My father was a piece of shit when he was 22 and he's still a piece of shit. I'm a piece of shit, but not nearly the piece of shit that he is. That makes me better than him. I like these comparisons.
Title. “lmao internet points” and all, but what is the point of participating in a community that sees assumptions and other commonly non-harmful commentaries/posts as “bad” this easily? Do folks in here are really that needy of self-validation, even if it means seeking such from something completely insignificant like...
Why are so many people suddenly worried about down votes? They don't matter. You get nothing for a lot of upvotes, and you get nothing for a lot of downvotes. If you're so concerned about votes, I think that's a serious issue that you need to overcome, or you're going to have a very hard time in life.
Riker's always thirsty (
Here's a phone, call somebody who cares (
Amazon and Tolkein Estate force author to destroy all copies of his work. Only pirated copies will survive. (
IKEA has all your holiday needs met (
The perfect gift for a relative. Some assembly required.
Amazon's Prime Video will start serving ads on January 29 unless you pay extra
Psychedelics don't have that effect. (
What if Vader from Star Wars is actually Anakin? (
by Mark Twain (
It doesn't always feel good to compare yourself to your parents (
I'd prefer to just stay home, thanks. (
Colonial (
Score (
Google will no longer hold onto people's location data in Google Maps — meaning it can't turn that info over to the police (
Alright, I'm gonna "take one for the team" -- what is with the "downvote-happy" users lately?
Title. “lmao internet points” and all, but what is the point of participating in a community that sees assumptions and other commonly non-harmful commentaries/posts as “bad” this easily? Do folks in here are really that needy of self-validation, even if it means seeking such from something completely insignificant like...
Discuss (
Whoopsie daisy, one should leave it to to the professionals maybe (
Never forgetti (
Why you should never use Facebook or Google to log in to third party websites - what to do instead (
I had to try it to believe it (
Body Language (
Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played a girl bunny?- Doctor Garth Algar (
Owies (
"Last Word" by J.L Westover (
Source: Tapas(Secret Panel) - RSS