Yeah 3000 if you’re an idiot, for the price of the 3000 you’d be an idiot not to get the 3000m-ti, you won’t ever use the features but you’d be an idiot not to have them.
I used to always buy a K series chipset even though I never used the iGPU. It’s literally like a 50-70 dollar savings depending on the chipset going from K to KF. I figured I’d rather have it for troubleshooting and not need it, rather than need it and not have it - but if you’re using the iGPU chances are your dGPU is fucked in some capacity, so it’s really pointless when you’re trying to troubleshoot a graphics card problem.
I still think it’s worth it and why I only buy Ryzens with G, my GPU died during the pandemic and I was able to hold out until I could buy a cheap mid range used in mining from AliExpress.
There genuinely are cheap versions of stuff (like the Amazon basics hand plane) that suck so much they’ll ruin the fun in something. But if you pick anything with a decent name in most hobbies, you’ll be okay.
this is why I say that “ti” stands for “totally ignorant” please don’t listen to them op, if you haven’t trained up on models 300 to 2300 variants m-nl to qq-pp then you’re probably just going to hurt yourself and your hobbythingcraft
As a counter example, I bought a $100 camera from a pharmacy when I was 15 that took low to mid quality photos and I was so happy with it. I learned about focus, bokeh, framing, etc despite having like 6 preset settings, and that got me into photography. Later I bought a low end DSLR and took 1000 pictures a day during the summer.
For wood carving a $60 set of knives was enough to get me into the hobby, now I get to spend too much money on stuff.
Cheap options can be very helpful to find out if you like something.
There is some minimum that seems to work well enough in a lot of hobbies. Can’t always go for the cheapest, but you may not have to go that high, either.
Amateur astronomers tend to hate on Walmart telescopes, and there are reasons for that. Still, the optics in any of them are better than Galileo had, and he saw a lot (admittedly, he also didn’t have a hopelessly light polluted sky). It’s a matter of setting expectations.
A $25 Baofang can get you into amateur radio after getting your technician license. There’s even a version now that doesn’t spew spurious emissions on harmonic frequencies and fuck things up for everyone else.
I once traded a somewhat older GPU for a fretless bass, amp, and effect pedal. The guy had just moved, his GPU died, and seemed like he wanted to get rid of some of his stash. While that was an exception, there’s probably some guitar guy in your city that wants to clear some stuff out and is willing to make a deal.
I started off with a Canon Digital Ixus as the first ‘real’ camera that I bought. Absolutely adored it. A full metal build and about the size of a cigarette packet. I took it everywhere and shot a few vacations on it.
But it honestly wasn’t until I got my Canon EOS 350D that I could actually attempt to really learn photography. Because now I could use manual settings, learn how to use them, use filters, try new techniques, get more creative, etc.
When I needed to invest in something like a flash, tripod or lens I always applied the same thinking: buy it so it can grow with you. Of course, eventually we got full circle and I ended up back at analog photography developing B&W Minox film in my kitchen :D
Anyways, I’ve never regretted buying better, but I’ve definitely regretted cheaping out. So I don’t if I can avoid it.
Because I take on a new hobby like every five years, and sometimes give up before then, I generally recommend for people like me that you start out with the cheapest possible option and work your way up from there.
But my biggest hobbies are art, writing, fancy writing, preserves, baking, and game dev, so they don’t rely require much in the form of materials
sorry but this is wrong you need to EARN the 3000 I’ve been a fan of Hobbything since I was 8 and even had a Hobbything themed wedding and even I wouldn’t DREAM of using the 1000 until I’d totally mastered Aspect 1, 2, and 3.
“What a fun show, I can’t wait to see how the creator develo-”
Queerbaiting is absolutrly a thing, and worth being annoyed at. If a show constantly hints that two same-sex people are gay for each other, then never actually follows through, that’s annoying.
Buddy, that’s kind of the good side of fandom. The bad side is all the people telling you you’re a stupid piece of shit if you like X character/plot/episode/whatever. Also, the ones writing the really fucked up fanfic that makes you say, “um what the hell happened to you?”
They said fan art of characters fucking. That’s pretty normal. Not my thing, but I get it. There are WAY, way worse things people create than that that go way beyond even kinky sex. I’m pretty sure just the tags on AO3 for some of it have scarred me for life.
Ah, the “straight relationships are illegal” fandoms…
“Quick! The showrunners just introduced an opposite sex couple immediately after three same sex ones! We have to make one character bi and the other pan!”
“Oh my gosh! The mean-girl character just started sucking up to a kid she used to be friends with who has since become her social superior in the most transparent power grab of all time! It must mean she had a lesbian crush the entire time!”
