disingenuously dismissive and insultingly reductive


I’m 46, the parts of my life where I haven’t needed to use a car every day have been great for my physical and mental health … now I live too far from work I use a little 125 motorbike to commute, and it’s still much nicer than having to take a car. When I am forced to take a car, the one I have is small and economical.

I didn’t start figuring this out until I was 30, maybe you need a few more years to mature enough to throw off the consumerist mindset?


Hi, im 26 years old and i have the money to get a car and make enough money to Use the car. But i dont have one, i use every day the train to get to work. 5 min with bike to the trainstation 31 min with the train, 5 min on foot to my work place, 5 min back to the trainstation, 22 min back with train and 10-15 min with my bike home. With a car I would need 38 min (gmaps). I pay 49€ in month and can use bus or trai In whole Germany. With a car it would be 66km per day. The car of our family uses 6,5 L/ 100km 66km = 4,29L × 20 (workdays) =85,8L * 1,82 (price per liter fuel)= 155,61€ and that is only the fuel with out the tax for the car insurance and not the wear out and without the 2 year controll checkup. And with that I can say train is faster and cheaper for me so I don’t need a car.


Good for you mate. Shit if you want to go anywhere except work though, especially in the countryside.


Well its only a problem if its night and im drunk. A car wouldnt help except there is a not drunken driver.


Renting is a concept that exists, just in case you were unaware.


Tried that. If you want to rent for the weekend you waste a bunch of time picking up and dropping off the vehicle. And say you are using it for camping, you have to pack all your stuff that same day then unload everything before drop off. There are also restrictions as to where you can take rentals, like gravel roads are off limits. Just some examples


Congrats for living somewhere where that’s viable

Where I live in in Canada you can’t even expect the bus to show up at all, nevermind on time

Mchugho, (edited )

You are massively original. It’s great that a meme can deflect any criticism of your consumerist habits. Now you can do whatever the fuck you want as well as feeing morally superior about doing it, because you are only doing it because the bad men in suits made you. Very clever.


Yeah, buddy, widely used meme can perfectly answer your “well-thought out” “criticism”. Maybe it’s a comment on your position, eh?


Yeah, no. I have a car and I hate driving it. I hate others having cars and driving them. I hate public transport being ignored over car infrastructure leaving them completely impractical. I hate our cities being ruined in order to work around cars, when metros are underground, and trains are overground but take way less space since they can take in way more people and transfer them way faster. I hate car accidents being one of the leading causes of death in my country. Fuck cars


A lot of hate there buddy. Just need to relax.


I’m just responding to your initial stupid take, I don’t mean ‘hate’ as in going out and breaking car windows because they’re the bane of my existence


I’m in Germany. That’s how long it takes with the trains to get to my Workplace. And I still rather work from Home because I don’t have to travel 3 to 4 hours a day.

Holy shit you guys have bad infrastructure. Even worse than ours.

I also generally rather use the train despite its problems. Especially when I’m not sure if I will be drinking or taking other drugs.


Not really, the images and travel descriptions you’re reading here are the exception, not the rule. The US has great infrastructure, just not for public transportation as there isn’t enough centralized usage and the locations are far apart. It would take me 4 hours to go to work by bus, but it takes me 25 min by car.


“great infrastructure, just not for public transportation” sounds to me like another way to say “shit infrastructure”


Infrastructure can apply to different things, you can have great infrastructure for cars, but not trains. You can have well maintained power lines, but poor internet connectivity. You can have a robust water utility, but a mixed storm and sewer system.

If you’re gonna point out one bad part of infrastructure and say all of it’s bad then idk what to say for you.

You can go from London to Edinburgh by car (412 miles) in 7.5 hrs or by train in 5.5 hrs.

You can go from Richmond to Charleston by car (432 miles) in 6 hours or by train in 13.25 hrs.


That’s simply poor route planning, which could be solved by better bus funding, leading to more buses with more stops and more frequent trips.


I’ll direct you to another of my posts rather than having two going.


That sounds like it’s a vicious cycle. There isn’t any public transport so there are no people using the public transport which causes public transports to be bad, so there isn’t anybody using it


It is to a point, but when you reach that point it’s just not feasible to have public transportation. The city I work in has a light rail train, it has a robust busing system, but people also travel from 20+ different small towns around this one and at a certain point that system breaks down. If I were to take the bus I would still need a car to get to the next small town where the bus stop into the large town is.

The fact is that the most of the US isn’t designed like old world cities which were built with public transportation and foot traffic in mind.


