lolrightythen, 1 year ago to lemmyshitpost in Please clap Kudos in the caption!
Kudos in the caption!
abbadon420, 1 year ago to lemmyshitpost in With water from a rock and fire from Mt. Horeb This should be crossposted to dadjokes (I don’t know how to link communities)
This should be crossposted to dadjokes (I don’t know how to link communities)
numberfour002, 1 year ago to lemmyshitpost in Please clap Appears to be a thicc chunk of moistandtite.
Appears to be a thicc chunk of moistandtite.
cannibalkitteh, 1 year ago to lemmyshitpost in Please clap Okay, you’ve found it, but would you hit it?
Okay, you’ve found it, but would you hit it?
The_Picard_Maneuver, 1 year ago to lemmyshitpost in Quick, someone inform Alex Jones. AI is turning the frogs gay! But look at how happy they are!
But look at how happy they are!
ObviouslyNotBanana, 1 year ago to lemmyshitpost in Please clap Rock sliding into them DM’s
Rock sliding into them DM’s
Kolanaki, 1 year ago to lemmyshitpost in Russian roulette brownies “I shouldn’t have eaten the whole thing…”
“I shouldn’t have eaten the whole thing…”
jayrodtheoldbod, 1 year ago to lemmyshitpost in Target acquired He just kills Tom Bombadil and then throws the rifle away, doesn’t like the smell.
He just kills Tom Bombadil and then throws the rifle away, doesn’t like the smell.
Luci, 1 year ago to memes in Slava Ukraine Can someone explain this meme for me? Op?
Can someone explain this meme for me? Op?
VladimirPutinMyHero, 1 year ago The meme is the people supporting it 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The meme is the people supporting it 🤣🤣🤣🤣
baseless_discourse, 1 year ago to lemmyshitpost in Restaurant order preferences in Africa !cartographyanarchy
Viking_Hippie, 1 year ago to lemmyshitpost in Everything happens for a reason If I ever find out a way to do so without damaging the space-time continuum, I’m gonna have a lot of words with that bastard Past Me…
If I ever find out a way to do so without damaging the space-time continuum, I’m gonna have a lot of words with that bastard Past Me…
MacNCheezus, 1 year ago Screw the space-time continuum, they only invented for a TV show. Relativity Theory says time travel is possible, you just have to move faster than the speed of light.
Screw the space-time continuum, they only invented for a TV show. Relativity Theory says time travel is possible, you just have to move faster than the speed of light.
problematicPanther, 1 year ago Gotta go fast.
Gotta go fast.
Viking_Hippie, 1 year ago Dude, I’m super out of shape and don’t own a vehicle. Forget speed of light, I’m barely passing speed of tortoise!
Dude, I’m super out of shape and don’t own a vehicle. Forget speed of light, I’m barely passing speed of tortoise!
Blackout, 1 year ago to lemmyshitpost in Everything happens for a reason Why doesn't anybody stop me? This isn't my fault.
Why doesn't anybody stop me? This isn't my fault.
MacNCheezus, 1 year ago Well did you ask? Before anyone can stop you, you first have to tell them what they should stop you from.
Well did you ask?
Before anyone can stop you, you first have to tell them what they should stop you from.
Enkers, 1 year ago (edited 1 year ago) Stop it! …no? Well I tried.
Stop it!
Well I tried.
jenny_ball, 1 year ago to lemmyshitpost in Target acquired loll this is also what i think if they just used the eagles logically
loll this is also what i think if they just used the eagles logically
adj16, 1 year ago to lemmyshitpost in Russian roulette brownies I’m constipated and sober so this sounds like a win-win to me
I’m constipated and sober so this sounds like a win-win to me
SkabySkalywag, 1 year ago to lemmyshitpost in Target acquired So did he shoot a bunch of songs and pages of description too?.. Cool, cool I mean I’d pay to see Tom Bombadil got shot in the dick …
So did he shoot a bunch of songs and pages of description too?.. Cool, cool I mean I’d pay to see Tom Bombadil got shot in the dick …