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SharkEatingBreakfast, in After 34 Years, Someone Finally Beat Tetris
@SharkEatingBreakfast@sopuli.xyz avatar

It baffles me to see competitive gaming not being toxic. This was so refreshing and wonderful to see!

I hope that this young lad inspires more people to go after their goals!


I think that there is a massive gap between competitive sports (almost inherently toxic) and massively online games (juvenile masses combined with lack of moderation) and, for example, speed running and challenge games or tabletop and board gaming which are all likely to be more wholesome and positive even if there is a competitive angle.

There is probably more visibility on the first side. Maybe because that’s where the money is. And I very much agree that this was a nice story and I hope there will be more of this kind of inspiration shown in public.

HurlingDurling, in A new start after 60: I was a secretary – until I stumbled upon an amazing story I had to film
@HurlingDurling@lemmy.world avatar

Not only is this a great story on its own, but it proves that you don’t have to be young to find your true calling in life. So many people struggle with the thought of what they should be doing with their life that they don’t actually live their life because they are thinking about what they should do. Just do something you enjoy or are curious about trying, if you like it great! If you don’t, try the next thing.


So many people struggle with the thought of what they should be doing with their life that they don’t actually live their life because they are thinking about what they should do. struggling for survival working so hard at jobs that pay just enough money to survive and they’re so exhausted that they don’t have energy to pursue anything further because they need to work to survive.

Just do something you enjoy or are curious about trying, if you like it great! If you don’t, try the next thing.

things rich people with a lot of time on their hands say

@HurlingDurling@lemmy.world avatar

things rich people with a lot of time on their hands say

Well I guess I’m rich even though I don’t feel rich

Sure I guess most people don’t think like this, but they should.

I came to this country with little less than a suitcase at the age of 19 to live in a rented room at first and now I am in my mid 40s paying for 2 kids through college, and here is a list of the jobs I’ve worked in.

  • Auto Mechanic
  • Gutter Cleanning
  • Construction
  • Factory Assembly line (twice)
  • Butcher
  • Music Sales Associate
  • New and Used Car Sailsmen
  • Electronics Store Associate
  • IT Help Desk tech
  • Police Officer
  • Gas Station Fuel Systems Service Tech
  • Back End Programmer
  • Front End Developer
  • Graphics Designer

Honestly, if given the opportunity, I would like to try Carpentry next, but I still have plenty of life in me to try other jobs.

I know some people might have a harder time finding or surviving with a job I totally blame the economy we have created for ourselves but I can say I’ve never let a job description or experience wanted deter me from applying for a job, the only thing that has stopped me was a diploma, and even then I just went and studied my ass off to get the certification or diploma I needed to do the job.

I hope that whatever barriers you have, that you find a way to overcome them and succeed.

aelwero, in Virginia college students are running a thrift store for transgender and nonbinary people

Why the discretion about binders? Do people get hung up over them? It’s basically a girdle… Is it the 1800’s up in this bitch or something? Do we gotta hide the sears catalog from the kids?

Get some with nipples on em and wear em in public, you’re males, it’s legal. Should be legal for everyone anyway, or illegal for everybody…

@RavindraNemandi@ttrpg.network avatar

Its because they dont want to out people on accident.


I think I’m misreading the article… I’m under the impression, based on how this is written, that they don’t have any binders in the store, and the context of my entire comment was based on that :)

It’s not all binders are secret squirrel mode I take it? It’s just an alternative option and they have some there?


Binders can be dangerous if they’re too tight, low quality or worn for too long. Good ones can be kind of expensive.

The article mentioned that they have a fund specifically for binders, probably because they don’t want to risk accidentally selling someone an unsafe binder.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sopuli.xyz avatar

…do you know what a binder is in this context…?


Basically a girdle? Flattens out anatomy you don’t want showing? I think I understood the context…

Fiivemacs, (edited )

Ohh I was thinking is was something productive like a bunch for paper and not fashion…


Binders and binders full of women. But you’d never know!


