It might actually outlast your Model M. The membranes on the Model M seems to be the thing that has died for me (after like 20+ years mind you). I frequently still use my Leopold from 2009 and its rock solid.
Is that an IBM Model M, or a Lexmark Model M? Earlier Model Ms were entirely mechanical, later ones made by Lexmark used the buckling-spring-over-membrane design.
And in the case of a membrane Model M, I wonder if you can get a replacement from…whatever that company is that bought the molds and still makes them to this day.
Oh boy, yeah, a lot more came out about it. There’s actually been a lot over the years, but a few years ago a pretty serious documentary came out about it.
He asked them to show their butt holes and masturbated in front of them, so not as severe as rape but definitely sexual abuse (allegedly).
What swung it for me is when Louis Theroux said that anyone claiming he’s not a pedophile is in denial. If you’re willing to look the other way because “he made great music though”, then shame on you.
It’s available to watch on Netflix and Amazon Prime. I watched this honestly with a mind that wasn’t just open, but sceptical with a view that some “hangers on” were just after a quick payday and I ended up feeling pretty sick.
I’m on the fence about him, as I haven’t really dug into it, but i get the impression that it’s mostly allegations without proof. His sister made some outlandish claims, but her credibility has been called intoquestion.
There were some settlements/payoffs, but I’m not going to speculate whether that was for covering something up, or if it was an attempt at appeasing people who just wanted a quick buck.
It can be said with certainty that he liked being around kids, possibly in a purely innocent manner. Anything beyond that is hard to say for certain. And the stories about kids sharing bedroom with him often fail to take into account that his bedroom was larger than most houses.
Groove Life makes some fucking solid belts. And if you do actually manage to destroy it somehow, they have a lifetime warranty.
If you toke and like resin carts, Eleaf batteries are amazing. I was going through whatever I could find at smoke shops about once or twice a month before I got an Eleaf. I’ve had this thing for 2 or 3 years now… So long I can’t even remember exactly. It lasts for days and charges in like 10 minutes if you have a quick charge capable charger. Plus it’s compact and also has voltage settings.
I haven’t used Eleaf, but I’m very happy with my Vuber. My first one was still going strong after 5+ years until I unfortunately lost it and had to buy a replacement.
Doc Martens are now Chinese made IIRC and don’t last.
Solovair is the the company that used to make Martens and you can still buy that style there. I hear they’re much better than Martens, but also occasionally a mixed review that they didn’t last very long.
I’ll offer a mixed review for carhartt…while they used to be strictly workwear, they’ve started putting up retail spaces in designer clothing areas. Prices have shot up. I had a belt from them that fell apart pretty quick with normal wear. Got a work shirt that’s doing pretty good though. IMO they’re headed down the same road as a lot of brands that get popular - price hikes with decreased quality.
I just got some Carhartt “wool” socks for Christmas. They are pilling like crazy after 1-2 wears/washes. They’re less than half wool, so that might be the issue.
I do WFH and I don’t wear shoes in the house, but that’s literally why I wanted wool socks.
I asked my parents for wool socks for Christmas twenty years ago and they gave me a few pairs each of three or four different brands. The ones that have lasted the longest and include a lifetime warranty is Redhead from Bass Pro. I’ve only exchanged them once or twice. They’re tall and thick with high pile wool. I’ve worn a pair almost every day for probably nine months out of the year, sometimes year-round, ever since I got them.
I’ll offer a mixed review for carhartt…while they used to be strictly workwear, they’ve started putting up retail spaces in designer clothing areas.
Carhartt and Carhartt Work in Progress are two different brands, the former is the good workwear one, the later is the designer fashionable stuff. Stick to their non WIP stuff
Slight correction: From my understanding, Solovair is the company that purchased the cobbling machinery/factory that DocMartens sold off when they fully off-shored. DocMartens then contracted with them for their limited release, price-inflated, Made in UK boots. As the designs are long out of patent, Solovair also manufactures their own. I see Docs at a 15% markup, just for the name.
I’ll throw a weird one in here. If you want to do any smart home automation stuff, Lutron. Their stuff is famously bulletproof and generally “just works” and almost never needs troubleshooting.
It can be a little pricy for a light switch, but it will work with just about any platform you want to use. Also, all of their wireless switches work without internet.
The door from my driveway opens into my office. The light switch in my office is in a really shitty place. When coming into my office at night, I have to navigate to the light switch in the dark to turn on the light.
Or, at least I did. Now when the door opens at night, the light in my office comes on at 10%.
WiFi is really handy because it’s easy and accessible, but as you add devices, you wind up with WiFi network issues.
