stallmer, To be fair though, the meth-land of California is pretty beautiful.
paysrenttobirds, Yes, the yellow is the good part and you don’t even have to be driving anywhere in particular
MacNCheezus, More like, the beautiful part is in the yellow part. But a lot of it is really just desert with nothing much to see, hence also meth.
paysrenttobirds, I like the desert :)
conditional_soup, I live in the red part, and I’m sorry to hear about your concussion leaving you this confused.
OmenAtom, Dont let these clods fool you, pretty much every part of this map has its beautiful spots. You would have to be blind not to get a great view at the top or even side of a mountain
WhatsHerBucket, No mention of cannabis lol
youCanCallMeDragon, The Venn diagram of places with cannabis use and places in the US is a circle my friend
WhatsHerBucket, I agree completely, but I was referring to places it’s grown. Not many states have the climate to grow outdoors.
I was thinking places like Humboldt :)
Rodeo, I live in Canada and I grow it outdoors.
It doesn’t require desert weather.
scottywh, Grows fine outdoors in Colorado… And Georgia… And Florida… Or so I’ve “heard”
gamermanh, Humboldt is great but even places like Sac can grow amazing weed
My neighbors growing up grew huge, amazing plants for a couple years, would give my parents a ton for help trimming n caring for em while they were at work or on vacation or shit like that
The only places I’ve been in CA I haven’t caught either a grow op or someone growing a personal or two were all in the mountains and in the winter
I even knew a guy who lived near death valley that grew some outdoors, but never got to try it
MacNCheezus, It’s everywhere
Kolanaki, (edited ) Now that it’s legal, it’s not really regional to in and around Humboldt County; there are weed farms in the central valley now. Also, meth is stronger and much more present outside the green strip.
Kolanaki, I live in the god damn meth section. The very heart of it! Methdesto! 😭
MacNCheezus, F
Venat0r, Surely there’s also meth in the coastal area too.
Wooshock, Learn to swim
…in meth.
FlickOfTheBean, That blue color on the map? Believe it or not, liquid meth
alquicksilver, Almost, just missing a little.
MacNCheezus, Very subtle, but I think you turned SF and Oakland red?
Anticorp, What was changed?
MacNCheezus, Zoom in on the Bay Area
Anticorp, Dang. Is the bay area overrun with meth now? San Francisco used to be such an amazing city.
MacNCheezus, I think it’s heroin and crack moreso than meth but yeah, it’s not pretty
PersnickityPenguin, Supposedly everything is now contaminated with fentanyl.
MacNCheezus, Also, everything in California causes cancer.
alquicksilver, Indeed. I moved away from the SF Bay Area, then came back after a decade and (parts of) SF/Oakland are, unfortunately, even more run down than I remember. There was always a large homeless population here but there seems to be way more aggressive folks out there now, high on something or other.
Cap, I don't see the nutshell.
WhatsHerBucket, That’s because it’s IN the nutshell
MeatsOfRage, Was this gif ripped from a VCR?
BilboBargains, Meth you say?
Anticorp, Most of that yellow strip is the Sierra Nevada mountains.
conditional_soup, Ergo, national parks and meth. Also illegal weed grows.
Anticorp, My friend and I stumbled across a pot farm once while riding dual sports on fire roads up in those mountains. This was back when marijuana was still illegal. We got the fuck out of there as quickly as we could.
conditional_soup, Smart move. Those guys have a reputation for not fucking around or being the best neighbors.
friend_of_satan, Being colorblind sucks.
PanoptiDon, Humboldt county is wildly mislabeled
PanoptiDon, That’s a great improvement, but there is nothing upscale about this region
Donjuanme, I know a secret spot in the green of that map (not in the top half) where houses are less than 500k. But your children will kill themselves (driving) trying to get away from it (literally at least once a year while I was growing up), because it’s so damn boring.
Since I left I’ve heard it’s only gotten worse. The definition of agriculture/commuter town. It didn’t have to be that way but an explosion in the 80s on the other side of the country destroyed it’s hopes for prosperity.
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