But even he doesn't look like in man of steel on a Thursday morning. He looks like that after he got a good pump and not eating and drinking for days.
I'm still gay for cavill tho
There was an old reddit thread were one woman argued that women arent attracted to “gym rats” and used Henry Cavill as an example of a man with a physique who doesn’t spend hours in the gym everyday.
People who doesn’t do resistance training have a negative amount of knowledge of what it takes to get in “shape”.
Henry Cavill? The guy who played Superman and Geralt of Rivia? Nobody can possibly think he got that body by sitting around. That’s like saying guys don’t think Lady Gaga wears makeup on stage. He’s not just fit, he’s built out.
Any actor is someone who is selling their looks as part of the package. However they look, it is a choice and they put effort into it. Even Jack Black.
The only non-muscle hunk in this image is Jack Black (famously the poster boy for unconventionally attractive man, where the picture chosen is a younger and skinnier one), Joseph Quinn, and mayyybee Jeremy Allen White.
The nerve of putting Orlando fucking Bloom as Legolas or Cavill as The Witcher as "little". This disconnect is unfathomable.
This meme really gets the rise out of me because I agree with the sentiment but the example they chose are so bad.
The sentiment isn’t even true unless you’re in an urban center or in Europe.
Small town North American women love muscle dummies. There’s fuckin swarms of them in my town. Go to the bar and the only men there are roided up muscle dummies with swarms of women rallying around them.
It’s just fuckin wrong. Plenty of stupid women out there who just want a hunk of meat for a boyfriend.
Depressed middle age father here, and this tracks. I seem to get a lot of positive attention from women of all ages, and I refuse to believe that I’m good looking.
I made the same point as this meme a few days ago in a thread about young men having “muscle dysphoria” because they think they aren’t buff enough to get attention from ladies. It was generally unpopular and people didn’t believe me.
But it’s the truth, that most women aren’t looking for huge muscled buff guys, and they are attracted to guys with normal physiques. I have known many very hot women and many of them were with skinny guys, some were with fat guys. Few of them had partners that were buff muscle guys. I’m overweight but I move through life with self-confidence and women love that, I get more attention that I should.
Yeah if I could look like Legolas forever I might do that. As it stands I’m headed in the direction of depressed middle aged father but less handsome so idk
People magazine needs to correct their new sexiest man alive from Patrick Dempsey (which why in the first place) to Markiplier and issue a formal apology immediately.
This is some sort of cooking. But we eat more than just chicken breast and protein shakes. You also need Tuna and some vegetables(or if your name is Sam Dulek than you can eat literally everything).
They’re not “muscle hunks”, but half of the people in this picture are definitely much above average in muscle mass.
There are no opinions/personal experience necessary here. Research has quite clearly shown that a decent amount of muscle, more than average, but not by a lot, not an outrageous “muscle hunk” amount, is the most attractive sexually.
Of course this doesn’t hold true for all women, tastes differ. And as well, muscle is not the most important thing in male attractiveness. Male attractiveness is a mix of very many things.
Using “also” in your statement makes it an addendum, not agreement. Your phrasing implies the original comment was incomplete, which is not typically how you would phrase it if you were agreeing with a statement the commenter made. Your comment came off more like “or you could just do this!”
Yeah most of those guys are fit as fuck (except jack black, sorry buddy). This post is talking about people trying to get like Arnold Schwarzenegger but to get a body like any of these guys requires serious gym time.
IDK, i feel they’re also missing the point that a lot of these guys are attractive as well and have the personalities for their characters written for them by various people (others have already mentioned that these men are generally all physically healthy, so I won’t expand on that). If I could have an attractive face, and have my personality written by a couple of writers AND have girls read or watch that play out, I bet I or anybody in that scenario would get a bunch of girls. Ultimately, I also feel men working out is one of the simpler ways to appear more attractive, next to dressing well. Being funny or in general, having a very attractive personality is harder to develop when you compare it to working out and dressing well. Of course, dressing well and having a healthy body doesn’t mean you will be attractive to all women, but it betters your chances.
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