Why is everybody assuming I’m not European?


Because you behave like a brainless, witless worm, which is much rarer in Europe


You are allowed hate something you own and depend on. What I find fuck cars people are about is how much cars are catered for and it’s still horrible to use in a lot of places.



Normally I live in a, relatively speaking, new city - and everything is so bloody far away, sure some things are more centralised but plenty of things are getting built in places with no public transport connections or an easy way to walk to.

For 3 years at uni I lived in a very old town, and everything, just everything, was in the town centre, you could walk everywhere with no issues.

The difference is one place was built for people, and the other was built for cars.

cottonmon, avatar

I live in a third world country and have to usually have to take taxis to get anywhere without being a sweaty mess and I’d love to the point where public transportation can get you anywhere in the metro, similar to how Hong Kong (where income taxes are pretty low as far as I know) does it.


A lot. Because our infrastructure and zoning basically demand you buy a car. That’s not the point. The point is to advocate change through local government.


What comes first the cars or the infrastructure? It’s a bit of a chicken/egg scenario. People aren’t going to lobby to inconvenience their lives whe it doesn’t make sense.


You can’t take the train before the tracks are laid down.

Go to Europe my friend. You can go from Madrid to Barcelona for $30 on a train that goes over 300 km/h.


I am in Europe.


Where? Have you tried going outside?


The UK. Trains are expensive as shit and terrible. Still better than the US but not viable for me right now


Oh we’re talking about developed countries but I understand the confusion.


Yes, xenophobia is an excellent debate tactic.


Oh I don’t hate you, I’m saying that your country has replaced development with neoliberals.


We were literally the first industrial nation. We already have infrastructure, which is why development is so expensive.

We are currently in a political situation with high speed rail. The costs are soaring and it’s nothing to do with neoliberalism, it’s because to build additional infrastructure in Britain you have to bulldoze through existing shit that is owned by people already.

Nationalising the railways did raise costs by about 1/5 in real terms, but we also have some the safest rails in Europe. They also became more reliable and investment increased 9 fold.


Keyword: were (past tense). Too bad it was all thrown away…


Ah, well thank neoliberal privatization for that. Thatcher and Reagan fucked their respective countries so damn hard to the benefit of their wealthy friends.


I’m all for nationalising the rails, still wouldn’t catch the train unless they built a station right outside my house that goes straight to work.


Look up the Beecher report (hopefully I got the name right) to find out what happened to your trains. It was politicians getting bought by car manufacturers.

Montagge, avatar

The infrastructure came first. It was specifically lobbied for to force people to buy cars.


The car industry lobbies to tear up public infrastructure, dingus.


Wow I’ve never thought of that. Your thoughts are so insightful and original, if only I was as clever as you. Just make the government do stuff.


I’m sure you’ll get there. Just keep educating yourself.

ThunderWhiskers, avatar

These people are ridiculous. They want to gaslight people who have to drive into thinking we’re bad people and when we call them out on the fact that there is no public transit infrastructure built they’re just like “well all people have to do is build the infrastructure!” Bitch where? And who? And how do we make them? And with what money? I’m so sick of hearing “you should drive a smart car because it makes sense for my DINK ass and I know what’s best”. My home is in an ocean of suburbia. They gonna just bulldoze a whole swath of homes to install a rail? They’ve been talking about installing a rail from DFW to Austin/Houston for the past 40 years and there was even room for it once upon a time. You can’t just say the magical solution is to just “build trains”. We don’t love our cars, these fuckcars people are just lunatics. As you point out the vast majority of them are almost certainly children. The rest are fortunate enough to have never experienced a place with poor public transit.


Absolutely, unfortunately those fuckers have dogpiled the shit out of me like I haven’t heard their shitty argument 100 times and as though they have something original and interesting to say. Puts you off saying anything that doesn’t exactly follow the hive mind.


let me translate what you just asked

I wonder how many people will be forced to buy a car to be able to function in society even though they hate the idea owning a car and in any other developed nation they could go car free in an equivalent city because they have better public transport and/or bike infrastructure


Got to love how you assume I’m American.


Nothing there said you’re American.


“any other developed nation” was kind of implicit.


Because China doesn’t exist or anything. Or Russia, or Australia.


Read it back.


Is anyone seriously denying the U.S. is a repressive country or that it’s status as one is really relevant?

Is Australia a repressive country?

Isn’t most of the global south repressive despite the fact that they’re walkable by necessity?

