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SpliceVW, in What gifts that you received for Christmas this year are already in the trash?

The slinky my middle child got didn’t even survive the day.

Has anyone had a slinky that survived more than a week?

Usernameblankface, avatar

I remember growing up with several slinkies around that we didn’t play with and therefore they lasted


The plastic ones never do, but I had a steel one growing up i played with a lot tyat lasted me a decade.


When my kids play with slinkies, they’re destroyed within a day.

To clarify: the slinkie is destroyed. The children remain unchanged.

LinkOpensChest_wav, (edited ) in What gifts that you received for Christmas this year are already in the trash?

I think I accidentally threw away a Starbucks gift card someone gave me, because I’ve been unable to locate it since Christmas :(

EDIT: LMFAO the mods removed my reply to the Scrooge below me because I said “I hope you get coal next year” XD


Real friends don’t let friends drink shitty coffee.


Ok, I’ll write my aunt, who I’m sure saved up to buy me the card because she knows I like coffee, and I’ll tell her that it was such a shitty gift and she should feel bad. /s

Seriously? Get a fucking clue. I hope you get coal next year.

dustyData, (edited )


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  • Mobiuthuselah,

    Wow, you took that response really personally. You’re way too invested in letting others know that you’re a condescending coffee snob. No one cares what you think of other people’s preferences.

    hypnotoad__, avatar

    Good god you seem so pleasant


    You are such a nice person. I said I hope you get coal, and … that was too much for you?? LMAO



    You seem unpleasant.


    Even if you didn’t like their coffee, they sell like candy and sandwiches and mugs and stuff? That’s not a useless gift card and I’m sorry you lost it!


    Thanks. Honestly, I do like their coffee. I don’t really like them as a company, but I’m not going to turn up my nose at a gift. Maybe it will turn up!

    Usernameblankface, avatar

    Haha wow! They also removed the one where they accused you of insulting people and the continued with a paragraph of insults towards you.


    Oh, they finally removed that? Wow indeed. I didn’t find anything report-worthy, but hey


    My partners job gave him a couple of the keg gift cards one year, it was over $100 value. We held on to them for a special occasion. We moved, it was my birthday, made plans with friends and excited to get steak paid for by his shitty employee.

    Those fucking gift cards have never shown up again. Just gone into the void.

    noughtnaut, in what are your fun, low stakes new year resolutions? avatar

    640 x 480


    If you look at beef you can have low resolution steaks.


    The resolution preferred by God himself.




    No. G-d’s resolution is 80x24. Because in the beginning, there was only the CLI.

    thesprongler, in How to stop eating junk food?

    Everyone is saying don’t but snack foods, which is one step. But if you don’t have some form of healthy snacks on hand, you’re just going to revert back to it. I suggest dehydrating fruits and having nuts and seeds available so you can still snack but not feel bad about it.


    I’ve replaced most of my sweet snacks with things like cheese or pumpkin seeds or cashews. It’s made a huge difference.

    If I really want something sweet, like you mentioned, I usually have dehydrated fruit or Greek yogurt with fruit.

    Definitely took time and effort to find healthier snacks but it’s been worth it.


    Dried fruit and nuts are all super calorie-rich options.

    Fresh fruit will be healthier. It’s still possible to overdo it, just more difficult.

    For something basically impossible to eat many calories with, vegetables kick butt. Cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, cucumbers, and so on are the way to go.


    TruFru raspberries taste like frozen treats, and they are, but they’re mostly just whole rasperries.


    Nuts have hella calories though, you shouldn’t go too crazy snacking on them

    laverabe, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

    I miss the instant channel switching on old analog tv sets. Everything now is digital so the switching is done with microprocessors, but on old sets you could flip through about 5 channels a second, as fast as you could press the button.


    Yo, did you ever have one with a knob?


    yeah, looked like it was from the 50’s


    We had the knob but it broke off. So we had a pair of pliers sitting on top of the TV to turn the dial (from 2 through 13).

