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Potatos_are_not_friends, in Oregon Airport Unveils Unconventional Stress-Busters: Meet The Therapy Llamas Bringing Joy To Travelers

PDX airport is unlike anything I ever seen! They’re amazing!

From a easy layout, to easy navigation to parking & public transportation, to super nice TSA who aren’t wannabe cops.

@Stern@lemmy.world avatar

And the iconic carpet


Rest In Peace

@pelespirit@sh.itjust.works avatar

In February 2022, it was announced that the iconic carpet would be returning to the airport when a new terminal opens in 2024.[3][4]

flambonkscious, in Iceland’s ‘bike whisperer’: the vigilante who finds stolen bicycles – and helps thieves change

I love that idea of asking people to tell him their story - this is a fantastic story

@RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I wonder if some just go “ah fuck it, don’t talk to me, just take the bike back…”


lol sure, some have. How many bike thieves are there in a small city of about a little more than 100k, and who is buying those stolen bikes? I imagine he has regulars he’s visiting now when a bike is stolen xd

admiralteal, (edited ) in Animal shelter in Pennsylvania empty for first time in 47 years

Does "reunited with their owners" mean these were lost animals whose owners were identified? How does the SPCA help with that and why were there hundreds?

Or does it maybe mean companions that were taken from homeless people and then held hostage with a fee.

@Alto@kbin.social avatar

Im assuming it's primarily through microchip tracking and just dogs getting out. Dog runs out the house, gets lost. If they don't have a chip or tags, the shelter has no real way of contacting the owner unless the owner sees a post about it/someone at the shelter sees something about the dog being lost. Lost pets are more frequent during holidays due to traveling, running out the door when letting family in, etc.

ianovic69, in Ukrainian watchmaker fixes Newfoundland clock tower that hasn't told time in decades | CTV
@ianovic69@feddit.uk avatar

What the hell is wrong with that website? No banners, proper mobile formatting and it didn’t even ask me to accept cookies!


Don’t forget that, being Canadian news, it pisses off and hemorrhages money from Meta passively.

tygerprints, in Biden is pardoning thousands convicted of marijuana charges on federal lands and in Washington

If he is, that's great because so many of these charges are ridiculous. But, I'm not necessarily in favor of making marijuana more accessible, just not keeping it a crime to go to jail over. As long as people are only getting high on their own (and NOT driving a car or anything afterward) I have no problem with what people do with it. That's up to them. It's not a crime to fuck yourself up in the manner of your choosing.


It would be logical to restrict access to alcohol far more severely if you have that concern.

@Gigan@lemmy.world avatar

I think we tried that before


The outcome just shows how much worse alcohol is than any other drug.

tygerprints, (edited )

What's really bad about alcohol is, people who abuse it don't think it IS a drug. And they don't see it as having any negative effects until it's already created and addictive pattern and need for it.

@Gigan@lemmy.world avatar

There are lots of drugs worse than alcohol. Meth, fentanyl, or heroine for example.

Alcohol is worse than marijuana though.


True. And I don't get Fentanyl at all, I mean I don't do drugs myself and I really never wanted them but - c'mon people, Fentanyl? You'd be better off ingesting rat poison. Why would anyone deliberately take such a thing.

@n1ckn4m3@kbin.social avatar

Worse is a subjective term. Alcohol causes more deaths per year (140,000+) than all other drug overdose deaths combined (~103,000). Alcohol also has significant long term health impact for even light users. I think what's truly the worst is how normalized alcohol use and abuse is in American society.


Fun fact: withdrawal from alcohol can and frequently does kill people.

Withdrawal from meth doesn’t kill people and it’s uncommon for people to die from opiate withdrawal.

Alcohol is a horrible drug.


"I don't care what you do in your own time... just as long as it's not easily accessible or legal"


I rather they restrict alcohol and make marijuana legal.


Me too, because I'm sure alcohol is more widely (and wildly) abused. Every day here in Utah people are getting killed by drunk drivers. Some are also under the influence of other drugs. My only beef is, don't get behind the wheel if you're high, it's not worth the consequences.


I don’t think anyone is in favor of relaxing DUI laws.