Or are you just here to pick a fight because you want to live in Paris but can never afford to with your shitty McDonald’s wages?


Wtf are you talking about dude. I was just flagging up the fact that OP assumed I was American because I wasn’t immediately “fuck cars”.

I literally live in Europe and have a decent career. Move along bozo.


Lol sure you were, and that’s why you were talking to me and not OP 😆

I know you think asking people if they want a Royale with Cheese on a shitty burning microphone is a decent career, but it’s not. Now get me my McFlurry and don’t you dare try to pull that “the machine’s broken” crap on me. You just don’t want to clean it.


Good one 👍


You’re a moron that never heard about other countries existing. It’s okay, you’ll probably learn about them when you enroll for 1st grade.


Got another one who is assuming I’m American. The sweet irony.


I wonder how many fuck cars people will buy a car when they finally graduate and get a job and realise they want 1 hr 30 commuting every day instead of 3 hours?

My wife and I own two cars and live outside the most urban parts of our city. I actually love cars, especially when I get to drive a standard transmission. But we both are firmly in the FuckCars camp.

We walk, bike, and use public transit when we can, and we vote to improve the pedestrian infrastructure in our area whenever we can. We love vacationing in places with good public transit, and would live in such places if circumstances allowed.

Part of the frustration in the FuckCars community is the very thing you said in your post. Cities are built around cars, which means every other form of commuting is secondary and therefore worse than it could be. This is what we want to change. Build cities around people. Get rid of massive parking lots, dangerous stroads, etc. If people need cars to get from city to city, or outside of cities, totally fine. But they shouldn’t be necessary for day-to-day in populated areas.

Cities could be so much better, and we know this because there ARE cities that are better. It just takes effort and time.


All we need now is infinite money and to convince the entire population to give up their personal transportation. Easy enough


You don’t have to give up personal transportation to build public transportation. Are you high? And no, it does not take infinite money. How the fuck do you think that they’re are cities who have already implemented decent public transportation got them? They certainly did not have infinite money.

Are you always this defeatist?


Infinite money if we want to do it immediately. Don’t be so defeatist. Changing hearts, minds, and infrastructure is not immediate.


Nah it’s typical online leftism. Good at defining problems and not so good at working up solutions that don’t just bubble down to “everyone should think like me”.

Cars are here to stay.


There are plenty of good solutions. Just because you’re only hearing the very valid complaints doesn’t mean solutions don’t exist. They just aren’t going to be easy or immediate. Life doesn’t work that way.

Cars are indeed here to stay. But we can make cities much better over time.


Well yeah of course. But I think what you’re not factoring in is that people will always choose the convenience of cars. People don’t just drive to and from places in the same city.


I believe I did mention cars as valuable for use outside of cities. I live in the US, cars are an absolute necessity outside of major population centers.

Even so, cities are better when cars are unnecessary within them. CAPABLE, but unnecessary.


London is what you lot over the pond would call a “walkable city”. Is there still a metric fuck ton of cars? Yes.


Yup, I’ve been there. The story is the same with Paris and NYC. I still prefer those cities over, say, Los Angeles. Cities that have made an effort to be livable without cars are better than cities that haven’t.


Well yeah of course they cater to everyone. But a lot of people around here are pro designing cities to be deliberately annoying to drive in which is just the other extreme to LA.


There’s a city near me (so-called, but realistically a subset of the greater metro area) which has made changes to attempt to slow down cars. Curvier roads, curbs that cut out the shoulder near intersections (which still allow for parking but make the road seem narrower, psychologically, so people subconsciously slow down), strict enforcement of speed limits, cutting four-lane roads down to two-lane with a turn lane between them and bike lanes on the sides, etc.

Arguably these changes make it “deliberately annoying to drive in,” but this area is still perfectly drivable, and is still often the fastest way to get from one place to another if they’re nearby. And yet it has made that area much more pedestrian and bike friendly. I am far more likely to see people on foot there than in other parts of the city (barring the downtown area, which is of course most densely populated and therefore full of people).

It also makes it a delight to bike through.

This is the kind of change I want to see. I want cars to share the road. (To this end, I don’t hesitate to bike in the road. If people are annoyed because I top out around 28mph with my eBike, then they should vote for more bike lanes. 😁) I don’t want cities to be places where cars are the primary mode of transit and the others are afterthoughts, I want cars to be one of many viable options. I want to see parking lots reduced in favor of housing and businesses, and centralized parking garages emphasized.

