Some of the costumes are rather intricate and impressive. And then sometimes they’re racist. People who defend the Mummers try to pretend the bigots have been removed and prohibited frim returning, but this year some bigots attacked the crowd while waving MAGA flag.
The musical acts are good, though. Lotta fun for the kids.
Article about a recent revelation by the Youtube Channel Modern Vintage Gaming: The game “Alien Resurrection” by Argonaut contains a code which allows to run burned CD copies of Playstation 1 games.
My daughter asked me what a VHS Player was last night. It was in one of her books, and I couldn’t tell her how it works. But I got to tell her why we say “rewind” when we reverse a movie.
You sound really upset about this. Originations, at the time of origination, is the only thing that dictates the pronunciation of a new word. We have all been “told by the creator” because he wrote it down for everyone to avoid confusion. Confusion followed anyway, in part due to the absurd lies people shared online (including yourself) about non-existent rules of English linguistics. Yes, I find that annoying, but that’s lingguistics. Things change, sometimes for stupid reasons, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t changed. Pointing out that the reasons are stupid is accurate, and we shouldn’t pretend that they aren’t stupid.
Maybe tomorrow people will start saying “gife” and then that will be the new pronunciation. New and old are not value judgements, they are just the reality of the passage of time and the evolution of language. If they started saying “gife” because they think the promunciation of acronyms is required to change every 15 years, then that would also be a stupid reason to change. It’s still a new pronunciation, and then there would be three acceptable pronunciations of the word.
I am listening to you, you just aren’t saying anything of value. You’re attacking me because you don’t like that I haven’t adopted your preferred pronunciation of a word. You don’t like me because I haven’t changed to fit your preference. I don’t care about you, because you’re the sort of person who makes value judgements about a person based on their pronunciations of a word. Your entire argument is that I should change because you don’t like the way I talk. I’m not asking you to change the way you talk. I’m pointing out the flaw in your thinking, and asking you to think for yourself. Don’t listen to internet experts who make shit up. That’s a path to ruin, and while we’re talking about something silly and inconsequential, your attitude towards reality and dissent is alarming.
I’ve never had the problem of not being understood. And regardless of how long the time period was, there was a time when one guy spoke aloud the word when he invented it. You can use the new pronunciation if you like, but I use the original, as I have for 30+ years, and I will continue to do so because both are acceptable. If you don’t like it, that’s a you problem.
You’re still not listening. I’m not deriding anything, and I’m not saying I’m right and you’re wrong. There are two pronunciations that are both in use, and it’s objectively true that one is the original and the other is the new one. Arguing anything else is dishonest. One is not archaic, because it’s still being used.
As for what you think of me, I really don’t care. You’re trying to convince me to pronounce a product name differently than I have done my entire life when I was told by the creator of the product how to pronounce it. I’ve heard your arguments, and the only linguistically relevant argument is that everyone just started doing it. That will be a compelling argument 100 years from now, but it’s not a compelling argument to change.
OK but there are other similar words that start with gi like giraffe and gigolo, but really that’s not why I or anyone I knew in the 90s started using the soft g to say “gif.” We did so because we learned about the format, and said “Neat, what’s it called?” and they said “it’s called a gif” because that was the name of the format. We didn’t debate the pronunciation because it had been given a name, the same way you don’t ask a person you just met “Shouldn’t ‘Bob’ be pronounced with a long ‘o’ like the very similar name ‘Job’? I’m going to call you ‘Bobe’ because that makes more sense to me.” You’d have to be a massive douche to say that out loud to a person who had just introduced themselves.
If someone said it with the hard “g” we just nodded and went about our day because it doesn’t matter, we knew what they probably meant and they just hadn’t read the manual.
Pronunciations change over time, and that’s good. Language is a function of communication, and better communication is what enabled humans to transfer knowledge. If someone uses the soft g, you know the word they’re saying, and I know you’re probably not saying the word “gift” from context. We’re communicating either way, and we don’t have to pronounce every word the same.
