I heard of some book or something that broke society down into smart, dumb, evil, and good people and the combinations of those categories. The author’s argument was that dumb people of any sort are the most dangerous to society since they’re likely to support policies that hurt their own interests. Says you’re better off with smart people even if they’re evil lol
Some years ago I came up with the theory that for high intelligence there is something like the Dunning-Krugger effect: people with just enough intelligence (above average, maybe even what I call “entry-level genius”) to notice they’re more intelligent than most people they cross paths with but not enough to understand the limits of intelligence - in terms of how much extra capability it gives, of how little it matters when thinking is unstructured, just how much people undermine their own intelligence and deceive themselves driven by their own fears and desires, and how in most areas of knowledge domain experience always trumps even the most extraordinary intelligence - thing that natural advantage of them makes them way more capable than what it actually does.
Some of the dumbest intelligent people I crossed paths with were like that: just enough above-average intelligence to feel they’re “superior” to most people but not enough to figure out that the extra CPU power they were born isn’t all-in-all that amazing an advantage, it certainly doesn’t mean they can intellectually most people in intellectual domains they themselves have little experience in, and that it by itself it doesn’t do much to help them without thinks like knowledge, structured thinking and the ability to look for, accept and correct one’s own skill-gaps, knowledge-gaps and even blindspots.
I suspect that part of the problem is that the likelihood of one such person crossing paths with the trully extraordinary intelligences (for example, an IQ of 180 or above is present in only about 1 out every 1 million people, so there is a pretty low chance to cross paths with those outside certain professional or educational environments) means many such “entry-level geniouses” run around feeling like they’re superior people, never having been disavowed of that notion by somebody who can run intellectual circles around them.
It’s a fitness test for students so the government can track public health metrics. That Lemmy has a problem with it says a lot about Lemmy and nothing about America being “crazy.”
You can turn the handle into horizontal position, open the window, then turn the handle all the way up , and it will fall a little forward, like both modes combined, and seemingly hanging on just the bottom hinge (it’s not, there’s just a retracting bar at the top hinge).
You can also usually lock the second mode mid-way by jamming the handle at 3/4 position.
Marching in the elements, while carrying an instrument, while playing, god forbid you have a wind instrument. That’s gotta be more physically gruelling than a PE class catering to the lowest common denominator.
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