Random guess, but sizing might be important.

mateomaui, (edited ) in Virginia college students are running a thrift store for transgender and nonbinary people

Holy shit, in Lynchburg of all places? Progress! Everyone at Liberty University must be beside themselves over it.

edit: University of Lynchburg is a

private university associated with the Christian Church

I’m stunned.


Crossdressing ban incoming

Crack0n7uesday, in Experimental antibiotic kills deadly superbug, opens whole new class of drugs

Don’t tell China, they over use it until it’s no longer effective.

ExLisper, (edited )

Did you mean chickens?

qyron, in Wolves win against farmers as Swiss cull put on hold

Use dogs, you lazy fucks. That’s the job they were selected to do.


Which is kinda funny since dogs and wolves are still the same species.


Well, the same genus… :P


No, they’re the same species: Canis lupus. Dogs are a subspecies, Canis lupus familiaris. But they’re still related closely enough to produce fertile offspring, so they’re considered the same species.


Yeah, dogs were reclassified to be the same species as grey wolves in 1993 by the Smithsonian Institution.

The fertile offspring method of classification isn’t why they were reclassified though, and while it’s a good guideline isn’t the beginning and end of the discussion.


Estranged cousins.

ivanafterall, in Cats Filled the Prison. Then the Inmates Fell in Love.
@ivanafterall@kbin.social avatar

The cats turned them gay?

@MelodiousFunk@kbin.social avatar

They're in cahoots with the frogs.



JoShmoe, in 13 Ways the World Got Better in 2023

How in did violent crimes decrease in the US? Didn’t Mr. housespeaker get his head smashed in this year? If nbc news is saying the crime rate dropped, that’s a bad sign. If anyone has a reason we should trust mainstream, please state your case.


If you read the article it says that the data is from FBI


I find it hard to believe that during a year of homelessness, armed robberies and drug abuse that this year would have seen less violent crime. The year ended with pro-palestinians calling for a massacre!


Then you should probably revise where you get your information from. Seems reality doesn’t conform to your beliefs.


How long have you been waiting to tell someone that?

Brainsploosh, (edited )

Um, what?

I’m just reminding you of basic defence against information warfare, something that’s much too easy to forget.

In case you’re unfamiliar with the framework, ASU has a convenient summary.

It’s a decent way to stay sane® on the internet, and a good way to not aid the enemy in their misinformation campaigns.


Armed robbery rates have been steadily decreasing since the early 1990s.


Just armed robbery?


Please never leave USA.


I like how he pulls out “If nbc news is saying…” and the posted link goes right to Time.com, not even taking into account the data source which is listed right under the graph in that section of the article. Arguing with these MAGA people is useless because they’re not even doing any basic research, they’re just knee-jerk reacting to whatever liberal source they think it comes from. They spread fecal matter from their mouths and their fingertips everytime they talk or write and somehow it becomes everybody else’s responsibility to clean up their shit arguments.


One crime means all crime go up obviously. Everyone knows everytime you talk about a single crime they add it to crime stats.

clockwork_octopus, in Oregon Airport Unveils Unconventional Stress-Busters: Meet The Therapy Llamas Bringing Joy To Travelers

As fun as it would be to see a llama in an airport, having them around would kick up my allergies big time, which would be hell to deal with on a plane with all the pressure changes thrown in.


@ickplant@lemmy.world avatar

That’s a fair point, they should consider people with allergies.

I_Fart_Glitter, in Oregon Airport Unveils Unconventional Stress-Busters: Meet The Therapy Llamas Bringing Joy To Travelers

I am under the impression that llamas are kind of assholes? Maybe I’m thinking of camels…

@ickplant@lemmy.world avatar

I’m honestly not sure, I’ve heard that camels spit at you. I’m sure these llamas are trained to not be assholes.

snf, in ‘Amazing’: Queensland mum uses electric car to ‘save’ son’s life with dialysis during power outage

Not to spoil the party, but this would have worked with a gas car and an inverter right? Although for sure it’s much more convenient to have the feature built-in and not need to get any extra kit

czardestructo, (edited )
@czardestructo@lemmy.world avatar

Yes I’ve been doing this with my prius for over a decade. The 12V ‘alternator’ on the prius is enough to sustain about 1000w which is plenty for a fridge and some lights. The engine only turns on once an hour to top off the main battery.