As stated previously, these aren’t going to be immediate changes. They will take time, but they’re worth working toward for better and healthier cities (and a healthier planet).


Cities could be so much better, and we know this because there ARE cities that are better. It just takes effort and time.

And eminent domain, to take the land to build that infrastructure. And money. Lots and lots of money. And way more time than you think. Effectively having to level homes for miles, grade the surface and then, finally getting to build this utopian vision of public transportation, which will then need to be fed, sorry, maintained, by taxes that will shoot through the roof. Then, the displaced will need a place to stay, so enter yet more eminent domain to take more property to build vertical, because there is a finite amount of land. And this would be jn just one small to mid sized US city.

Look, I’m happy for anyone who’s happy in how they do their daily. You chose it, and it works for you. Some people don’t chose that life, and it doesn’t work for them. I respect your way of life, it should only be fair that you respect mine. I’m not driving a 3500 turbo diesel that gets 12 gallons to the mile, stomping on the gas “just because I like the sound” and throwing cheeseburger wrappers out the window.

Difference is, I’m not trying to force my way of life on others…

TheSaneWriter, avatar

Of course I own a car, you need to own one to get anywhere where I live. That doesn't mean I have to support car infrastructure or be against public transit. I advocate for making public transit services more common and easier to use, and I would use public transit if my supported policies were implemented.

cottonmon, avatar

I honestly don’t get their argument. Yes, the current situation is bad and will necessitate using cars, but isn’t that the point of the post? That things could be better? That getting to the reality where cars are not as needed would be great? It’s such a strange attack against people who want better public transportation infrastructure.

ThunderWhiskers, avatar

Most of us aren’t arguing that a decrease in dependence on vehicles isn’t beneficial or worth the time. We’re tired of being implicitly blamed for just trying to exist in an established system. The very first words in this post are “STOP DRIVING CARS” like we have a choice or that would fix anything or that it’s our responsibility to upend how we live our life for “the cause”.

THAT is what pisses us off.


I’m not against public transit either. I was just wondering aloud how many are so vocally against cars due to not never really needing one anyway so far in their lives.


I used to visit fuck cars, back when I was on Reddit. I own two cars, and I look forward to a time when I only need them to tow a trailer and/or go on holiday

nicman24, in That can only mean one thing

They fucked any balance after 4. Best card emerald fight me


Fight accepted. Silver/Gold were the epitome. You had two areas, mother-fucking Lugia, and could battle the elite four and as a bonus, wipe the floor with your rival on specific days of the week. Plus, I can memorize about 252 pokemon. More than that and it’s just a slog. Also, newly introduced day/night cycle with time passing actually meaning something? Hot damn, son, that’s lighting a Ho-oh under someone’s ass.


yea, but the gameboy color was junky at best and only relevant for 3 years or something. Gen3 we had firered/ leafgreen, the hoenn series AND 2 gamecube games - that their graphics are to me better than the switch's releases

frostycakes, avatar

I’m still on Crystal as the single best game in the entire series. All of what you mentioned plus the Suicune story added? Plus the intro of the animated sprites for Pokemon, it’s perfection.


Fair. I never played. Time to go find a rom!


there is a hack with some qol changes, search around for that

EnderMB, in those ppl...

Instead of complaining about why people stay on Reddit, perhaps you should focus more on improving Lemmy communities, so that people don’t feel a need to return.

While I do like it here, it is very quiet, even when it comes to popular subjects like football, pro wrestling, anime, etc - the sort of stuff that Reddit still excels at.


What I miss are the gaming communities. There is no talk about games I play on Lemmy, just general gaming communities and I never browsed r/gaming either. Biggest let-down: PoE even has a dedicated Lemmy instance but it’s empty and abandoned.

There is just not enough demand because only a minor fraction of reddit users got hit by the 3rd-party app slaughter. The vast majority doesn’t care and still stayed on reddit. It was the expected outcome.

Hot take of the day: What doesn’t help with this is how fractured communities are throughout the instances. What I mean by this is if I subscribe to “World News” on, I won’t see the posts from the same type community on other instances, like “World News” on beehaw, in my subscriber feed unless I subscribe to them too (or someone crossposts). This adds an unnecessary level of micro-management and probably also drives people away from Lemmy. The biggest strength of Lemmy is so-to-speak also its biggest weakness.


Wow, is that last point true? I guess I misunderstood how federation worked big time. I thought by subscribing to something like “news”, I was supposed to receive all posts and comments to those posts from all whitelisted instances like some kind of syndication. Is that not actually how it works?


