The answer to your question is a resounding “yes”.
In fact, among the 4 members of war cabinet, at least one other has children in active combat units, and ALL cabinet members served in a combat unit as well as had at least one child in active combat duty.
Most children of Israeli politicians are absolutely conscripted to the army, and the public would look very badly on a “fortunate son” type situation.
Furthermore, there’s an unwritten rule the ultra-orthodox parties do not involve themselves or even voice an opinion on military matters because, and this something often said in Israel, “they don’t risk their children’s life in the army” (the ultra-orthodox are essentially exempt from conscription).
The Israeli Jewish public doesn’t see the Israeli combatants as poor or uneducated “others”, but as their children, brothers and fathers.
I think that’s a more ethical way of looking at it. However, this also helps explain the seeming lack of consideration for Palestinian life. Take a random person and ask him to choose between risking the life of his kid, who is in active service, in a military operation or throwing bombs and risking harming other civilians. Most people will choose to risk others. And among those who’ll choose to risk their kid, most would either be lying or didn’t really think about the question.
Furthermore, there’s an unwritten rule the ultra-orthodox parties do not involve themselves or even voice an opinion on military matters
Only this isn't true Deri (of Shas and convicted felon) is in the war cabinet for crying out loud.
You are really naive if you think they don't get a say in everything that goes on, and deliberately ignoring reality if you can't admit that there diversion of funds for their own causes and communities has deprived the rest of the country not only of the security it needed on 7.10, but of health and social and community funding for everyone else, for decades.
The amount of power the ultra orthodox hold is obscene.
Also, he’s barred from being a minister as per Israeli’s supreme court ruling (exactly because he’s been convicted with fraud multiple times), so I highly doubt he could be appointed to the war cabinet even in theory.
One could argue that the ultra orthodox parties are active behind the scenes, but there’s no indication of that anywhere. Israel has free press, so this type of thing would probably come out as rumors at the very least (By contrast, there were reports he was the de-facto minister of social services after the supreme court ruling).
Not to diminish the political power they hold, but in this specific case there isn’t any indication they exert said power.
This kind of looks like the new one they’re building in Banff National park. I drove through over the summer when they started it. They have a bunch of them set up throughout the park.
I don’t get why is farting in front of others THE sign of a great relatioinship? I’ve been thogether with my SO for 4 years and we still don’t do that, out of respect, I suppose.
Because people need to fart. Being able to do it in front of your SO means you are comfortable with each other that much and personally it just means I can be me. There’s no barriers and both of us can just relax.
Smartwatch. It’s very useful for triaging notifications (messages, email, phone calls, etc) and turning HomeKit devices on/off quickly or when my hands are full (Siri, open the garage door). Also extremely useful for fitness.
I seriously doubt it would be possible with humans still in the picture due to our impact on the biosphere and resource use.
No matter what high minded principles we might espouse, human history shows that we fuck up less tech advanced cultures, even when we think we are trying to help.
TLDR: Hunter gatherer society that the world has decided to leave alone as they do not want contact but some fuckhead US christian decided he knew better, attempted contact to tell them about God or whatever and got himself killed. While possibly infecting them with something they have no immunity for.
Lemmy (like Reddit) is about topics, and communities are formed around them. Mastodon (like Twitter/X) is user-centric, and discussions are formed around them. They are simply two different approaches to the social component.
The nature of these social networks makes one more useful for already known users/organizations and less for the common user. In fact, if you want to follow a particular person, Mastodon is more useful, but if you want to talk about some topic in general, Lemmy will always be superior.
I guess that’s particularly what I meant. While mastodon you’d have to build up a following to get anywhere near even the amount of comments on this post right here. Unless you get lucky with one or two posts which can happen, I known an owner of a smaller Mastodon instance (with more then 300 users so not the smallest of small instances but still small.) to manage to get over 100 likes and over 50 boosts on a post, and when they did they linked to it and was like, “ha, see you can get traction on Mastodon.”
I think the language you just used answered your own question: “manage to get”. Those platforms, with likes and retweets, boosts (and to some degree, Karma) are competitive, everyone vying for increased following. Some might follow, comment, retweet or boost genuinely. Most are, at least subconsciously, looking to expand their personal influence.
That attitude obviously also exists here, but it’s tempered by the lack of an endgame. It’s harder to become Internet famous without a scorecard.
This. Additionally Mast/Twitter/bsky is anxiety inducing. You want to post and comment and get a following so that when you want to share a cool 3d print, or a good shit post, it’ll actually get seen. So there’s always this pressure to post something insightful and funny and in-group so that you get followers. Otherwise it’s zero engagement. On bsky specifically there’s a setting that’s on by default where comments with 0 likes don’t get shown. So unless you have followers who like your stuff you’ll literally never be seen.
Here you’ll usually get at least one upvote or down vote.
It was. I tried out bsky because I got a code. It was like re-creating class but on the internet. I don’t want power to consolidate in minorities anymore. Got tired of it super quick.
