Very happy to own it, watched it in 4k. Will keep it forever. It will be a very long time until I watch it again. It was amazing, but if you’ve watched it you know why.
I’ve got a solid one. Source code (2011), with Jake Gyllenhaal. And there’s a really specific reason for it because I do love that movie and definitely crack a smile when I see it in my libary. It’s that I just end up watching Inception instead.
In Norwegian, which is linguistically and culturally close to English, the saying is "kyss meg i ræva" - kiss me in the ass. It's not "kyss meg på ræva", which would be kiss me on the ass.
So if we assume common roots/interpretation, I think it's safe to assume it's not referring to a smack on the cheek.
On the other hand we have German where the common saying is “Leck mich am Arsch”, meaning “lick me on the arse”.
But “Leck mich im Arsch” - “lick me in the arse” - still exists. It is just not as commonly used. The most popular usage is probably Mozart’s song with the same title.
In actual English, its more like “kiss my ass”, doesn’t really go too far into detail. We reserve the alternate implication for kiss-asses, which are also caller brown-nose[er]s (sycophants and tattle-tales/teachers pets)
The fact that English leaves it a bit more vague than Norwegian is a feature of the language, but I'm pretty sure the original meaning in English is the same - in the ass, not on it. "Kyss meg i ræva" is used in exactly the same way as "kiss my ass".
Sexual profanities are generally not intended to be taken literally.
Most humans believe in magic in some form (gods, spirits, miracles, astrology, etc) so we don’t have to guess how people would respond if they believed reality was irrational. They rationalize it endlessly and try desperately not to look at the parts that make no sense.
I am back home from groove cruise and had my first full night of sleep in over a week. It was honestly one of the best experiences in my life. I have a lot of thoughts on how to improve my next go at it (sleeping arrangements are top of this list), but like my first EDC it’s extremely clear to me that I want to do this most likely every year for as long as they are still doing this.
With all that being said, my shoulder is wrecked (and I need to spend a few hours on the line with insurance and billing to clear a multi month issue with coverage on getting the damn implant placed again), I still don’t quite have my land legs back, I’ve been feeling like I’m maybe getting sick for the last two days, I’m nauseous looking at my phone and typing this up right now, and my body is exhausted (averaged 60k steps and about 2.5k activity calories per day on the cruise). But amidst all that I have to say that my mood is excellent, I’m feeling a huge amount of gratitude to have had that experience and I’m feeling very loved and positive about the communities and people I’ve chosen in my life.