This bad boy can fit so many fucking Canadas in it
We’ve got: New England Canada, North Atlantic Canada, Mid Atlantic Canada, Florida Canada, Gulf Coast Canada, Rust Belt Canada, Midwest Canada, Southern Canada, California Canada, and All The Rest Canada.
As an American I feel like either US or UK could be considered the “normal” one, UK or AUS the “fancy” one, and US and AUS the “wildcard” (from the UK perspective).
Now, to take the ferry costs a nickel, and in those days nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. “Give me five bees for a quarter,” you’d say. Now, where were we?
Sleeping position (
Choose carefully (
At the fast food (
author: Meg Adams
A wholesome relationship (
Phone no work (
Bob the Angry Flower for 13 January, 2023.
Brain is smart! (
Comic by kc green, posted on 11 January, 2024.
Happy Revolution (
Mr. B-OO-Z-E (
Pregnancy (
Possibly one more X this last week. (
Plus your enemy knows what's coming (
Extra Ordinary Comics for December 20th, 2023.
"Pikachu, I am your father" (
I need it (
The most wholesome unit of measurement (
Population of USA in units of Canada (
Big talk > small talk (
You can choose normal, fancy, or wildcard. (
Could wake the fucking dead (
This is for (almost) all of you (
They're not equivalent (
Bets on the next one? (
Ain't Life Grand!? [OC] (