I have a gas powered car, it has a mains outlet in the back of the center console. As far as I know this isn’t anything special or new. My car is a 2016 Chevy nothing special.


The special part is there’s no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and it’s about 1/3 of the energy costs.

Vehicle to grid chargers mean you can use your electric car as a house backup battery when the power goes out. Not all EVs support this yet, but it should become commonplace in the next two years.

Lichtblitz, (edited )

Having a static battery in the house that gets additional cycles, isn’t a big issue. Who cares if the capacity decreases by an additional 10 percent because of added cycles. Just get a battery that’s 10 percent larger from the start or add additional cells when you feel like it. In a mobile form factor, 10 percent can be a big difference. You can’t just scale up the battery when you feel like it and in the worst case scenario you would have to replace it. That’s why I would always be very conservative with using a car battery that way.


Those in car outlets are typically for small electronics. 2016 Tahoe for example is a 150 Watt max, while a typical fridge uses 300-800. So please don’t depend on it for that.

@Jaysyn@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, I did this for the last hurricane that knocked out our power. $10k worth of meds in our fridge for two of our kids had to stay cold & I didn't have a generator yet. Now I have a generator & a solar battery kit.


It would but you would burn a ridiculous amount of fuel for the amount of energy you could use

Creat, in ‘Amazing’: Queensland mum uses electric car to ‘save’ son’s life with dialysis during power outage


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  • Twentytwodividedby7,

    It’s in the first paragraph…Jesus, you’re lazy…the power was out due to storm damage. That has nothing to do with where they live


    No power grid is perfectly stable

    @DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

    The implication of your comment being what - that people who live in places with an unstable grid, and who can't move (the Venn diagram there would be pretty much a circle), deserve what they get? Should fuck off and die?

    Seriously, the privilege you must have and the sheltered life you must live to have come up with that for a reply is astounding..

    feedum_sneedson, in ‘Amazing’: Queensland mum uses electric car to ‘save’ son’s life with dialysis during power outage

    Did it save his life or not, the quotes are confusing me.


    They make no sense in this context. It makes the title sound weirdly sarcastic


    Technically yes, they ran the machine off the car battery but most hemodialysis patients don’t drop dead if they miss a session for a day. Also they could have used any vehicle to drive the kid to a dialysis center or a hospital which are probably required to have generators in Australia as they are elsewhere.


    So you’re saying electric cars will save the planet?

    MeanEYE, in Cate Blanchett launches program to empower female, trans & nonbinary filmmakers
    @MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar


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  • Mongostein,

    That’s never been the case though. It’s all about connections. You could have the greatest script ever, but if you don’t know the right people with money it’s not getting made.

    Until recently Hollywood has very much been an old white guy’s party. Old white guys tend not to be very accepting of others.

    So, as an old white guy, I will say: this doesn’t bother me.

    @MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s so funny how my comment was removed as transphobic, when I am advocating for meritocracy and away from gender discrimination. Am assuming you are more in the right than not. Connections always meant everything in the business world. Still I’d prefer if movies were made based on skill and quality… not how directors identify. But then again, it’s transphobic it seems.

    Mongostein, (edited )

    Hmm I agree, I didn’t read it as transphobic at all. I agree that movies should be produced on the merit of the script alone, but the fact is that they haven’t been in the past. Hopefully one day programs like these won’t be necessary.

    @MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

    Doubt they will have meaningful impact. All that said, drop a look at A24 pictures. They have give complete creative rights to the directors. Sometimes this results in awesome movies, sometimes in flops, but at least they are approaching this from an artistic point of view and not just like another investment.

