Broken_Monitor, to lemmybewholesome in Good roommates

Spiders pay their rent by eating the freeloading bugs and insects.


And the coins are their tips

Hamartiogonic, avatar

There should be a community for appreciating spiders like that.

pseudo, avatar

!thxSpidy ?

AllonzeeLV, (edited ) to lemmybewholesome in Self-love

Oh sure, when a 3 year old does it it’s cute, but when WE do it, it’s “dissociative identity disorder.”


It’s only dissociative if the identities aren’t getting along.


currently running a bingo event in my mind fortress for all the fellas.


I see what you did there.


I don’t see how anyone would think this is DID

ThereRisesARedStar, to memes in Sure. Why not. Anything goes.

Are you really suggesting the DPRK is worse than Qatar? Lmao.

Only the US will kill 20 percent of a population, establish a right wing military dictatorship in the south, and paint the democratic and progressive north as an evil regime worse than an absolute monarchy.

Stamets, avatar

y’all been taking some Ls lately. If I were Canadian I’d pretend to be American

ElChapoDeChapo, avatar

Oh, the country where after ww2 a waffen ss tattoo would get you in.

Thordros, avatar

That’s a good point. Let me amend her post:

Only the US and America Jr. will kill 20 percent of a population, establish a right wing military dictatorship in the south, and paint the democratic and progressive north as an evil regime worse than an absolute monarchy.

Stamets, avatar

I forgot about that scene lol

Stamets, avatar

Good 'ol Russian Badger. Favorite bit of his is probably the one that goes on about shooting yourself with small caliber bullets to build up resistance to larger caliber.

Great bit.


I had not seen that one before, but that totally fits lol

Fissionami, (edited ) avatar

Doesn’t change anything. Most of the US allies are US vassals nowadays.


Just a small correction: a vassal is a person subservient to a feudal lord. A vessel is a container of some sort or a ship.


paint the democratic and progressive north as an evil regime worse

You clowns are beyond parody

o_d, avatar

Ad hominem


No. Accusing someone of a fallacy doesn’t make it true.

1800doctorb, to memes in It's beautiful avatar

A week or so ago I had just finished a tough workout at my big box gym and was heading back to my car around sunrise. I looked up and saw the most beautiful and massive pink and purple ripples stretched out from the edge of the horizon to where I was standing. It was so impressive that I had to stop a moment in the middle of the parking lot and soak it in. Then, within 2 minutes, the clouds had shifted and everything returned to a depressing gray.

Beauty like this is everywhere, but it sure can be fleeting.

humorlessrepost, (edited )


Then, within 2 minutes … everything returned to a depressing gray


oce, avatar

2 minutes is a pretty high score though


If beauty weren’t fleeting there’d be no reason to notice it

lazynooblet, to memes in Maybe it'll be the best year yet avatar

2024 will finally be the year of Linux desktop

Retrograde, avatar

Year of the steam deck for me!


Ay you’re that thing mercury is in sometimes. Is 2024 actually going to be the year it turns Gatorade?

Retrograde, avatar

I mean, it would have to be the year of the plant since Gatorade is what they crave

Octopus1348, avatar

Well, we hit 3% of market share in 2023, so this was definitely one of the years of the Linux desktop.

Localhorst86, to programmer_humor in Programmer tries to explain binary search to the police

“Exactly my point. We will not be investing an hour looking at the footage to pinpoint the time of theft, now get out!”


Show up with a box of donuts.

“Hey, look what I got for us to eat while looking at that tape!”

“Oh, I don’t think those donuts will last more than ten minutes here!”

“No problem, I know a way that won’t take that long…”

Zagorath, (edited ) to memes in The quickest way to be sure avatar

That relies on their detection actually detecting the right piece.