    My friends weren’t as poor so they’d have a converter box. It had an actual remote and that sound it made as it flipped through all the channels. I can’t even describe the sound but if you know, you know it.


    I had found one at home with only knobs, and at the time I dug that out of the attic, the only TV it could receive was state TV. An B&W. Still, It was amazing to me that i could even receive TV wireless. Turning those knobs felt… decisive!

    blazeknave, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

    ITT are many middle aged nerds


    ITT On this platform are many middle aged nerds


    We must keep the stories of the old ways alive. Help the younglings to remember what was lost.


    Lemmy, or indeed the entire Fediverse, is middle aged nerds. Older non-nerds are on Facebook and Twitter. Older nerds are on IRC and Newsgroups, middle aged non-nerds are on Reddit, middle-aged nerds are on Lemmy/Kbin/Mastodon, younger non-nerds are on Tiktok and Instagram. There are no young nerds (see the growing epidemic of Gen-Z being baffled by Technology

    Social Media is like a school dance in the 90s. Islands of people will emerge with similar age and interests, and they just stay there, because that’s where their people are.


    The first example in that article is an office photocopier. I’m a middle aged nerd and I am regularly baffled by those things. Paper orientation is the least of the problems with those psychotically uninitiative beasts and their cruel and unusual menu systems.

    Fuck photocopiers.

    iamnotdunningkruger, (edited )
    treadful, in Should I wait for the "Snyder cut" (director's cut) of Rebel Moon? avatar

    It was so bad that I’m curious if the director’s cut could possibly have any actual character development or story in it.


    spoilerWhen the leader of the rebellion died in the attempted heroic scene and everyone was distraught and shocked, I was just think “Why do I care? He’s said a couple of lines and been on screen for about 5 minutes…”

    treadful, avatar

    I don’t even understand how the characters even cared about each other. Even in the story it seems like they knew each other for like a couple days max.


    And you have a great general reknown for his strategic abilities stuck in a gun fight. Horrible story telling.


    I actually said this out loud too. Literally asked “why do I care?”

    I was already in a bad place though after the vagina wormhole.


    5 minutes before he was clearly on his suicide mission I said, “I hope Ray Fishers character dies so he doesn’t have to be part of this garbage for part 2”

    Then he died in the most meaningless and rehashed way and I was glad for him.

    HootinNHollerin, (edited ) in What has been the best thing that has happened to you so far?

    Got blitzed out of my mind on ecstasy and mushrooms and wrote some passionate emails which got me a full scholarship

    khannie, avatar

    Got blitzed out of my mind on ecstasy and mushrooms

    At the same time? Sounds like a wild ride!

    Congrats on the scholarship. :)


    I think that’s what they call Jedi Tripping.


    Yea, called ‘hippie flipping’

    uriel238, (edited ) in So, who or what ruined Christmas this year? avatar

    Gaza (with the IDF nearly expanding into Syria) reduced my Christmas spirit to 10⁻⁷ well before today. A second cold in the season (with distinct symptoms different from the first) kept me from the family dinner today.

    But my wife was dismissed from a 13-year job as an chief administrator of a medium sized general contractor, having been the boss’ personal assistant above her office duties. He retired, and the new exec is cleaning house (and is making some bad management decisions). So ours is going to be an It’s a Wonderful Life Christmas until we know what our future looks like, and whether we get the good ending or the bad ending.

    Update 2023-12-27 Today my wife was hired. It’s a significant pay cut, but it’s working for a nonprofit she believes in serving a good cause (which is way better than the cutthroat construction industry). I anticipate she’ll be happy there and all that’s left to work out is how we’re going to pay a few more bills. So, we’re headed for the good ending.


    I’m sorry!




    Do you live in Syria?

    DLSantini, (edited ) in What's a food you love, that isn't worth making from scratch?