If it remains a black market good, that precludes a lot of safety and regulation. Humans love drugs. If I was writing a sci-fi setting, drugs would probably be the Human Special Thing. They’re not going away. Focus on harm reduction. And as far as harm from drugs go, marijuana is pretty low on the danger factor.


I’d rather we stop giving shitloads of money to violent cartels. The only way to do that is full legalization, including the supply chain.


I think that's true, because with legalization comes tons of bureaucratic red tape and hoops to jump through that cartels would not waste their time with. I'm OK with legalization of marijuana, but I do hope it comes with people exercising good sense about how they use it (which won't happen, but I can dream...).

God_Is_Love, in Biden is pardoning thousands convicted of marijuana charges on federal lands and in Washington

Not at all saying this isn’t uplifting, but I’m kind of sad by how political and America centric this community seems to be. I’d love to see more universal or individual themed uplifting posts!


Be the change you want to see in the world


It’s just my opinion 🤷 If I see something worth sharing I will!

@remotelove@lemmy.ca avatar

They are referring to Thor, right?


god is thunder


Yeah I’m still allowed to have an opinion. Why so harsh?


You’re asking other people to do things for you while you do nothing, it seems.


I’m kinda sad you are in this comment section tbh.


That seems rude and unnecessary

therealjcdenton, in Biden is pardoning thousands convicted of marijuana charges on federal lands and in Washington

Smoking shouldn’t be a federal offense but it should stay illegal


Save your thumbs and refrain from commenting,ever. It will be the best impact you can make.


That’s one of the best comments I’ve ever received thank you



caseyweederman, in Cate Blanchett launches program to empower female, trans & nonbinary filmmakers

I expected better from the comments of a community called “Uplifting”

HappycamperNZ, (edited )

Im one of the supposedly negative ones - think im about 150 down in comment karma at this point.

What worries me is the push toward inclusion at the expense of everything and everyone else, and that and discussions and calls to stop and think are met with insults, accusations, and apparently I’m just wanting to swing my giant dick around. I wish I had a giant dick to swing around.

We as a society have never had to try integrate a group that presents concerns that actually affect other people. Black people in the states were just black people, religion has different views but are within their rights to do as they wish and practice without interfere from others. Where does a trans persons rights to how they see themselves compare to how others see them and their rights? We have mums calling out trans people who call themselves mums, students wanting to compete where they have advantages over nok trans students because of who they see themselves as, and let’s not even go into the bathroom debate. Do we need to fire people who worked hard to have the right ratios in an industry, and do we hire based on sexual orientation and race to be more inclusive - and is this morally right? Is it morally right to expect 50% of woman board members, and only 0.2% of kindergarten teachers male?

All people have rights, concerns and should have autonomy in themselves. But this can’t come at the expense of others and openly discussing these concerns, developing ideas, strategies and understanding are how we work through it without generating resentment and anger - but these are not easy or pleasant discussions.

@flumph@programming.dev avatar

We as a society have never had to try integrate a group that presents concerns that actually affect other people. Black people in the states were just black people,

You couldn’t have shown your lack of knowledge of history more perfectly if you tried. Have you ever heard of the term segregation?


Just block them and be done with it.

Blocking is extremely effective here compared to Reddit, they just poof out of existence and you never have to think about them again.

Iceblade02, in Cate Blanchett launches program to empower female, trans & nonbinary filmmakers

Instead of making a long list of every non cis-male group, wouldn’t it be easier to just say that it is for everybody except cis men?

ZeroCool, (edited )

Instead of making a long list of every non cis-male group

To be clear, the “long list” you’re referring to contains three entries.

Do you actually have trouble juggling that much information at once or are you just upset because you think providing help and opportunities to someone other than a cis-het man is somehow oppressing you? Be honest.

HappycamperNZ, (edited )

LGBT contains 4, cis woman is a 5th, and is not the entirety of the list.

Why do you have to be offended by everything that doesn’t align with your exact view of the world. I’m going to assume you aren’t a cis male based on your responses here, and if you are that exact attitude is where these discriminate views come from.

Edit: and would rather keep the closet view than open discussion. Not blocked because I believe these discussions need to be had.

ZeroCool, (edited )

Why do you have to be offended by everything that doesn’t align with your exact view of the world. I’m going to assume you aren’t a cis male based on your responses here, and if you are that exact attitude is where these discriminate views come from.

