Well, most of the time. There's this bastard: Ø.
That's a letter, not a zero. Second-to-last letter in the Danish and Norwegian alphabets. We Swedes use Ö instead.
True, but it’s an old habit to keep it at an even 8 bits and it’s a visual placeholder for me, s’all. Also, I can’t even remember the last time I worked with a nibble, even with simple MCUs.
Why would I put in the extra effort? How much time have I saved by not adding in that extra line in my 40+years of life?
How much more will I save in the next 40+ (less, of course, since computers will be the main source of 7s, whereas most of my 7s in the first 40 were in my youth before computers were commonplace, and I hope I don’t live that fucking long)?
I think the argument is that if you write a 1 with a line at the bottom it is easy to confuse it with a sloppily written 7, whose bar moved down a bit.
Which invalidates the argument of the user above. (If not inverse it - a lot more numbers in life start with a 1 than with a 7)
Me neither, but I also don’t read a lot of handwriting from other parts of the world. But I have heard that some places teach the 1 with a horizontal bar and the 7 without one.
Unless you have an actual need to write a lot of 7s in a row and then rush off and actually do something you otherwise wouldn’t have been able to accomplish had you omitted them, you can’t claim that as usefully saved time. The tiny fractions of time by themselves aren’t enough to do anything on their own therefore the total amount of things you have accomplished in your life would be the same whether you added the lines or not.
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