I do hate that whenever I mention I liked an older show I get “oooh, you know about the producer/lead actor/writer right?” And then I find out something awful and depressing.
How was everyone in show business so fucking terrible? Did Satan require a cosigner on any new media produced or something, like what the hell?
As a vinyl collector, it really feels impossible to completely avoid problematic older bands. So many of them pulled heinous shit, and often the bigger they were, the more opportunities they had to indulge their worst impulses. But how can we study history without acknowledging our ancestors accomplishments and failures?
I figure if they are dead, they can’t hurt anybody anymore, and neither can they benefit. Same goes for buying used.
I just accept that myself and everyone likes things that are shit and that’s okay. Criticizing and insulting media for being shit is also fun, but that doesn’t mean anything about the person who enjoys watching it because we all have shit we enjoy.
Also, I’m going to call right now the entire plot of the second season, and if it doesn’t aline with what I think should happen, then the show is garbage and the writing is bAd.
On Reddit I just read without logging in. It was nice. I’m trying to help build communities on Lemmy, so I’m posting and commenting.
Since doing that, I’ve been told I’m enjoying my hobby wrong, that my friends enjoy their hobby wrong, the links I researched for a comment thread are wrong (without references to correct info), and that I’m probably wrong about how I want to live.
I know I should have thicker skin, but the slow drip of unfriendliness is alienating.
I wanted to just upvote this and move on, but I feel like that would be a disservice to you because I feel the same way about commenting.
I would say to just ignore the negative comments and continue to post. good people should not tear each other down like you describe. you never truly know who is replying to you, it could be a kid or someone that has some issues that need to be addressed.
I understand its much easier said than done, but training yourself to have thicker skin is like a muscle, just gotta keep going out there and train it lol. good luck!
People need to adhere to “if you have nothing nice to say, it’s better to say nothing at all” if we want Lenny to succeed.
I wish I was better at my hobbies (I plan to invest more in them next year) so I could submit more content and help get communities rolling. I see you have posted a fair few things which I appreciate.
Yeah, I definitely feel that way. Positive experiences just feel ambient, and negative experiences feel like distinct events.
Still, I have the sense that Lemmy is mostly positive, even though there are jerks. I have alot of comments with, like… 7 upvotes and 1 downvote, and of course the downvote sticks out in my mind… But then again, way more people were supportive than negative, and that’s kinda cool.
There’s nothing real about them though, except their malice.
I am the kind of guy who will make fun of you for watching and enjoying the first few seasons of Disco and Picard because I think they suck, but I’ve stopped trying to tell people how to enjoy their media. The world is already a miserable enough place without trying to make people feel bad about their content watching habits.
There’s kind of two modes with that. If you’re in a bad mood it’s easy to just become a bulldozer of anger and malice and just shit on every single aspect of the first seasons. Otherwise, it’s just a discussion where we disagree on what things we enjoy.
I find it easier to have a simple discussion here on Lemmy. On reddit you’re about 50/50 going to encounter somebody angry and malicious, but here it’s probably more like 70/30 towards a good conversation.
… If you’re in a bad mood it’s easy to just become a bulldozer of anger and malice and just shit on every single aspect …
This is a part of speaking with people online that I think a lot of us miss. Sometimes we’re just cranky and not thinking at our best and sometimes it’s the other person. But we too often assume we’re dealing with the essential person
At the same time, Picard mostly sucked… But it was good enough for me to watch through
I feel like half the problem is that not all of us are on the same page. If I say “I think this sucked”, I want to talk about it, and if anything I hope someone will recontextualize it for me and make it more enjoyable.
I want to hash it out, because anyone who does that in good faith sharpens their own opinion. Maybe I’m wrong and they convince me to give it a second chance, maybe I’m wrong and realize I only liked it for nostalgia. Or maybe we realize our opinions differ, and narrow down the reason why
I don’t think I’d like Picard aside from nostalgia…I don’t think it was fun or artistically valuable, but I didn’t stop watching. I don’t think it’s good-If you like it, I’m not going to say you’re wrong, but I will argue no one should watch it if they don’t love Patrick Stuart already. Not even TNG, the rest of the crew was pretty hollow cameos - his character was badly written, but I watched it through because it was more of his character
The piss-poor treatment of the franchise by Disney has made that one a bit easier for me now. I just don’t care anymore. Maybe I’ll jump back in when another season of Andor comes out, but otherwise I’m just done with the tripe Disney is shoveling out.
There’s decades worth of Star Wars material that Disney had nothing to do with. They can’t even retcon it because their stuff takes place in a separate continuity.
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