Case in point, I don’t say “emission” with a long “e” sound, I say “ehmission” because it doesn’t matter that much.
The only way to be wrong is to claim that someone else is saying it wrong.
Grammar isn’t a matter of opinion, and incorrect grammar doesn’t make anything less awkward. We’re not talking about Oxford commas, these are just wrong.
More often than not, the best way to hide is to simply blend in with the crowds – this also encompasses one’s choice for a username. It is relatively simple to make a single throwaway account – just come up with a username, and off you go – however, if one makes throwaway accounts often, the task of thinking of a unique,...
Maybe if he wasn’t wearing a shirt, it would be more obvious that he’s wearing a diaper. You could put a bib on him, too. That’s not at all what babies wear nowadays, but it’s the more prototypical archetype.
If it’s cold enough to freeze the ground, I’m not riding my bike. First, having the right tires is one thing, but black ice and surprise potholes will eat your snow tires. Second, it’s going to be too cold to be out in the cold air for the several hours you need to bike to school or work.
Busses require the same amount of roads as cars. So you’re going to need the same amount of salt for busses. You might need less for sidewalks, but that’s only because people cannot walk as far as they can drive.
I think public transit is important, good for the environment, and should be a much larger budget item everywhere.
But your math simply isn’t true everywhere. You can’t take 20 cars off the road and put them all on a bus, because those 20 cars aren’t going to the same place at the same time. Urban areas that already have busses blanketing the city and running constantly, the math works and you just need additional busses to up capacity. But for where I live, on the edge of suburban and rural areas, you’d need a thousand more busses on the road to cover every route and destination. And these are places where most roads are only one lane in each direction. The major highways would still need several lanes because of the additional busses to fill demand for additional routes, and smaller roads would need to be widened in many places to allow for the larger turning radius of a bus.
So you need the same amount of salt to cover the same amount of road. Maybe some areas could recapture a lane or two for bike lanes and pedestrians, but you still need to salt those, and they won’t have the benefit of being driven upon, which crushes ice and moves it out of the way. One or two slip and fall lawsuits later, and municipalities are just going to close them any time there’s a little snow.
Once again, I’ll say that the argument against cars is compelling. We should work to provide more public transit, because it is better for society to have reliable public transit. We should protect bike lanes, because it is better for our health and the environment, and encouraged freedom and development for adolescents. We should make more residential areas walkable because it is better for communities to be walkable. It fosters relationships among neighbors, encourages the support of local businesses, and improves the health and wellbeing of everyone who lives there.
Those are the arguments that get you there. Talk about the good it does, not the bad it doesn’t. People who don’t already agree with you will pick the one thing that doesn’t ring true and key in to ignore and dismiss the rest.
Sure, but in matters of fact, there’s no room for legitimate disagreement, just obstinate ignorance.
Consider the comic above, and imagine the article he is offering her is a summary of the overwhelming evidence disproving the idea that vaccines cause autism. It is not valid to simply smile and disagree. That’s neither an argument nor an opinion, it’s just abject stupidity and willful blindness to reality.
Humans are capable of maintaining exceptional delusions, which is why science is so important for human civilization. People who respond to reality the way the woman does in this comic represent an existential threat to society. It’s the source of every threat we face. Nationalism, bigotry, unfettered capitalism, fascism, despotism, religious zealotry, it’s all a form of the same mental disease. It’s the malignant idea that what you believe is valid, regardless of the human suffering and geopolitical destruction it creates.
Name a problem that threatens humanity, and you’ll find someone suffering under the delusion that their easily disproved beliefs are worth killing people. You can draw a straight line from this attitude to all of the human suffering in the world.
So yeah, you’re not obliged to argue with anyone. But if you’re unwilling to consider that you might be wrong, you’re the asshole.
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Article about a recent revelation by the Youtube Channel Modern Vintage Gaming: The game “Alien Resurrection” by Argonaut contains a code which allows to run burned CD copies of Playstation 1 games.
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