    Mongostein, (edited )

    Oh yeah I love A24. As much as a Marvel nerd as I am, the best movies don’t come from Hollywood these days.

    (Not interested in talking about Marvel in this thread though, just using them as an example of a thing I do like from Hollywood. I’m aware they’ve been shitting the bed on a few projects the past few years but I like it anyway)

    @MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

    best movies don’t come from Hollywood these days

    Completely agree. At least most of them don’t come from Hollywood.

    HappycamperNZ, in Cate Blanchett launches program to empower female, trans & nonbinary filmmakers


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  • newt,


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  • flambonkscious,

    Actually, no:

    “We’re missing an enormous creative opportunity by not diversifying. We deplore creative laziness, we deplore financial laziness, and so we should therefore deplore a lack of inclusivity,” she said of the industry. “Homogeneity in any industry is the death of progress and innovation. That’s certainly the case for the creative industries. When you walk onto a set that is homogenous, you can sort of taste the outcome. The things that break through that are fresh, that have influence for the next decade, always start because someone took a risk on them.”

    Deceptichum, (edited )
    @Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar

    That makes no sense.

    Creative laziness and financial laziness have a direct impact on the quality of a movie.

    Being trans or nb is completely different to those two things.

    It’s like saying we deplore stealing and murder, so we should embrace string cheese.

    As for homogeneity, that didn’t stop the Wachowski sisters from a poorly made rehashed cash grab of a Matrix movie.

    If you want thoughtful unique movies, go watch something indie. If you want Hollywood cash grabs, go watch Hollywood.


    I think it’s more that if everything is made by boring, rich, white men we get less of a range of perspectives.

    Everyone knows creativity is driven by adversity, so having less privileged people telling stories is a no brained.

    You’re right about indie, I completely agree on that


    The other perspective of this is those rich white men got that way by making something that wanted to be seen. If the demand existed for alternate perspectives those movies would be what Hollywood was, instead of small indie productions.


    …maybe? But considering how insular and closed-minded American culture is, I highly disagree. These are highly conservative companies only going for the safe money.

    @Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

    That makes no sense.

    I mean, how else do you want it explained? It’s spelled out in the article why it’s the same type of problem.

    As for homogeneity, that didn’t stop the Wachowski sisters from a poorly made rehashed cash grab of a Matrix movie.

    Yes, and they’re in a very unique situation, and importantly, were famous before they came out. Good luck doing it the other way around. Hence Ms Blanchett doing this, it’s about giving equal chances.


    Maybe everything isn’t about the majority of people.

    ZeroCool, (edited )

    And an effective way to assure good films continue to be made is to encourage diverse perspectives in the industry. Which is what this program aims to achieve. So, if all you care about is whether or not a film is good then what exactly is your problem with an initiative meant to develop new talent? Please be specific.


    I have a feeling there won’t be a lot of intellectual diversity or perspectives, but I also don’t give a shit what people do with their money. Let people try whatever they think will work for either their goals or their wallet. Win or lose, everything we try is data.


    Effectively, why does the talent search need to targets a small section of society? If these people have a great idea, it should be brought to light on its own merits like all other ideas.

    If there is a stigma associated within the industry that needs to be broken - different story. But don’t make a film just because of how the director or producer identifies.


    Effectively, why does the talent search need to targets a small section of society?

    You should read the article. This is explained quite clearly.

    HappycamperNZ, (edited )


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  • Catoblepas,

    The issue is that this is a push for inclusivitiy for the sake of a push for inclusivitity - trying to create a demand where none or little currently exists.

    Maybe creative workplaces should be diverse and inclusive on principle and not because we can only do things that improve sales.


