finestnothing, (edited ) to memes in It's just a coffee

The only subscriptions I am willing to pay for:

Phone bill - no choice
Internet bill - no choice
Insurance - no choice
World of Warcraft - sue me
Costco membership - worth it
VPN - worth it

I don’t pay for any others. Paid for lifetime Plex for the convenience of not needing to pay for a website domain like I would for jellyfin, and self host my own music, tv, and movies


Costco membership - worth it

Just got my Executive Membership rebate. It more than paid for the membership. We’re basically shopping at Costco for free.

Noved, (edited ) avatar

Furthermore, Costco employees will never push you to get the executive membership, if your previous year did not have enough spending on it to at least pay back the difference.

We actually had the Costco customer service Tell us to cancel our executive membership, because we didn’t earn enough over the year


If somebody doesn’t shop at Costco enough to justify the executive membership, I’m not sure the regular membership would be justified either.


But you could get so many hotdogs!!??!!

Actually I understand you can get the Hot Dogs without the membership. Which also blows my mind. Thry should just compete with Weinerschnitzel.


That’s kind of what we were thinking, too, which is why we went with it. We are a family of six, which means that we’re always going to buy big quantities of stuff somewhere; might as well be at Costco.


I use jellyfin without paying for a domain…?


I stream my Plex server to my parents and inlaws so local and wireguard only isn’t feasible

Tenthrow, avatar

3 of those are services. Most subscription shit we see these days are products that they want us to treat like services even though there is no on going consumption. All of these software subscription services are just grifts.


The only thing he listed that isn’t a service is his Costco membership.

Clanket, (edited )

I’ll pay you 3 quid a month for read access to your server.

Ha just kidding, fuck subscriptions

vulgarcynic, to memes in How to start the day off strong avatar

They drink pretty much the whole movie. It was a game to drink along with them when my partner and I were younger.

dangblingus, (edited )

But they don’t though. They are only seen drinking alcohol at the end on Christmas Day. Literally, there’s only a few scenes that even feature the parents, and none of them until the end include alcohol consumption.


Sounds like fun. I’ll try this next year.

TheGreenGolem, avatar

During Christmas.

jtk, avatar

🎶 It’s Christmas morning somewhere 🎶


That’s… That’s not how Christmas works.


How would you know, punk? What are you, a reindeer?


Reindeer can’t type, they don’t have any fingers.


You fell for my trick - now I know you must be an elf! How else would you know reindeers have hooves?


You underestimate the determination of a reindeer.

mondoman712, to memes in Before long, it'll be all grill and drivers won't be able to see which direction they're going.
RaincoatsGeorge, to memes in Technically it's always the first in China until they get removed from the movie

Would anyone like to run a statistical analysis of the number of gay characters that have been present in Disney movies, or really movies in general?

They’re forcing gay characters on us! Help I’m being oppressed! Chill the Fuck out and watch literally 99 percent of all movies that have ever been made if you’re worried about being underrepresented.

Let’s sit down and watch all of the movies that feature a white savior ‘knowing what’s best’ for poor and minority characters. Look at their unbridled altruism! They don’t have to associate with those pesky poors but they choose to do it on account of their saintliness! Get the fuck outta here.


“iTs JuSt So FoRcEd”


also it’s still a disney movie they aren’t going to show gay porn or anything


Not with that attitude. Normalize gay pornography in Disney movies!


2032: “Disneys first openly gay sex worker character gets 2 seconds of screentime in the new movie!”




Nothing like the heroes who write the uncut fast and furious movies.

Stamets, avatar

According to there are 17 and most of them have the representation of either it being a backhanded reference to them being queer or being on screen for all of 3 seconds. Oh lawd jesus. So oppressive.

Just a bunch of whiny people who are so incredibly insecure with their own sexuality that they think someone else could turn them gay. Probably because they spend more time than they want to admit fantasizing about sucking cock.

Sorry. As a gay dude I am just so phenomenally tired of hearing the most represented group on the planet whine about being “under-represented” or having to be “forced to watch gay people, THINK OF THE KIDS” when shit like Boss Baby is created where you have a literal infant lusting over women.

RaincoatsGeorge, (edited )

Just do a deep dive on all the super Fucking uncomfortable 80s and 90s tv shows and movies where it’s totally acceptable for an adult to have a sexual encounter with a child. It’s sold as a gag or the adult ‘ struggles with their urges’ or whatever. Totally normal, haha funny.

Imagine if there were a movie like Leon the professional that featured a gay man or a transgender person. The world would lose its mind and string up the director for child abuse.

I’m in full support of lgbt characters that are ‘normalized’ and treated like everyone else. It’s such a non issue it’s crazy to me that it’s even a concern in anyone’s mind.