Alright, I’ve read enough of your inane yammering for one lifetime. Blocked.


Who said they’re offended? You were “offended” enough to make the initial comment, they just replied to counter your bad arguments.

And empowering people doesn’t mean discrimination. Especially if the people being empowered are at a disadvantage. Your comment reeks of bigoted dog whistles

HappycamperNZ, (edited )

I didn’t post the original comment. And they were offended enough to start questioning the intelligence of someone asking a question that honestly, sounds like a good point - its targeting everyone but straight males. Let alone i have no idea where they got groups from.

I will be honest, don’t know where you got empowerment from.


It’s not taking away from, oppressing, or discriminating against cis men to empower the other genders and to say that it is is cause to question a person’s intelligence. You got your empowerment by beating down everyone that wasn’t a big, swinging dick like you, it’s time to let others have some stake in the world


If I had a big, swinging dick I’d be posting on onlyfans instead of lemmy.

Original poster never mentioned that it was taking away from cis men, only wouldn’t it be an easier thing to say - let’s be honest, no one is trying to bring down boards with low white male members, or bring out policies that further their interest… except for the likes of white power and KKK, but they aren’t exactly beacons of equality.


LMFAO no one said you had a big swinging dick, I said you are one. Because all you care about is what cis, white men are getting out of the deal. Y’all have been on top of the world for fucking ever, white men literally rule the world, time to let the other genders be seen.


Ah thank you for the correction. However they were not questioning the intelligence, they were questioning the morals of the comment op, as shown by their use of “actually

Another correction, sexuality has nothing to do with the article. It’s specifically women, trans, and nonbinary people. Which is not targeting everyone except straight males.

What is targeting straight males is the hiring departments in Hollywood. If you read the article, it said less than 6% of directors are women. That’s messed up. A third of speaking roles are women, trans, or nb. They are underrepresented by a long shot.

Empowering is what the goal of this all is. It’s in the title.


I read different into their use of actually, but this is a peril of internet text based discussions.

Make no mistake, I fully agree that Hollywood is sexist and racist. My issue is how quick we swing from “its not ok to hire based on race and gender” to “let’s focus on hiring and development based on race and gender”. Did one group get better off in the past - absolutely. But where is the line of it being acceptable to be racist and sexist - is it never ok or is it what society is ok with, putting us right back 30 years ago?

someguy3, in Biden is pardoning thousands convicted of marijuana charges on federal lands and in Washington

What federal land does this mean?


Probably national parks


So those have to be patrolled by federal officers and tried in federal court?

@flumph@programming.dev avatar

The government owns a ton of land used for national parks, grazing, and fish / wildlife conservation. But the biggest benefactors of this will probably be Washington D.C. which has about as many citizens as Alaska.

xkforce, in Scientists discover first new antibiotics in over 60 years using AI

The article (and what I can access of the paper it is based on) doesn’t really give any details as to what this class is, how it works etc. All the interesting parts about this aren’t mentioned.


It sounds like they trained a classification model using 39,000 molecules with known reactivity to MRSA. The molecules are vectorized text representations of the structures. Once trained, they can run arbitrary molecules through the model and see which ones are predicted to have antibiotic properties, or at least MRSA reactivity.

They likely fed in molecules from families of structures that seem likely to contain an antibiotic but are too numerous to manually test them all. They get a prediction of which ones are likely to have the properties they want, and then start the slow process of creating and testing the molecules in the lab.


I get what they did (its been something a lot of groups have been wanting to do for years) but I am curious what molecule specifically they found that worked especially well. i.e What does this thing look like? What is the new antibiotic’s mechanism of action? None of those latter details are discussed. Its something we can only guess at.


It sounds like they are moving forward with clinical testing in partnership with a bio company, so I'm sure they withheld the information anticipating a patent. The results of this paper was the validation of the explainable AI model which identified candidate classes of compounds.

@TonyTonyChopper@mander.xyz avatar

Wow I love science. I love that someone owns the exclusive rights to sell new drugs at whatever price they want


capitalism, isn’t the free market so hopeful for the masses?