I once recorded myself playing Beethoven’s “Pathetique” sonata, mvt 2. It gave me a strike for a recording of Beethoven’s “Moonlight” sonata, mvt 1.

edit: of course, in both cases, the thing is public domain, and no company has any right to claim copyright on it. The fact that YouTube lets them is fucking criminal. And it was the piece itself that copyright was being claimed on, not the recording.

TonyTonyChopper, avatar

Wait, you are the doctor

TonyTonyChopper, (edited ) avatar
user224, avatar

…the thing is public domain…

Are you sure? I believe there’s likely copyright also applying to each performance.

Zagorath, avatar

Yes, and I own that copyright, because it’s my performance.

The claim wasn’t against the recording though. It was against the composition.

oce, avatar

Same happened to me with my own record of a 19th century guitar piece. They lifted it after my appeal but it’s so annoying to be presumed guilty.


I really wish there was some form of user protection in regards to DMCA. The claimant should be required to face penalties for false claims. IP holders are not damaged by stolen content as significantly as smaller users who have had claims made against them, regardless of legitimacy.

Zagorath, avatar

There are protections against false DMCA claims. I think a false DMCA claim is actually perjury.

The thing is though, the vast majority of claims on YouTube are not DMCA. YouTube has their own extra-legal system called Content ID. Where a DMCA claim carries the force of law and requires the allegedly infringing content be removed from the platform, claims under Content ID are essentially a contract with YouTube, and they give the claimant the choice of taking the video down, muting it (if the allegedly infringing content is audio), or monetising it and taking all the money for the claimant. They can also do different things by region, which is why at least historically a lot of videos were taken down in Germany but available elsewhere.

tygerprints, to memes in Was it not ripe enough or something?

When I was an ordinary dumb kid, I took a bunch of cattails from a pond nearby and put them in my desk at school. Well - a couple days later, they decided to "bloom" and we had a desk inspection and when I opened my desk up, the room filled with big fluffy cotton spores. I got yelled at for a solid hour, I'd never seen my teacher so angry. And I'm like, what's the big deal?? It's free cotton candy and it's pretty!!


New prank idea.


Yeah but just don't get caught. Turns out teachers don't like having their classroom filled with fluffy seed spores.


For real


I’m thinking Pringles can


I like the cut of your jib.

AcornCarnage, to memes in Yes. We're better than you. avatar

I want to upvote, but just can’t do it.


LogicalDrivel, (edited ) avatar


Its everywhere dude!

Edit: that x is meant to be + but im as lazy as i am bad at math


57 = 12 + 45

Erase most of the 4 and you have 12 - 5 = 7

steal_your_face, avatar

The numbers mason! What do they mean?



Zangoose, avatar

The trend continues (no I didn’t have the patience to wait an extra hour)

Zangoose, avatar

Perfect is 7 letters


Great thumbnail for a YouTube video.


YouTube is 7 letters

PunnyName, (edited )

Why would I put in the extra effort? How much time have I saved by not adding in that extra line in my 40+years of life?

How much more will I save in the next 40+ (less, of course, since computers will be the main source of 7s, whereas most of my 7s in the first 40 were in my youth before computers were commonplace, and I hope I don’t live that fucking long)?

snooggums, avatar



Why would I put in the extra effort?

Distinguishes it better from 1. 1 and 7 can look pretty similar


I think the argument is that if you write a 1 with a line at the bottom it is easy to confuse it with a sloppily written 7, whose bar moved down a bit.

Which invalidates the argument of the user above. (If not inverse it - a lot more numbers in life start with a 1 than with a 7)


1 with a bar at the bottom? I honestly have never seen that in handwritten text


Me neither, but I also don’t read a lot of handwriting from other parts of the world. But I have heard that some places teach the 1 with a horizontal bar and the 7 without one.


depends if you've ever written down a password and misread a seven then you've literally wasted more time by not doing it.

though strike through zero is probably more important for that situation.

