Yesterday I accidentally learned that you can reposition the closed captions on YouTube videos. I waa at the Smartboard talking about how the cursor and my finger were a couple of inches apart, and I accidentally dragged the captions of a YouTube video that we were watching.
On iOS you can also move up and down between lines and select text with the spacebar (hold space, tap on keyboard somewhere else with another finger, drag space to select).
Watching the drama around kagi unfold and it has me wondering how much you take into consideration a creator’s view on things like homophobia, sexism, racism, etc. when deciding to use a product. I think most of us have a bar somewhere (I would imagine very few on this website would ever consider registering on an altright...
I hate the history thing. People still go after Brendan Eich for donating $1000 to the Yes on Prop 8 campaign in 2008. Prop 8 passed with 52.24% of the vote, over 7-million California voters probably including many that people still like (thanks secret ballot). It was thrown out by courts, nothing to do with people being moral.
That’s not to say he’s a good guy I agree with, he’s said and done other things much more recently that I don’t agree with, like his stance on COVID, but Prop 8 is always the number one thing people mention.
Edit: even later on in this thread. People should boycott anything made in California if that one donation is such a painful thing.
I recently got a couple of POS pc’s (Point of sale) you know the ones that are all in one with a base to sit on a counter. The thing is they’re very old non branded devices, even the label says 2GB DDR2 while it’s actually 4GB DDR3....
Hi guys! I think I’m over Joplin. Don’t get me wrong, it’s simple, it works, but… why is it Postgres db…. I have the server on a small box with like 250 GB of space and backing it up with kopia to Backblaze with free 10 GB, so I’m a bit storage cautious....
I recently made a post discussing my move to Linux on Fedora, and it’s been going great. But today I think I have now become truly part of this community. I ran a command that borked my bootloader and had to do a fresh install. Learned my lesson with modifying the bootloader without first doing thorough investigation lol....
Ok, Evernote committed hara-kiri, so time to move on. (no way I’ll pay for ransomware) Any tips for good alternatives for Linux/Android platform? My wife used Nimbus note a while back, recovered her account there, ColorNote pops up when looking for alternatives as well....
If you use Obsidian for work you generally need to pay for the commercial license, with some exceptions. I like to mention it because people grab it from flathub without reading the license terms. This is not including the sync fee.
I’m a lover of physical books but I’m looking to get an e-reader as well, for those books that are hard to find physical copies of, or are just very expensive....
It is not compatible with Kindle unless you remove the drm and convert it, but it can be done. It is compatible with Adobe Digital Editions which is pretty much what every store except Amazon uses.
Not just the terminal, I mean a full remote desktop. What’s the best method? Not just from one linux machine to another machine, but also remoting from a windows machine to a linux machine....
If something else depends on it then it shouldn’t be removed, it’s only removing things that are not used elsewhere.
Usually just reading through the packages it’s listing and double check what it’s doing is enough. If something is removing a ton of gnome and you’re not trying to remove gnome, that would be an issue. If something is trying to remove the kernel (unless it’s an old kernel) or grub that’s also worth digging into. I’ve never run into problems with it, I don’t think it’s common these days.
Make sure you test out those images every so often too. I recently got a new computer and used clonezilla to copy a system over, only to find btrfs restores fail spectacularly without warning until you boot into them.
What do you all think of the Red Hat drama a few months ago? I just learned about it and looked into it a bit. I’ve been using Fedora for a while now on my main system, but curious whether you think this will end up affecting it....
I was wondering who is going to pay for the reconstruction of all the razed apartment buildings, schools and hospitals in Gaza? Are the US and Europe going to do that, or is Israel going to do at least this?...
They won’t in this case. Israel can do nearly anything, the US will even condemn some of them, but that won’t affect support. As Biden has said many times “if there was no Israel the US would have to invent an Israel to protect her interests in the region.”
Just a shower thought. Obviously depends on the industry, but in terms of electronics I fee enthusiast grade (think gaming motherboards, for example) are better built than professional grade. Thoughts?
Business grade will also be chugging along while the enthusiast has replaced the thing five times over.
I really think it depends on the product. People talking about low end keyboards or whatnot aren’t far off, but I’d take a good business laptop any day. It won’t have fancy RGB lights but will keep working forever.