AOCapitulator, avatar

A transgender person*

Just saying “a transgender” is weird


That’s fair

AOCapitulator, avatar

Thanks o7


Even from a conservative perspective it’s fucking stupid. Your job as a parent is to help your kid learn how to navigate the real world, which SURPRISE has gay people in it.


My problem is the stereotypes. Have a strong women she’s a lesbian, a girl who likes sports a lesbian. Gay man is over the top flamboyant. They might be representing but it still seems stereotyped.


Oh 100% that’s an issue esp with Disney movies I feel like, but in general I find that there’s a lot of just bad stereotypes that get away with masquerading as “gay humor”, or the fact that a character is queer is just shoehorned in later, but plays no bearing on the character.

Anecdotally I’ve gotten back into Apex Legends recently, and LOVE the representation in that game. One of my mains, Fuse, is stereotypical Aussie manly man who loves explosives, and just so happens to be pansexual and very affectionate with his nb partner. They’re a genuinely enjoyable couple without any of the traditional gay/queer stereotypes found in other media, it’s so refreshing.


My sister had a little meltdown on Facebook about the beauty and the beast remake when it came out, because gasp it has two guys dancing in it for all of 2 seconds, at the very end of the movie.

She literally said “how am I supposed to explain that to my kids?” and apparently “with words, if they bother asking” wasn’t the answer she wanted.

I have far more knowledge of her activities in highschool and college than she thought. I could easily get 7 ex-girlfriends of hers to answer on her social media page so everyone she’s pandering to can have an answer from an openly gay person how to address openly gay people. (hint: normal. You treat them normally.)


I was showing my nephews and niece pics of me with my ex once because she didn’t visit with me and my niece asked to see pics.

The friend that introduced us is gay, and I had a pic of all of us during gamenight with him and his ex. My niece asked who his ex was, I couldn’t remember their name, so I said “that was his boyfriend” to which the kids were surprised, and asked a couple questions, which I answered in a very basic, kid-friendly manner. Just the matter-of-fact manner in which I’ve always explained stuff to them.

Well that was enough to send my SIL flying into the living room with a bible to go over verses that talk about how it’s sinful to be gay. I sat there holding my tongue, and I could see the confusion on their faces like “he was just telling us about his friend”.

I waited until she was done to tell them that another reason I’m not a Christian anymore is bc I don’t think who my friends are is wrong. (Which ofc brother and SIL got upset at later)

And in the conversation I had with my brother and SIL later on, they couldn’t see how me talking about my gay friends differently to my straight friends or avoiding saying someone was gay if it came up was an issue. These people live in a twisted reality of their own creation, it’s frightening.


Luc Besson man, Leon was way more pedo on script but he had to pull back while filming. And the fifth element too, Leeloo was essentially a baby/toddler in an adult woman’s body so everyone wanted a piece of her.


It’s Hollywood. Think about how we now know like every major rockstar from the 70s thru the 90s was openly having sex with teenagers. Now look at what we have uncovered about the rape based economy of movies and tv. These guys were raping men women and children with impunity for decades. It’s no wonder that their films would reflect that.

Up till now and likely still today, if you wanted to be successful in hollywood you weren’t getting a seat at the table until they got exactly what they wanted. Try to resist and watch as your career went up in flames. Ashley Judd remembers.

It’s not surprising at all that this time period was all just an extension of that. Working child rape into movies was just them expressing themselves.


The director of the jeepers creepers series is a convicted pedophile who raped his 12 year old star during filming. Francis for Coppola continues to be his friend and funds his movies


The world would lose its mind and string up the director for child abuse.

The director of Leon the Professional should’ve unironically been strung up for child abuse.

jordanlund, to piracy in I should figure out how myself avatar

He’s going to be surprised at just how many people are OK not owning Ubisoft games…

LazaroFilm, (edited ) to comicstrips in Something on the wing [Tyler Hendrix] avatar

This comic is brought to you by Boeing.

— Boeing, an open door to the skies.


The real monsters were airline executives the entire time.


“When one door closes, another door violently blasts open”

agent_flounder, avatar

You sure? I see no flames or crashing.

Knitwear, to lemmybewholesome in Young love

Um, can’t we let kids be friends?


They could be calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend I suppose. Sometimes even small kids do that


Which is still very much learned behavior, often the result of an uncle pestering “So little Jimmy, got a girlfriend yet?”


Heteronormativity in action.

Kusimulkku, (edited )

Almost everything we do is learned behaviour. Could be as simple as hearing adults talk about it to each other or calling people someone’s girlfriend or boyfriend.


It’s most likely taught behavior, IMHO.


My daughter has had crushes since kindergarten and absolutely no one has asked her if she “has a boyfriend yet”

Kids develop crushes. You don’t need to make it weird.