Aleric, (edited )

That’s not science, that’s capitalism. Don’t forget that Dr. Jonas Salk refused to patent the polio vaccine, which is estimated to have a total value of over seven billion US dollars. Dr. Salk has always been a hero of mine.

Shit bag lawyers from the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis later tried to see if they could patent it for themselves and luckily couldn’t. That’s capitalism for you. Fuck these guys.


This is why we need single payer healthcare. Let them charge whatever they want, but if there is only one buyer, that buyer can also pay whatever they want.

Red_October, in Scientists discover first new antibiotics in over 60 years using AI

Finally a good use of AI, instead of using it to replace artists.


Yeah but think of all the bacteria it’s putting out of work.


most artists deserve to be replaced


The one uniquely human product in all of the planet’s history? Yeah, ok.


thats not true.

chiliedogg, in 5 wolves released in Colorado as part of reintroduction plan

I’d be more excited about this id I wasn’t 100% sure people will be shooting these wolves.


I mean it worked in Wyoming didn’t it?

WindowsEnjoyer, in Scientists discover first new antibiotics in over 60 years using AI

Can’t wait for anti-antibiotics movements! 😅


It would be long overdue. The scientific consensus for vast harms from antibiotics has been strong for many years. humanmicrobiome.info/antibiotics/


Meh, then I guess it’s time to stick with flat earth theory… :/


Bacteriophages are a great secondary option. Similar to how bacteria quickly evolve resistance to antibiotics, bacteriophages can quickly evolve to circumvent phage resistance.


Anti-antibiotics… Isn’t that just biotics? Like from Mass Effect? IDK, could be cool 👀


Yeah, just like anti-antifa… 😅

MaximilianKohler, in Scientists discover first new antibiotics in over 60 years using AI

I guess all the people solely cheering for this aren’t aware of the damage we’ve been doing to ourselves with antibiotics:

While antibiotic resistance gets all the attention, the damage being done to our host-native microbiomes is arguably as big a threat as climate change, as the damage compounds over generations, and once it’s gone you can’t get it back. (Apr 2019).

Resistance may already be a solved problem: humanmicrobiome.info/antibiotics/-to-counter-…


This is a simplified to the point of absurdity comment. Microbiome is important, but is absolutely not enough to prevent antibiotic resistance.


That is simply wrong. I wonder what gives you the courage to make such boldly false statements?


My medical degree, internship, residency, and years practicing as a doctor.


So nothing relevant to the discussion. Got it.


All that and yet your statement contradicts the plethora of citations that were provided, without providing any support yourself.


If you spent more than 3 seconds reading what you post, you’d realize that fecal transplant only affects the gut microbiome, not body-wide resistance. Fecal transplant, obviously, does nothing to combat pneumonia, skin infections, abscesses, or literally anywhere other than the gut. As the vast majority of fatal or life threatening infections are not isolated to the gut, your argument fails. But I need not argue against citations, as the provided papers don’t even argue your point.


That’s not true. The gut microbiome regulates the entire body, including other body site’s microbiomes. This information is included in the links I shared. Here is a specific page that covers it humanmicrobiome.info/systemic/ but there’s more in the rest of the wiki as well.


Bacterial infections can kill people.

Don’t be stupid

MaximilianKohler, (edited )

A perfect example of the black and white thinking that has caused so much harm.



If the choice between giving someone life saving antibiotics or disrupting their gut microbiom until they eat some yogurt, that’s an easy choice.

False equivalency is what you’re doing, btw


What you just said is harmful misinformation and 100% demonstrates that you didn’t read a damn thing that you’re responding to and acting like you’re an expert on.


It isn’t, and a random website isn’t a source

If you have an article from a medical journal, or a study with a sample size of over 1,000 diverse participants I’ll happily read that.

I could make a website that contradicts everything in the one you linked and host that for free.

Antibiotics save lives. Vaccines save lives. They are good things.


It isn’t, and a random website isn’t a source

So you clearly don’t understand how citations work. You shouldn’t even be engaging in discussions like this until you do.

If you have an article from a medical journal, or a study with a sample size of over 1,000 diverse participants I’ll happily read that.

Once again proving that you didn’t read anything you’re arguing about. You need to reassess your behavior.

Antibiotics save lives. Vaccines save lives. They are good things.