Honestly, I fucking hate the new Dune. The old Dune at least has charm for how goofy it can get. The characters and editing choices I have huge problems with. It's a very pretty movie and most scenes made it in but the characters just aren't there. Also the world isn't established properly. They don't even mention the Landsraad until the tailend of the movie but they're important to know about because they are why the Emperor takes the strategy he does.
Oh God, I remember how disappointed I was when seeing the Eragon movie. After having read the trilogy I was having such high hopes, it could’ve been a LOTR alike trilogy, but instead we got this half baked… Stuff. At least the actors gave their best.
Kind of in the same line with the golden compass I guess?
It wasn’t a bad movie, I actually liked it a lot - but the book is significantly better and the movie left out a lot. If I had read the book before watching the movie I would probably have hated the movie tbh.
Also even picking that book to make into a movie was a mistake, enders game was only written to give backstory for speaker for the dead which is much better than the enders game book but never made it to becoming a movie itself
The book Ender’s Game has a psychological component that it’s nigh-impossible to nail in a visual medium with child actors. The story works in book form because books are the closest thing we have to telepathy, but it’s harder to do in a visual medium simply because visual storytelling is different from written storytelling.
You could probably do the movie with really good adult actors–but most of the cast are children. And really good child actors are rare to come by–you’re lucky to have one, much less multiple. And when the cast is made entirely up of children who are all supposed to be geniuses, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to get the casting and talent you need.
The Ender’s Game movie wasn’t terrible–it was surprisingly watchable compared to other adaptations of other books–but it didn’t come close to nailing the feel of the book.
Seems likely. I’ve been an internet leftist for a long time now and that sub has always been disinterested in the left, but the level of outright hostility recently is extreme.
I want some insight into your mind and how you think leftism is mainstream. First, can you define leftism in a way that matches the dictionary, and then can you explain how it isn’t counterculture
We have a largeish number of systems that IT declared catheorically could not connect directly to the Internet for any reason.
So guess what systems weren’t getting updates. Also guess what systems got overwhelmed by ransomware that hit what would have been a patched vulnerability, that came through someone’s laptop that was allowed to connect to the Internet.
My department was fine, because we broke the rules to get updates.
So did network team admit the flaw in their strategy? No, they declared a USB key must have been the culprit and they literally went into every room and confiscated all USB keys and threw them away, with quarterly audits to make sure no USB keys appear. The systems are still not being updated and laptops with Internet connection are still indirectly bridging them.
Also, I keep a “rogue” laptop to self administrate along with my official it laptop to show I am in compliance. Updates are disabled and are only allowed to be fine y by IT. I just checked and they haven’t pushed any updates for about 8 months.
Wait, why don’t they use patch management software? If they allow computers with Internet access to connect to them, why not a patch management server?
They do. In fact they mandate IT assets to have three competing patch management software on them. They mandate disabling any auto updates because they have to vet them first. My official laptop hasn’t been pushed an update in 8 months.
Ironically, we actually have a Segment of our business that provides IT for other companies, and they do a decent job, but they aren’t allowed to manage our own IT. Best guess is that they are too expensive to waste on our own IT needs. If an IT staffember accidentally shows competence, they are probably moved to the billable group.
Yeah, on a more serious note there are effective treatments for personality disorders, most notably DBT.
Also we’re all growing and changing all the time. I was once an awkward and unpleasant prude, these days I’m anything but. The thing about personality growth is it’ll happen whether you want them to or not unless you’re stagnating (also bad).
You just act the way you want to act, and keep doing it until it’s who you are. A Vonnegut quote I love is “we are who we pretend to be.” I pretended to be socially confident and it turned out to not be hard after some practice. I pretended to be cool with stuff that I didn’t like made me irrationally uncomfortable and wouldn’t you know I got comfortable around it. Pretend to be nice and wouldn’t you know it eventually becomes second nature.
And yeah it can go worse. Shut yourself off from new experiences and the outside gets scarier. Spend time with bigots and you may find yourself agreeing with them. Move to Pittsburgh and not only will you risk enjoying their football you may even dump your fries on your sandwich even when you’re in the civilized world.
Choose your actions carefully, you risk letting them determine who you become. It’s a lot easier to justify your behavior than to change your habits and instincts.
Yes. Mine changed because I changed it. I had BPD my entire life. My providers are certain I was born with it. I’ve always only ever known extremes and unstable relationships, until now- after a year of intense DBT treatment. I have changed my personality, my entire perspective on life, so yes. I hope the OP sees this. (I’m also bragging a bit, it only took a year to recover from a disorder I unknowingly had my entire life once diagnosed and was informed.) You have to rewire your entire fucking brain, but you can.
So, with my therapist’s guidance, I was able to do my own after she picked out things I specifically needed to work on. I ordered a DBT spiral workbook and learned from there, I can now apply these skills daily. It’s saved my relationships and life. And yes, you have to re-wire basically your entire brain and world view. I was able to get it done in about a year.
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