There’s a movie with Sam Neil about this story. We had to watch it in high school, before the Seinfeld episode came out, and we all just about died with the mom yelling about the dingo eating her baby. it wasn’t supposed to be funny but it absolutely was.
Is this a line from Letterkenny? Because it sounds like a line from Letterkenny. They’d all end up doing really bad Australian accents.
Dan - I understands shes actins like shes fightin’ fer her lives, but I still thinks Meryls ates more scenery than any dingos could.
Katy - Meryl is beloved BECAUSE she’s like a dingo. You don’t get to be that beloved as a woman of age in Hollywood without eating the occasional metaphorical baby.
Dary - I just think she could have gone about it a little better. It’s like “did a dingo eat your manners?”.
Wayne - Come on now, a lady lost her kid. You’re about to cross some fuckin’ lines.
My brother and I were kids during the end of the Cold War and definitely got this one. But my dad was a gallows humor type who claimed he’d run toward the mushroom clubs if it ever happened, better to end it quick.
Its just meant to be absurd, I notice a lot of Lemmings digging for a deeper meaning that isn’t there. If that image+caption doesn’t make you grin immediately Farside may just not be your thing.
Yes, it absolutely is digging. This comic was released way before COVID-19 was a thing. The most recent pandemic was probably Spanish Flu, which was before his time.
I didn’t get the reference so I looked it up. Davy Crockett supposedly died at the Battle of the Alamo on March 6th, 1836. If that’s true, then Santa Anna’s son would have gotten the hat on Christmas day 1836, not 1837. Is Larson hinting at some other conspiracy?
Depends on which story you believe. Texans will say he died in a blaze of gunfire, while Mexicans will say he was executed after surrendering. If the latter is true, there wouldn’t be any blood since they would’ve removed the hat first.
Santa Anna didn't make it back to his home until 1837.
He was captured by Texan forces not long after the battle of the Alamo and forced to sign a treaty (after a few weeks in captivity). The Mexican government then declared that Santa Anna was no longer president and that the treaty signed under duress was null and void. Santa Anna was then exiled, but that lasted less than a year, making 1837 the first Christmas he was home with his son after the battle of the Alamo.
The joke, IMO, is that no matter how crazy a social norm is, violating it causes us to feel shame and embarrassment. Comedy = tragedy + time. By taking the absurdity of the social norm to an extreme, the shame is all that is left to relate to unless you also love porcupines like I do and regularly hang out with other porcupine enthusiasts.
There are layers of absurdity. It’s some kind of a porcupine appreciation club, and everyone has one. And then his deflated. Do porcupines deflate? Is that a thing that happens? They have little sharp pokey bits, maybe that’s something that happens. Is he embarrassed? Angry that someone might have deflated his porcupine?
Or was his a fake, inflatable porcupine? Was he pretending to have one, and why? Peer pressure? Are people with procupines so popular in this scenario that it would be worth pretending?
Or maybe he’s infiltrated the group. Perhaps his cover is now blown, like his fake porcupine. Maybe he’s giving everyone the side eye to see if they will attack?
Ultimately, I think the joke is us, sitting here, wondering about a deflated porcupine, trying to figure it out.
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