I can remember all too well how it went for the r/antiwork mod who was interviewed by Fox. Anything Lemmy does needs to be very deliberately planned by people who know what to say and not to say.
I had a mattress that I had directly on a cement floor in a basement. That was an expensive mistake. The mattress retained moisture because it couldn’t breath, contributing to it collapsing. A basic bed frame is cheap, makes the room look nicer, and provides extra storage space underneath.
I’ve been having some fun with my current setup. I have a bed, nightstand, desk, dresser, and closet in one room. It’s maybe a little cozy, but functional as long as I put some thought into it. I even have a nice space in the middle that I can pretend I use to work out in.
Something like aggressive taxes on the uber-rich and comprehensive welfare for the poor, y’know?
This is why aggressive estate taxes are so incredibly critical. People shouldn’t be professional descendants. And of course welfare provides both ladder and safety net. The fools who are trying to abolish one or both are working against social mobility.
It’s not even that. At the time they split, English wasn’t as standardized. You can see it looking back in the Lewis and Clark expedition journals written by Meriwether Lewis. He doesn’t even have consistency in his own writing, and he was no country bumpkin.
There shouldn’t be another Linus. The model of a single maintainer holding so much importance is fundamentally flawed, especially for a project with the size and importance of Linux. Responsibilities and decision making should be distributed among stakeholders and volunteers. It will take time to rebuild around that sort of structure.
I’ve also heard tell that the linux-kernel mailing list has become extremely toxic, especially to newcomers. A professor that I have a lot of respect for has stopped teaching his kernel drivers course because one of his students received death threats related to her involvement. If a change in the tenor doesn’t happen, less and less of the fresh blood that Linux needs will join.
I’m not going to blame this on insecurity, but I think ego is a bit more accurate. I was working under a senior software engineer in maybe his 50’s in my first real job out of college. A big part of our time went to maintaining a build system that was fairly large, maybe on the order of tens of thousands of lines of Ant code.
The bone that I have to pick looking back is that I got the blame when I had trouble organizing myself. Our team didn’t use any sort of issue tracker. There was absolutely zero collaboration tools beyond verbally issued instructions in meetings and email. Looking back, I realize it was madness. As an experienced developer, my manager should have had known that an issue tracker would be a high priority. Yet instead I was blamed.
I live in Oregon, which has had all-mail elections since the 1990’s. It’s so great being able to sit down with my husband, some endorsements, the voter’s guide, and a computer to make my decision. So much better than scratching my head over half the ballot (well at least the title sounds good) and voting straight for the other half (vote blue no matter who).
Are you able to live comfortably without working for the foreseeable future?
I’m pretty sure that’s just a strawman version of capitalism. Plenty of capitalists who had their life’s work taken during a communist revolution and were at best told they could come back as a manager worked plenty hard. Didn’t save them.