A Texas church has chosen a radically different path from many denominations nationwide. Instead of demonizing LGBTQ+ people, the Galileo Church in Fort Worth has opted to support and welcome the community....
Listen to George HW Bush, from Texas, talking about immigration in a debate with Reagan (who also talks about “an open border both ways”). Reagan ruined a lot of things, but it still used to be different.
Have you ever learned anything on the spot?
Yesterday I accidentally learned that you can reposition the closed captions on YouTube videos. I waa at the Smartboard talking about how the cursor and my finger were a couple of inches apart, and I accidentally dragged the captions of a YouTube video that we were watching.
How much does a creator's worldview influence whether you use their tech or consume their media?
Watching the drama around kagi unfold and it has me wondering how much you take into consideration a creator’s view on things like homophobia, sexism, racism, etc. when deciding to use a product. I think most of us have a bar somewhere (I would imagine very few on this website would ever consider registering on an altright...
Good “Buy for Life” Brands
Some that come to mind are:...
Distro for POS
I recently got a couple of POS pc’s (Point of sale) you know the ones that are all in one with a base to sit on a counter. The thing is they’re very old non branded devices, even the label says 2GB DDR2 while it’s actually 4GB DDR3....
Joplin alternative needed
Hi guys! I think I’m over Joplin. Don’t get me wrong, it’s simple, it works, but… why is it Postgres db…. I have the server on a small box with like 250 GB of space and backing it up with kopia to Backblaze with free 10 GB, so I’m a bit storage cautious....
Lets start a new Lemmy holiday tradition. What's a song you've been digging lately?
Not necessarily your favorite, but something you recently discovered or rediscovered.
Just moved to Linux: a follow up
I recently made a post discussing my move to Linux on Fedora, and it’s been going great. But today I think I have now become truly part of this community. I ran a command that borked my bootloader and had to do a fresh install. Learned my lesson with modifying the bootloader without first doing thorough investigation lol....
Best/usable free Evernote alternative
Ok, Evernote committed hara-kiri, so time to move on. (no way I’ll pay for ransomware) Any tips for good alternatives for Linux/Android platform? My wife used Nimbus note a while back, recovered her account there, ColorNote pops up when looking for alternatives as well....
What are the best e-readers on the market?
I’m a lover of physical books but I’m looking to get an e-reader as well, for those books that are hard to find physical copies of, or are just very expensive....
Henry Kissinger, America’s Most Notorious War Criminal, Dies At 100 (
What's the best way to remote into a linux machine?
Not just the terminal, I mean a full remote desktop. What’s the best method? Not just from one linux machine to another machine, but also remoting from a windows machine to a linux machine....
[Q] Removing/deep cleanup of installed package doesn't work as expected. (remove, purge, autoremove)
Hi everyone :)...
A symptom of linux past traumas
So, I had to reinstall windows as a dualboot, because I need some CAD tools for work. It was painful but it’s not thebaubject...
Which books have the worst video adaptation?
For me it’s definitely the Dark Tower, but the Golden Compas was also a huge letdown.
Red Hat / Fedora drama?
What do you all think of the Red Hat drama a few months ago? I just learned about it and looked into it a bit. I’ve been using Fedora for a while now on my main system, but curious whether you think this will end up affecting it....
It seems Gen Z is just fine with parents knowing where they are all the time (
What has VALVE (Steam) done for LINUX and KDE? (
Is there such a thing as too much privacy?
This isn’t meant to start a war in the comments....
Who's going to pay for the reconstruction of Gaza
I was wondering who is going to pay for the reconstruction of all the razed apartment buildings, schools and hospitals in Gaza? Are the US and Europe going to do that, or is Israel going to do at least this?...
Would you say enthusiast grade or business grade products are better quality?
Just a shower thought. Obviously depends on the industry, but in terms of electronics I fee enthusiast grade (think gaming motherboards, for example) are better built than professional grade. Thoughts?
Texas church launches program to help fund transgender kids’ healthcare (
A Texas church has chosen a radically different path from many denominations nationwide. Instead of demonizing LGBTQ+ people, the Galileo Church in Fort Worth has opted to support and welcome the community....