Because these devices can just talk to the internet, they can talk to their manufacturer’s websites and tell them everything they learn about you from your network, such as all the other devices on your network, any open file sharing protocols (and the files on those devices), any other devices that are willing to talk to the WiFi device. So - literally - everything on your network becomes exposed to the manufacturer of the device. It’s unlikely the manufacturer would be nefarious, but they would extract all your data.
And if the device has poor security, opens a port to the outside world, or - as I discovered this weekend on my soundbar - just has a root ssh shell with no password requirement, it could pose a security risk to you and your devices.
…. And I just remembered outbound federation is currently broken on my instance and maybe one person will actually see this comment. Fuck.
I have my lights set to turn on slightly before I am supposed to wake, turn off after I go to work, before I return from home, and after I go to bed. I’ve recently added mmwave sensors to turn them on and off based on my presence within a room. I can do all kinds of automations that I could do manually sure but if I don’t need to and can minimize the amount of excess energy waste then why wouldn’t I want a wirelessly controlled switch and or lights?
And yes most everyone can do this. Google Home Assistant and get lost in the rabbit hole.
Flexibility. A hardwired switch is choosing your lighting configuration at build time, but when you have light bulbs that can all be controlled individually through software, then you want a switch that can interact with that software.
For instance, let’s say you do something crazy and unprecedented like add a lamp to your room, with hardwired switches now you either have two switchs in two different spots to deal with every time you enter a room, or you need to call an electrician to wire up a switched plug. If your switch was instead a software switch you could just reprogram it to also control the lamp.
I bought an old model in 2013 and it lived in my backpack through 7 years of school and university. It was dropped hard enough to permanently bend the heatsink, the disk drive cover snapped off, and it regularly overheated from throwing it in my bag without turning it off. It ran windows, dozens of Linux distros (up to 3 at once) and now it’s a hackintosh for when I need a Mac. I’m confident I could buy spare parts and repair it myself if anything important broke.
I was extremely skeptical when IBM spun off that division but time has proved me wrong. The Lenovo rinkpads have been much better than I ever expected them to be.
This is no exception. Thinkpad used to be great years (decade?) ago. The stuff they have produced in recent years is crap. I had two work laptops in the last 4 years and both are absolutely terrible compared to the old stuff.
Yeah when I took my issue to Lenovo customer service, their first response was that my laptop has reached the end of its usable lifespan. 5 years!? I’m not wealthy and that thing cost me $1,500 and I will never be able to afford another laptop again.
Buy yourself a used T400-T430 (and models of that age) if you don’t have very big computing requirements, they are 10+ years old and they will last you another 10+.
If you buy a Lenovo from the last 7-8 years you will get an overpriced piece of junk.
Edit: My bad. I was distracted and interpreted this as a local stream from a device in your home, like a Plex server. If you’re using a streaming service then Netflix or whoever sends through your vpn.
It’s local. Nothing is leaving your network. You would have to deliberately open a port on your router for it to get back in after going through the VPN. That’s how you can verify that it’s local.
You wanna hear a good German joke? Here it goes: Ein Mann kommt zum ersten Mal in den Knast, er als kleiner Wirtschafts Verbrecher zwischen den ganzen harten Langstraflern. Erster Tag in der Dusche, ein riesiger, nackter Kerl kommt auf ihn zu, behaart wie ein Gorilla und ein riesen Dödel. “Du bist jetzt meine neue Freundin. Mit Spucke oder ohne?” Der Neue, verzweifelt, wimmerte “Wenn’s den sein muß, mit…” Der Gorilla brüllt nach hinten “Ey, Spucke, du bist auch mit dabei.”
Exakt daher kommt der Spitzname, meine Tochter war 5 oder 6, hat Anlauf genommen und mit BEIDEN FÜSSEN in meine Weichteile, da lief mir der sagrotan! Eine Woche seltsam sitzen.
Alright, the real reason why you see terrorism in France more than others, is from what we in Denmark call the Muhammad Crisis.
A Danish satire drawing of Muhammad with a bomb was published in a Danish newspaper. The papers HQ got attacked. A small one, but still significant in Denmark.
France newspaper L’Equipe then reprinted the drawing more than once as a protest for free speech. After that France became a prime target for these kind of terrorists.
The driving terrorism in Nice, bombings in Paris and at L’Equipes HQ, it all happened after that.
This created alot of bad blood between these cultures, and that long going hate is what keeps France a prime target.
The Hebdo drawing wasn't light hearted fun though, it was right wingers trying to wind up religious people. Obviously there's never any excuse for murder but publicly attacking a whole religion will upset a lot of people, and things can lead on from that.
Her clothing wasn’t tasteful, though. It was a woman’s attempt to wind up men. Obviously there’s no excuse for rape, but wearing clothing in public designed to be provocative will attract attention from a lot of people, and things can lead on from that.
But making a drawing isn’t (a personal choice), how interesting.