BluJay320, avatar

Now do you misread a 7? Maybe as a T if you have particularly bad handwriting, but I can’t say I’ve ever had that issue

O and 0, on the other hand… tell me why strikethrough zero isn’t standard in text format yet

Tavarin, avatar

Can be misread as a 1, especially in languages that write 1 with a more extended top bit.

BluJay320, avatar

Ah, I always write my 1s as just a straight line

Though it does make all my 1s, capital Is, and lowercase ls look the same

ReveredOxygen, avatar

well if you stroke through a zero, it’s too easy to confuse with an empty set

livus, avatar

@metaStatic I have found that the fastest way to parse long passwords eg software keys is if you underline all numbers as you write them down.

NaibofTabr, (edited )

ambiguity (even potential ambiguity) is a larger time waster


Unless you have an actual need to write a lot of 7s in a row and then rush off and actually do something you otherwise wouldn’t have been able to accomplish had you omitted them, you can’t claim that as usefully saved time. The tiny fractions of time by themselves aren’t enough to do anything on their own therefore the total amount of things you have accomplished in your life would be the same whether you added the lines or not.

2Password2Remember, to memes in Sure. Why not. Anything goes.

if you think a WC in NK would be worse than in Saudi Arabia you’re up to your eyeballs in amerikkkan propaganda

Death to America


Do we really need extreme politics in a meme community?



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  • Che_Donkey, avatar

    plus, you know that its thier only personality trait so they gotta beat that drum somehow


    What’s extreme about it?

    bennieandthez, avatar

    Political “memes” are going to get political.


    I don’t know why you are talking about Saudi Arabia. Qatar is not Saudi Arabia.



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  • spectre,

    The men’s world cup is still 3 years away and the women payled in NZ this year though so I’m not sure that you’re referring to?


    I was lost, please ignore me

    commiewithoutorgans, avatar

    Yeah that’s in 11 years I think lol. Still though the point stands


    100% misread that headline omg

    commiewithoutorgans, avatar

    No prob comrade, 2034 and 2024 can look very similar due to us being so used to seeing 202* dates. I wouldn’t delete though, the fact that it’s spoken about in media as a fine choice for 2034 still means your point is correct


    Oh thanks I didn’t know. I don’t care about fifa trash.

    Flyberius, avatar

    Lol. You owned yourself


    Not really. I didn’t know that Saudi Arabia will host one because I really don’t care about fifa trash. But the meme is about Qatar and NC. So talking about Saudi Arabia is still kinda weird but no one is saying Saudi Arabia would be better than NC. The post just implies Qatar is better, while you totally could understand the meme to be about harming the WC branding and pushing the limits too far in general.

    Flyberius, avatar

    No, you did.


    Did what? Where?

    Adkml, (edited )

    Saying you don’t know why people are talking about Saudia Arabia regarding the world cup when the world cup is in Saudi Arabia really demonstrates the people who are interested in this story because of following football and those interested because American propoganda told them to be.


    Lol I don’t care about fifa trash. I am not complaining about where the WC is, as fifa is corrupt to no end. I didn’t know the WC will be in Saudi Arabia because I don’t care about anything fifa. Didn’t even imply that NC is worse than Saudi Arabia. I knew the WC was in qatar because a couple thousand Immigrants died in the construction of the Stadions. The meme was about Qatar and they talked about Saudi Arabia, so I expressed my confusion but apparently that makes me brainwashed lol


    Idk about brainwashed but it deff makes you an uninformed jackass.


    Uninformed jackass because I point out that his rant about Saudi Arabia is a little weird considering the fact that the post is about Qatar and not Saudi Arabia.

    If you think a little about the post, you realize that it makes no point about whether or not Saudi Arabia is worse or better than nc. Neither did I. And if you think a little more you realize that the meme could be understood that fifa is pushing more and more the limits of their fans patience by making bad decisions repeatably. And through that, not even comparing Qatar with nc. In other words, the comment that I responded to talks about a party that is not part of the meme for no reason, and understands the meme in one precise way as alternative understanding would render the rant even more strange.