ADHDefy, avatar

I had a little girlfriend when we were in first grade. lol I don't recall anyone ever asking me if I had a girlfriend or anything, and I had plenty of friends that were girls and no one ever teased me about it that I remember. I knew it was okay to be friends with girls, I just had a crush on this one. We played Zelda together and talked on the phone for hours about whatever dumb things first graders talk about, then her family moved to another state. It was my most successful relationship to date. 😂


Yes, your daughter has had the quintessential American child experience which is most likely going to underscored by taking place in a western-flavored cis heterosexual context. What I’m saying is that it’s all relative. Your daughter’s relationship experience will be different than an ancient Egyptian, or a Native American, or a Viking. There is nothing “natural” about the way we currently partake in relationships as Americans. And my point is that it is weird to assert “My child is so in love!” Let them express things on their own. Give them that freedom.


Yes, your daughter has had the quintessential American child experience which is most likely going to underscored by taking place in a western-flavored cis heterosexual context

Man if you knew me IRL you’d find this fucking hilarious.


Calm down, I don’t think they’ll be needing “the talk” any time soon, it’s just an internet post for fun.

Therealgoodjanet, to lemmyshitpost in NASA has some explaining to do

This is a parody account, right? Right?

youCanCallMeDragon, avatar

It must be there’s no way this is real.

Oh dip, nice username


Thank you!


i feel like hes almost too articulate even in his typos for this to be non parody. this sounds like a non stupid guy making a joke for religious idiots to fall for.


I used to be sure of these things in the past, but now I ain’t so sure anymore…

Vespair, (edited ) to memes in "Now, here's what I would do..."

Admittedly I was in my very early 20s, not a teen, but I legitimately helped* a woman through her divorce on WoW and then once they separated drove 3 states away to have the best sex of my entire life.

Great memories.

Edit to add asterisk: by “helped” I just mean provided a necessary shoulder and ear; obviously I did not provide advice on a relationship I was very much not a part of


I helped her out of a jam, I guess

But I used a little too much force


When your step-healer gets stuck you gotta do what you gotta do.

jawa21, to risa in Nothing good
ummthatguy, avatar

“Um, yeah. I’m gonna need you to seek glory Sunday as well, so we can sort of play catch up.”

ininewcrow, (edited ) avatar

I'd say make it Worf and a Mek'leth, maybe throw mirror Bareil in the background

Norgur, (edited )

And my axe!

  • Starfleet-Commander Gimli, senior Patronus Officer, X-303 Prometheus
Drusas, to memes in What a nice video of a car peacefully driving amongst beautiful hills

I don't get it. Am Millennial.


Apparently they meant European millennial. I’ve never even heard of K-Fee.


I’m an American late millennial, I definitely remember this. I’m guessing it’s 85-95 millennials.


K-Fee - Auto


I think I might understand it even less now.


I came here to understand and also understand less now haha

Stamets, (edited ) avatar

Then let me help you and @Starglasses out a little.

It is an ‘auto’ commercial by K-Fee. Here’s the video to said commercial.


Ah. Doesn't seem like a very universal Millennial experience.


God fucking dammit. I put ear buds in for this fucking video.

Stamets, avatar

I am so sorry… at least you got an authentic experience?


I sure did. 🤯😱😒😤 I guess I’m now the terrible warning to future viewers.


Oh, so it’s a joke I didn’t know. Carry on! I’ve got my own jokes you guys would stare blankly at 🙃😸

Stamets, avatar

All good! There’s a bunch of reaction videos to that commercial up online that are pretty funny.


Thanks for helping us understand. Appreciate it.

stebo02, avatar

why would this peaceful video induce any anxie- JESUS SWEET CHRIST

Akasazh, avatar

Could someone do a transcription for those of us not able to watch the video?


It’s something you have to watch. It can’t really be transcribed.

Peppycito, (edited )

A car drives slowly down a peaceful road and goes behind a tree. Then a zombie jump-scaresout of nowhere. It’s an add for iced coffee.

I’m a transcription wizard.

Cethin, (edited )

Sure, but that ruins all the fun. It’s not really a good transcription if it doesn’t convey they experience.


I edited my transcription to give the full effect.

Akasazh, avatar




Varyk, to memes in The futuristic cheese grater era

I still don’t really get how the “no one” tag works.

This meme works perfectly fine without “no one” preceding it.

Most “no one” memes do.

Why add the no one in front?

Is it like nobody asked to be told about this?

Thank you for your time


Is it like nobody asked to be told about this?

Kinda, as if the idea the meme talks about came out of nowhere, unrequested


Weird. Thanks.


I hate it as much as I hate punchline images that tell you how to feel about it.