    In an ideal world, yes. Practically speaking effective groups grow and develop based on shared goals and values. You can’t just put a LGBT person in a group for the sake of putting one there, especially if it costs a better performing person their job. Would you walk away from you job to give it to a non straight person, and how would the team feel knowing that how you identify is more important than what you can do? How about being handed over crap by a person and you can say or do nothing about it because they were hired on inclusivity principles and any issues with their work are just called bigotry and seismic?

    If you hire based on inclusion, that is why that person is there.


    Hiring entirely cis male teams to work on projects doesn’t result in a better product. It is a fallacy to act like there’s something about being a cis man that makes them better at the job than any woman or trans worker at a similar skill level. And there are women and trans people at a similar skill level you can hire, no matter what the job is. It’s completely ridiculous to act like women and trans people are somehow able to perform at a lower level than cis men and keep their jobs/keep getting hired. It’s more like the opposite, women and trans people have to work twice as hard to be viewed as competent.

    Frankly this all sounds like situations you are imagining and not how anything actually plays out in a workplace IRL, much less a creative workplace. With movie and show production it’s totally normal for people to have to sit and listen to criticisms and suggested changes to their work at least a couple of times a week, if not daily, because of the way production schedules work and how quickly things need to be revised. Anyone who started hollering racism over that would be blacklisted.


    Ok, got a few minutes.

    First point - if your entire team are cis white males your hiring manager or recruiter should be fired as (unless 95% of surround pop are cis white male) they are already hiring based on race and gender, or not casting a wide net to identify the best applicants. Nearly 50% of my team were born overseas and not a single one was hired based on race or identity.

    I suppose my argument boils down to one key question - is it acceptable to hire someone based on sexual orientation/ identity or race… likewise should this be a part of the advertising and hiring process.


    Responding because I want to come back to this chat after work - believe this is discussions that need to be had.


    One where you finally figure out that you are wrong? Read the room pal.

    This is a flyby comment, btw. Don’t bother responding because I ain’t got time for people like you.


    That’s ok, you don’t have to reply. I am hoping, however to get a response from the only person responding in this thread who is disagreeing without resorting to insults.

    I find it kinda like the covid vaccine - vaccines don’t cause autism, are considerably safer than not having them, but you still need to take a step back to assess before you dive right into it.

    @Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

    They know what they want to pay for and its the job of an industry to provide this.

    As someone working in IT, this could not be more wrong.

    Don’t promote an idea because of who made it, promote the idea because its a great idea.

    Welcome to movies and filmmaking. You might not have experienced any of it yet and not seen movies or movie-fans yet in your life, but take some notes when you do, they sadly won’t at all align with your idealistic ideas how it ought to work.


    If these people have a great idea, it should be brought to light on its own merits like all other ideas.

    We don’t live in a world where you become a successful film maker purely based on merit though


    I fully agree, so why don’t we target that. Pushing select groups opens the divide between different parts of society rather than considering us as one.


    Target it how? Tell people in the industry to please be nice to people they don’t like based on how they present?

    Humans have biases, those small groups will inherently be the subject of bias. This is the most effective way to counter those biases, especially because having those people’s voices heard will help combat those biases.

    The thing I hear the most from people who used to be transphobic, homophobic, etc. is that they got over it when they were exposed to a person of that identity. This would make that more of a possibility


    I fully agree, so why don’t we target that.

    How about you, James Woods, Kevin Sorbo, and Jim Caviezel get started on that and Cate Blanchett will go do her thing helping women, trans & nonbinary people.


    opens the divide between different parts of society

    If you or others feel “divided” because of this that’s your problem. Normal people who have empathy see this and feel happy for the marginalized groups it will benefit.


    The same part stood out to me and gave a real boomer pull yourself up by your bootstraps vibe.


    Who gives a shit? It’s something she’s into for her own personal reasons. Get rich and do your own thing hiring competent people.

    @Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

    Effectively, why does the talent search need to targets a small section of society

    It doesn’t.

    It targets a small portion of the talent search at a small section of society. As in, ensure equal chance and access.


    Your first paragraph very nearly gets the point.

    There is a bias in filmaking, we need to correct for this.

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