Well actually not interesting at all, because you seemt just to be trolling (you just invented the part of ripping clothes off in the streets, talk of false equivalence) how boring.
Is their reaction to the Turkey earthquake, There were roughly 51k killed, and their cartoon was that this was good because that was less muslims they had to kill.
Their 'Mohammed edition' was a full comic about how much they hated muslims. It was pure racism and in many countries they would have been prosecuted for hate speech.
They are a hate group.
This is the meaning of two wrongs don't make a right. Charlie Hebdo are disgusting, the people who attacked them so severely were absolutely wrong, but neither act makes either of them right.
I don’t think Charlie Hebdo is very funny often, but you just grasping at straws here. You willfully misinterpret, no actually you just blindly follow a twitter that misinterpret something.
You know, they do this to anger people. To get followers. Etc.
This is not a twitter I follow, I had to search out the cartoon to explain the issue and this was the first result.
But I do agree with your second point, Charlie Hebdo do this to anger people, to get followers. They are looking to recruit the far right and create backlash against certain groups.
Who should decide that someone has the right to draw an image and not another one? That’s how dictatorships starts, by limiting criticism.
If you think we should limit criticism (it’s not like believing in Jesus, Mohammed etc haven’t got millions killed and worse) you could start by limiting your own criticism. You know, to show how good it is to do it.
It's not that simple is it? If you set a church on fire then should you go free because of past issues by the church?
On drawing, should you be able to draw your friends child being shot? Again, these are not issues you should kill for, but you can understand why people are mad.
They were not right winger by any way, quite the opposite, they were100% anticlerical far left. Maybe stop talking about something you know nothing about?
To blame the terrorist attacks France has suffered on a cartoon by a niche newspaper is a rather blinded look at the situation, and ignores pretty much everything about the state of the world in the past few hundred years as well as modern times.
I hope no one walks away thinking this comment is correct.
I totally agree with you on this. I can somehow sense that the law against Islamic practitioners has been tightened more and more, e.g. regarding hijab, after that. It’s like if you cant be us, you can no longer be tolerated; you’re not one of us.
L’équipe ? The sport journal read by football circle jerkers ?
You probably meant Charly Hebdo.
And France is a though subject, it is historically a welcoming country for northern Africa and Muslim population (former protectorat or colonies, same language) but France partly failed mixing its population with the boom of huge ugly suburbs in the 60/70s. They ended up being poor class zone, that became foreigners zones, that became forgotten by politics leading to their population growing poorer and angry (with a right to be). Some of those were targeted by extremism advocate as they make a good place to cultivate anger and recruit new peoples.
So France is often a target because it is historically close to Muslim populations of Africa and often the final destination when migrating to Europe because it has good social security and no language barrier, unlike Italy, Greece or UK where you have to learn a new language. France is also still very present in Africa (language, industry, politics even money bills for some) so maybe if you ask a poor lost angry boy to name one Euro country, he will probably say France.
Then of course Charly drawing Muhammad or the gov forbidding religious clothes in schools was just another easy justification to attack the country.
Even if we agree that it causes visual pollution, I’d argue that visual pollution from fossil fuels is many multitudes worse. Case in point, major chinese and indian cities.
I was in New Delhi when the AQI was ~700, that is MUCH worse than visual pollution. My lungs started hurting within 20 minutes of being outside, and a huge amount of people on the domestic flight I was on (mostly local residents) had coughs.
Sometimes “ugly” is even “not pretty and wealthy looking”.
Wind turbines aren’t pretty but they’re not any more of an eye sore as overhead power lines or whatever. And at least it’s a symbol of caring about being sustainable.
A lot of people like to move all the “ugly” elsewhere out of their sight and then call those places shitholes. It doesn’t bother them they’re just moving the infrastructure where the less wealthy have to deal with it. They’d rather a coal plant destroy a lower class city in pollution than see wind turbines near their upper class neighbourhood.
I think any place that rejects renewables should get a coal fired power plant instead. Let them reconsider it as their kids grow up with heavy metals and all the other shit these things spew out.
We stayed at a private beach resort once and I never want to again. Sure it was nice for a bit having so much space to yourself, but I miss you guys. I missed the +90 year old couples holding hands, the kids hopped up on ice cream and youth and BEACH, the young families holding a newborn, the middle aged bikers, the weird guy driving a model T, teenagers being sullen and prodding jellyfish, dogs who look like they are in heaven, hipster bicycles, processed meat fried in sugar somehow, arcades that still take coins run by crooked carnies, the 12 guys who decided to dig a really deep hole, the weird religious ethnic immigrant group just chillin…
I missed humanity in all its loud happy glory. This is the way we are meant to have fun, together. Not alone on some beach chair while someone underpaid changes our towels.
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