(Face of a meme guy)


His Ass Is Not A Mechanic 😂


It was a bad meme from the start


Got it, thanks

jwt, (edited )

No one
could’ve said it better.


Is it like nobody asked to be told about this?


technojamin, (edited )

It’s a riff on the meme formats that go:

My cashier: …

Me: …

“No one:” represents something coming out of the blue, completely unprompted. It’s definitely getting overused, but that’s just an inevitable part of the lifecycle of a meme.

Varyk, (edited )

I don’t mind it being used if it makes sense, but it seems unnecessary most of the time, drawing attention away from the meme.

I’d also like to point out that almost every answer about the no one memes describes a different reasoning for what it is used.

This implies its unnecessary quality. Subjective, important placeholder.


I agree that it usually doesn’t add anything to the meme, especially nowadays. It’s a pretty low-effort template.

I like Know Your Meme’s description:

a phrasal template used to mock people who strive to attract attention and tend to provide unsolicited opinions, as well as for observational humor.

I think its original usage in mocking attention seeking was funnier. It’s basically generalized into any observational humor though, which is when it becomes unnecessary.


That makes sense to me where it would work. The memer would have to have an accurate sense of humor instead of just scatter shooting the phrase all over the place, but that’s difficult, so we end up with these. Thanks


THANK YOU! It has become a pet peeve of mine. I think it’s supposed to reference “no one asked”. But if that’s the case, the meme should be

Nobody: “Hey I’d really like every music video to be shot with a fish-eye lens”.



It doesn’t make sense.


I think this is the first explanation I found searching, “no one asked”, but yea, if that’s correct, it is not super clear and is often redundant

ininewcrow, to memes in Yes. We're better than you. avatar

You’ll change your tune when your work forces you to regularly write nonsensical combinations of letters and numbers.



The meme is specifically calling out why the seven slash exists. It’s very possible to confuse the two with sloppy writing.


I think what snor is saying is that the “hatted” 1 prevents mistaking it for an I when there are numerals and letters in the same context.


If they curved the tick instead of some angled dash nonsense there would be no mistake. Thus an angled top on a 1, rather than curved, should be a punishable offense

steal_your_face, avatar

I switched to the middle one because I couldn’t tell my sevens from my ones 😅


Does no one write their 1 as a simple line down?


I’m sure some do. But not everyone does. This helps avoid the confusion.

ReveredOxygen, avatar

I do, but then it’s too easy to confuse with absolute value. Beats confusing it with 7 though

Heavybell, avatar

1 do, buy sometimes it can be important to make sure you mean I and not 1 (and definitely not l) if you’re writing a code of some kind.

jarfil, (edited )


zerofk, (edited )

Only when writing binary or truth tables.


I do, but dependent upon context. If there is no risk of confusion with a capital I or lower-case l (though I tend to write the latter with a slight rightward curve at the bottom), then yeah, it’s just a basic vertical line.

This is a thousand percent more than I thought I’d ever write about my penmanship. Welp.


Same here 😄


Underline your danged ones.


My underlined 1s look like my 2s when I write with a marker. It’s a problem I didn’t antisipate that arose when I was trying to distinguish my 1s from my Is and ls.


But why not cross the seven instead?

abbotsbury, avatar

I make my underline too wide which makes it unsuitable for anything but 1 by itself :(


But they’re not phasors.

Sanctus, to lemmyshitpost in Plummeting interest rate avatar

Playing online games after 35 be like.




Literally why is that a weird thing? People over 35 grew up with gaming, it’s pretty normal.

MuhammadJesusGaySex, to memes in "Now, here's what I would do..."

I used to run a very successful server for BioWare Neverwinter Nights back in the early 2000s. A guy started playing on there when he was 15 and met a married woman in her 30s. She got divorced and a few days after he turned 18 he flew out to meet her.

They got married about 12 or 13 years ago. I was the best man, and they are still married. I talk to them daily and usually see them weekly. It happens.


Gotta get that oldie gamer booty

Agent641, (edited )

Currently working on it. I met a 46yr old woman thru AA who plays minecraft to better connect with her kids, 9 and 12. Taking her out to dinner tonight. Wish me luck.


How old are you? (Good Luck!)


36, no kids. Her kids are outrageously fun to hang out with, and shes probably the most artistically talented woman Ive ever met.


How did it go??

Agent641, (edited )

Great! I helped her set up her xmas tree.


Ace Attorney?


Good luck!

buzz, avatar

Alcoholics anonymous?

oce, avatar

AA batteries fan club


anodized aluminum club

FlyingSquid, avatar

You’re all wrong. This is the frequent flyers club for American Airlines.


Thats right!


hell yea I hope that went well

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