False dichotomy, further demonstrating your cluelessness.

NAK, (edited )

I know I’m not going to convince you, and that’s fine, but people like you get other people killed.

Steve Jobs infamously had a treatable form of cancer, but instead of going to a doctor and doing the scientifically verified treatment he ate fruit that some nut job said would cure him and he died.

The only medical advice anyone should ever give is go to a doctor. That’s it. Period. The end.

MaximilianKohler, (edited )

people like you get other people killed

Trippling down on your pigheaded ignorance to the point where you’re now projecting all your errors and flaws outward.

Steve Jobs infamously had a treatable form of cancer, but instead of going to a doctor and doing the scientifically verified treatment he ate fruit that some nut job said would cure him and he died.

Once again, a false dichotomy, demonstrating an inability of critical thinking and ability to differentiate shades of color.

The only medical advice anyone should ever give is go to a doctor.

This would apply well to YOU, because YOU clearly have no clue what you’re talking about. Yet you violated your own policy. You should have stayed quiet on this topic which you clearly know nothing about.

And FYI, that is unfortunately not valid for everyone to abide by: …humanmicrobiome.info/…/doctors-are-not-systemati…

I know I’m not going to convince you

Yes, you would need actual knowledge and scientific citations to do that. Something you’re clearly devoid of.


My stance is consistent, clear, and concise. Medical decisions should be made by doctors.

Just so everyone reading this knows what your stance is, can you make that clear? So far I’ve heard nothing but contrarianism.


So far I’ve heard nothing but contrarianism.

Projecting again. I was the one who started off by sharing information and you were the one who contradicted it.

Just so everyone reading this knows what your stance is, can you make that clear?

It is clear to anyone with the ability to click links and read the contents. It’s only unclear to you since you opted not to do that.

NAK, (edited )

You’ve linked a lot of other people’s opinions, which is fine. A lot of stuff about how doctors aren’t always right, diagnoses aren’t always correct, and how antibiotics are prescribed in situations that aren’t necessary, like viral infections, which agreed, all of that happens.

But the context you’re avoiding is your original claim.

While antibiotic resistance gets all the attention, the damage being done to our host-native microbiomes is arguably as big a threat as climate change, as the damage compounds over generations, and once it’s gone you can’t get it back. (Apr 2019).

It is beyond ridiculous and what started this whole thing.

So, again, for everyone reading, my claim is that doctors should be the ones to make medical decisions. Antibiotics save lives, and to add one more, people who advocate for their disuse because humans make mistakes, should rightfully be called out.

And since you’re such a fan of random website “sources”.


Never forget anti vaxxers, and anti medicine people in general, are responsible for hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths.


It is beyond ridiculous and what started this whole thing.

It’s not. A plethora of supporting citations were provided.

And yet again, you continue with your false equivalency of anti-vax and anti-antibiotic.


Buddy, I get it. You’re campaigning against antibiotic overuse. That’s true. Antibiotics are over prescribed. I’ve never said they weren’t.

What you need to chill on is giving people medical advice. I took a look at your post history, and this is a topic you’re clearly passionate about

But you are not a doctor. You are not even in the medical field. It looks like you’re an IT nerd. Which is great. We need nerds

But you espousing your opinions can hurt people. There are countless examples of people rejecting medicine that works, for essentially folk cures that do not. People die. Children are one of the most vulnerable to this, and I have personal experience with kids suffering because of people like you, campaigning against western medicine, convincing impressionable morons that alternative medicine works.

You are not a doctor, medical researcher, or a scientist researching bacterial diseases. You are a person reading what other people write on the Internet, and fixating on the gut biome above all other things is simply the wrong way to look at this.

Antibiotics save lives.


What you need to chill on is giving people medical advice.

you espousing your opinions can hurt people.

You are not a doctor, medical researcher, or a scientist researching bacterial diseases.

Projecting again. Also some random bold and baseless claims.

I have personal experience with people suffering because of people like you.


I checked again, and you’re fighting this fight with a lot of people.

Why? What’s your personal experience?


My personal experience is irrelevant. I’m fighting with many people because many people are making harmful, false statements.


You can’t even say antibiotics save lives.

Of course your personal experience is what we’re talking about.

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