Do you use them when you don’t have time to cook or don’t want to? Do you use them to avoid gaining weight? What is your opinion about their potential health implications?
I tried to get into it, but between finding recipes and washing the blender, it wasn’t less effort or money than just making a sandwich. I did not find it helpful as a diet aid, because I would still be hungry after a “meal replacement.” If I don’t have time to cook, I don’t have time to blend. If I make a bunch in advance, I can just as easily make a bunch of salads in containers.
I’m already fat and disabled, though, and I work from home, so factor that into my experience.
If time travel were possible, why kill anyone? Why not go back to their childhood and teach them to be better humans? Is it justice to kill someone for a crime they have yet to commit? Isn’t the fact that you are able to kill them proof enough that they might not commit the crime, and there’s still time for them to change? Or maybe Hitler was arrested and removed from the time stream at the moment of his death to serve a prison sentence in Time Jail for eternity? Isn’t that basically the Christian conception of the afterlife anyway?
Also, intentionally going back to change anything is an inherent paradox as old as HG Wells. If you eliminate the reason for going back, you never go back. If you don’t go back, you don’t change anything.
And if we’re talking multiverse, then you’d never know if someone from an alternate future came to our past and did anything, because that’s what always happened.
What’s irrational? She chose to go live an independent life. She might not have made the best choices, but just because Forrest was in love with her doesn’t mean it would have been rational to stay with him. They were best friends as kids because he was devoted to her, and she had nobody in her life she could trust.
Maybe a part of her felt like she would be taking adavantage of Forrest?
Maybe ahe felt like she didn’t deserve his devotion?
Maybe she was scared to love someone and get hurt? Or watch him abandon his dreams to support her? Or watch him grow up and change?
Whatever the reason, it was her choice. A lot of the criticism feels like incels mad that she made a choice at all. She doesn’t owe Forrest her love. He’s not entitiled to her presence just because he’s a good guy.
There is no justification for the genocide committed by Israel. No crime committed by Hamas justifies the actions taken by Israel.
But it is also dishonest to suggest that Hamas was merely threatening to harm people. October 7th was a massive, coordinated, heinous attack on innocent civilians.
It was intended to provoke a reaction from Israel, so Hamas is getting what it wants.
That’s not a justification for Israel in any sense at all. Israel is actively engaged in a genocide, and should be stopped. The Israeli war criminals should face prosecution for their crimes.
Hamas is a violent terrorist organization who should be stopped. The Hamas war criminals should face prosecutio for their crimes.
Both things can be true. Saying so does not equivocate or mitigate either crime.
The name tells you a lot about what it is supposed to do, and how the person deploying it sees themselves.
If it were built to collect resources at the cost of devastating a planet, then it would be called a Collector or Harvester, because that’s its primary function. A World Devastator has the primary function of devastating worlds. It’s an offensive tactic that uses the resources collected to build war machines as a byproduct.
Even better, do 50 wall pushups. A lot of people can’t do 1 proper pushup. Start on the wall, and go until your muscles feel it. Move your feet further from the wall every day. Then move to a set of stairs or a counter. Do sets of 50, and you’ll feel your muscles aching, which means they are growing. With steps, you can go down one step every day, or every week. You don’t want to hurt yourself. But if you keep doing sets of 50, you’ll work out the joints and tendons and supporting structures that keep you from hurting yourself doing one regular push up.
Albert Einstein, an Australian living in the Tasmanian outback, splits the atom with a chisel in an attempt to carbonate beer. He also invents the electric guitar, rock and roll music, and his beer carbonation device is converted into a bomb by Marie Curie’s boyfriend. Albert Einstein takes a steam boat to France and then diffuses the bomb with the literal power of rock and roll, saving Paris and falling in love with Curie.
This was the opening paragraph of an essay I wrote for my European History class. I did not get a very good grade.
We have a secret santa where the rule is the gift has to be unneeded. We are all adults with jobs who can buy ourselves things we need. The best gifts are things people want but wouldn’t buy for themselves. If it’s not frivolous, it’s something they probably will get themselves.
I bet that 8 year old would have an easier time trading a nice bottle of booze.
Seriously, though, my parents would have been pissed if I traded away a gift someone gave me. We did trade stuff all the time (mostly matchbox cars and baseball cards) but “I got this for Christmas” meant that it was off limits for trading.
Oh no! Homeless people are sheltering in unoccupied real estate without going to prison! They should just die outside to protect the investors who rely on homelessness to maintain property values!