I only get the posts from communities I am directly subscribed with. So if there is something like syndication, it does not work for me.


Oh nooo


Idk if that’s even a hot take. It’s something I’ve talked to several people about and honestly one of the reasons I don’t think lemmy will end up growing much past its current user base. Too much micromanaging when most people just want to see content that interests them.



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  • toaster,

    That’s okay, we can change that! Be the person who posts and interacts with the community. :) the same thing happened on reddit once upon a time.


    That doesn’t work, though. If I add posts and comments to, let’s say, a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu community on Lemmy, that’s just one more number. That isn’t going to improve.

    Reddit had a huge boost from Digg, and even then, it was a different time when fewer numbers were fine, and people were more willing to engage in social media at lower numbers.

    If Lemmy instances are to grow, that engagement needs to be directed. It needs popular communities to be highlighted, and once consistent interaction is there, growing communities need instance owners to direct traffic/engagement their way. That’s how subs like /r/soccer got off the ground, and it’s probably the only way it’ll happen on Lemmy.


    I’ve been fighting to get my community off the ground and even though I do get a small amount of engagement no one else has made any posts and I honestly wonder if it’ll ever get anywhere. I need to come up with something more interesting to do than I have been.


    I personally have not seen very many Lemmy posts return on Google searches, if at all. It’s not apparent whether or not they are indexed at all, and I would imagine that’s a big vector for new user engagement.


    Many of the subs I spent a lot of time posting on are completely dead, bar maybe a few people that contribute 90% of all posts and comments. Others simply don’t exist, and given that they were quite niche (local subs, anime subs) there’s absolutely no way that they’ll ever get noticed on Lemmy if something like pro wrestling has next to no posts/comments.

    IMO, the only way this will improve is a combined effort from Lemmy instances to highlight great communities, and to drive people towards ones that are growing.

    chtk, in school night bedtime hack avatar

    Is this a “name all the long songs” post now?

    If so, I’ll add The Gathering, “How to Measure a Planet?” at 28:32.


    It is now. Dream Theater, “Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence” at 42:00 is a good one.


    I haven’t listened to that song/album in forever. Looks like I gotta relisten to it

    contortions, in school night bedtime hack

    Bacon Pancakes 10 hours


    Bacon Pancaaaaakes!

    Kerb, in choices avatar

    or just get a laserpointer

    tostiman, in choices avatar


    crazystuff, in It's too late, mommy

    Victim of communism? I don’t get it


    [Edited for spelling]

    Look up the org. They are the “authority” for tracking historical deaths due to “communism.”

    They do things like include all global COVID deaths, because “COVID started in China.”

    They are less interested in victims and more interested in suppressing certain ideas.

    Godnroc, in How do I turn this stupid brain of mine off?

    If they choked on something, I doubt they have enough space in their lungs to force it out. Clearing the obstructed airway should be the priority first perhaps by running your hands along the neck, then chest compressions to restart the heart and get blood moving oxygen around.


    Just fyi, chest compressions cannot restart a heart, they can keep blood flowing until an AKG can get it into a normal heartbeat. If the heart is completely stopped, neither compressions or an AKG can do anything.


    last time (~ half year ago) they thaught me this they said chest compression is more than enough. there should be enough oxygen in the lungs and blood till professional help arrives, and as you said most of the time airway is blocked in these situations

    also most people are extremely unconfortable to blow air through someones nose/mouth, so it incrreases the number of people that are willing to help

    at least sa far as i know

    Canadian_Cabinet, in Toyota Hilux is best lux

    Well you never see new trucks, only ever like 90s Hiluxes. So really it’s Bob’s Used Cars who’s licking their lips


    Bob’s Car On A Stick


    There’s a lot of 70 series cruisers, which look older than they are because Toyota has been making them for thirty years straight at this point.

    IHaveTwoCows, (edited )

    Small and midsize trucks like the HiLux, S-10, and Ranger are illegal to build in the US due to CAFE standards.

    And that PISSES ME OFF


    What are CAFE standards?


    That’s awesome


    Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) - NHTSA…/corporate-average-fuel-economy


    OK, thanks

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    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1048576 bytes) in /var/www/kbin/kbin/vendor/symfony/var-dumper/Caster/ReflectionCaster.php on line 413

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 49152 bytes) in /var/www/kbin/kbin/vendor/symfony/error-handler/ErrorRenderer/HtmlErrorRenderer.php on line 249