    But I am uninformed jackass, for pointing at that… ok buddy.

    DPRK_Chopra, avatar

    You also keep calling it “NC” which is both uninformed and jackassish.


    English is not my native tongue and sometimes I forgot that Korea is not spelled with a c, like e.g. in french. That happens if you speak more than one language. But if all my “uninformed and jackassish”-ness is that, I will die happily.

    Also If I were a Japanese citizen and I wouldn’t appreciate north Korea sending rockets towards Japan while those rockets might be nuclear, and that causes me to be more afraid of north Korea than Saudi Arabia, am I then also brainwashed by the us?

    In case you are mad that I don’t write “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” or “DPRK” but north Korea. Well, I also don’t call south Korea “republic of Korea” or ROK. I also don’t call Germany “Feberal republic of Germany”. But if you care some much about that please call it by the proper name, 조선민주주의인민공화국, or at least, Chosŏn Minjujuŭi Inmin Konghwaguk. Thanks for not being uninformed and jackassish .

    DPRK_Chopra, avatar

    lol owned

    Neato, to lemmybewholesome in All to see Grandma and Grandpa avatar

    This kid is going places.


    Specifically to grandma’s house.


    For cookies.


    White chocolate chip macadamia nut.

    Also Grandma’s a wolf. Still somehow managed to make cookies for the grandkids.


    Well hes had 10 years; we need a check in


    Are you telling me that 2014 was 10 years ago?


    I can only say that 2014+10=2024

    nieceandtows, to lemmybewholesome in Taking in the best moments while you can

    You should still take some time for yourself. Always putting others’ needs before yours will burn you out.


    This is not “others”. This is his son.


    Unless he is Jesus, father and son are separate people :)

    xia, to risa in I hope this ship holds together!



    The confluence of the power streams has put life in these old thrusters


    Hey man, this is a Christian server.

    dasgoat, (edited ) to lemmybewholesome in A self-care reminder

    I was taught to put my tongue* on the roof of my mouth and even had braces specifically to make me do that? Am I going mad? Is my life a lie? Is this just fantasy, caught in a landslide


    Maybe they mean excess force?

    The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

    I believe your tongue is typically supposed to be in the middle of your mouth when at rest.


    Well gee now I don’t know what to do with my tongue perhaps I should unzip it and store it in a pouch until I need it next x


    can i have it

    i want to throw it at things and see if you can stil ltaste them


    Yeah you can get it to work wirelessly but you’ll need a dongle to get low enough latency for it to be worthwhile,


    Having your tongue against the roof of your mouth at rest is 100% the “correct” way to store your tongue. This actually influences how your teeth, jaw, and facial bones grow

    v4ld1z, avatar


    Source: SLT apprenticeship


    That’s exactly what I was thinking. My tongue rests on the roof of my mouth, to pull it back takes more effort. In fact, as I open my mouth my tongue sticks to the roof a little, then pops away - there’s like a vacuum seal holding it there, effortlessly.

    radix, avatar

    I heard it has to do with what your primary language is. Different languages have different default mouth positions and so speakers of different languages end up with different muscles developed over time.

    Sweetpeaches69, (edited )

    Yes. I took Mandarin for a while and would practice at my favorite Chinese restaurants in town with the staff. They all remarked on how they keep their tongue on the bottom of their mouth. One older woman actually said it went back to Confucianism, and how that was better for the electrical circuit of the body, or something.

    agent_flounder, avatar

    No escape from reality, tongue belongs up top. I went thru a similar thing.

    faintwhenfree, to risa in An unusual scene

    Too good. No way people who see this the first time don’t fall for it.


    I fell for it big time. Haha, bravo.


    Heh, I turned my head in the wrong direction. My idiocy saves me again


    So did I, and I saw the Australian version. It did not save me.


    I am in Australia. Can’t see it either direction.

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