Nobody invented the mispronunciations, it just happens, which is why the manual included a guide. The inventor of the word (and the format) had to tell people how it was pronounced and why he chose the name, just like every other brand name.
What is recent is the fallacious arguments related to how acronyms are supposed to be pronounced, part of a larger trend towards obstinate and belligerent defense of an objectively and demonstrably false argument. The internet has made people feel like their opinions are just as valid as facts.
In the 90s, we nerds used technical terms like a shiboleth to separate other nerds from what the French call “les incompétents.” But it’s unlikely anyone would have corrected you back then, because doing so was considered impolite and elitist.
I see it as part of what Colbert called “truthiness.” There is no rule for how the word should be pronounced, but it feels like there should be, which is why the argument is so often repeated. The feeling of being right is more important than the reality of ambiguity, and people seek out validation of their presuppositions. It’s that overconfidence that fosters animosity towards debate, which is why people get so heated about silly things like this.
This was the question in the article. They did a test of unwashed, washed 3 times, and washed 10 times, then compared the rice. The scientists found no difference between the samples. They further speculate that the stickyness level of the rice has to do with the starches that leech from inside the rice.
The article goes on to talk about how, depending on how (and where) the rice is processed, you may want to rinse rice to remove bits of husk, dust, pebbles, and possibly arsenic or microplastics.
Now, having said all of that, take the results of the study with a grain of salt. Washing 3 times isn’t going to do much of anything, and 10 times doesn’t actually tell us that they washed the rice properly. As soon as the starch is wet, it’s sticky. You really have to rinse and agitate the rice, and wash until the water runs clear. Maybe that also leeches some of the more available starch from inside the rice, but the difference is noticeable to anyone who cooks rice on a regular basis. So I’m not going to question the suggested mechanism of action, but I know how to make rice that is and isn’t sticky.
That’s not an ad hominem, though. If someone says something, and you dismiss it and call them a liar, thats an ad hominem. If they tell a bunch of lies, and you label them a liar, that’s not an ad hominem. That’s accurately describing the person based on their choices.
If you stroll through the real or virtual aisles of a Japanese store, you might find Kit Kats in flavors like salt lemon, caramel pudding, whole grain biscuit, melon, and milk tea. Good luck finding those at Target or Walmart in the US....
[DISCUSSION] What is your opinion about meal replacement shakes?
Do you use them when you don’t have time to cook or don’t want to? Do you use them to avoid gaining weight? What is your opinion about their potential health implications?
Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. (
Every year that ends in a zero, the United States Census is supposed to interview every human living in USA, right? I don't recall that happening to me since the year 2000. Anybody else?
What's the funniest mishearing of song lyrics you've had?
Tears in Heaven...
9 January 2024 (
The White Buffalo (
REMINDER: this is a shitpost
Any resemblance to reality is pure coincidence (
Hot take, but I think World Devastators are neat. (
I know Dark Empire is not everybody’s favorite story, but it does have some neato stuff....
Does anyone else feel like every year is like the movie 'Groundhog Day'? Same holidays, same birthdays, same work week, etc
New York City Moves to Ban Solitary Confinement, Defying Mayor Adams (
15 December 2023 (
You go to this link and give me one good reason why civilization isn't long past its peak. (
What gifts are you getting for your friends and family members?
Share your gift ideas, because I am a bit stumped.
Relatable to everyone (
I'm starting to feel like there's not much choice (
Does anyone in Starfleet wear sunglasses?
I don’t mean on the holodeck, shore leave, or when transported to the past and needing to fit in....
Do You Need To Wash Rice Before Cooking? Here’s The Science (
I found this article pretty interesting… it seems to contradict the current cooking zeitgeist
rules for thee, but not for me (
To be clear, not talking about this community, obviously 😛....
Cheese (
Image of a news headline with a photo of Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak toasting pints of beer in a pub. Headline reads:...
Kit Kat’s coolest flavors aren’t sold in the US. Here’s why (
If you stroll through the real or virtual aisles of a Japanese store, you might find Kit Kats in flavors like salt lemon, caramel pudding, whole grain biscuit, melon, and milk tea. Good luck finding those at Target or Walmart in the US....
Reddit seems to be scrambling behind the scenes to try and limit the effects of the migration. Damage control: ChatGPT bots are spamming pro-admin, astroturfed comments (
Apologies if this is a repost. They’re scared lol....