    Chinese food. The common fast food type here in the US. Yeah, I can spend a bunch of time, work, and money to make orange chicken, boneless spare ribs, crab rangoon, teriyaki, coconut shrimp, and pork fried rice. Or, I can go 5 minutes up the street, and pay my favorite restaurant $20 for a big plate with all of that, with absolutely no work on my part, and it all tastes way better.

    AgentGrimstone, (edited )

    I really tried but I just can’t cook it right. Those youtube chefs videos make it look so easy and make a lot less to clean up than I do.


    Ugh yes.

    Also some of that stuff is more expensive to make at home.


    First time, can be. After that not so much. I’m cheating making my own five spice and having about a decade and a half experience in Chinese kitchens, so I know their recipes.


    I agree with everything on your list except the fried rice. True, If you’re trying to recreate the take away recipe exactly from scratch you’re going to have a bad time. But, with a big pan (if you don’t have a wok) that you can get real hot it’s just a leftovers dish. Leftover rice, leftover protein, frozen veggies, egg, vegetable oil, and soy sauce. It’s not usually worth my time unless I already have the leftovers. The hardest part is not over loading your pan with ingredients or oil. You’ve also got to have everything ready when you start because it all comes together very fast if the pan is hot enough. Sure, I probably still can’t beat the economy of scale of the restaurant, but the point is that I’m using up my own leftovers instead of throwing them out.

    Zoboomafoo, avatar

    leftover rice

    I do not know of which you speak


    I had to laugh when I read this, since it’s apparently impossible for me to make the correct amount of rice for a meal. I’ve never once in my life not had leftover rice haha.

    For me, it usually becomes tomorrow’s breakfast: reheated in the pot on the stove with a bit of water, then put it in a bowl, crack a raw egg on it, and drizzle with soy sauce and sprinkle on a few toasted sesame seeds.

    CallumWells, in What's a proper response to another dog attempting to mount your dog multiple times and the owner really not doing anything about it?

    If anything does something to your dog you don’t agree with you are fully entitled to remove that thing from being near your dog. Grab the other dog by the collar and drag it away (not yanking, controlled movements).

    If the owner of the other dog gets angry at this then state that you wouldn’t have had to do so if they had the skills to keep their dog having good behaviour. Some times people need a verbal slap in the face to even start thinking about if they should do better. They won’t agree with you in the situation, but it may help effect some change in their behaviour over time.

    BackOnMyBS, avatar

    Thank you. This was the comment I needed.

    Pat_Riot, avatar

    If that doesn’t work, mount the other dog’s owner to establish dominance.


    TaeKwonDoh, in Is there an artist so horrible that no matter how hard you try that you cannot separate their art from them?

    John Kricfalusi, creator of Ren & Stimpy. That man is a demon.

    GarytheSnail, avatar

    What he do?

    MiltownClowns, (edited )……/Happy_Happy_Joy_Joy:_The_Ren_and…

    Tldr. Basically, he was a piece of shit tyrant edgelord who kept trying to push boundaries and didn’t quite understand humor. His show was only made good by everybody around him trying to rein him in and fix his fuck ups. Also for good measure, he’s a sex pest.

    GarytheSnail, avatar



    Watched a documentary about him recently and it seems like he was using the show/animation staff as therapy, which is incredibly wrong.

    Edgarallenpwn, avatar

    Sweet didn’t know this was made! I would also recommend Sick Little Monkeys by Thad Komorowski if you are interested in the behind the scenes stuff.

    randomaside, avatar

    I once met Bob Camp in Atlantic City in 2015 and he told me this whole story. He said he hated JohnK and that he was possibly the most deranged person he had ever met. He then told me that the only thing that came out of this that was good in the end was SpongeBob.

    Sick Little Monkeys: The Unauthorized Ren & Stimpy Story is the book that he referred me to if I wanted more details.


    Didn’t know all this about him. Not surprised. It was so gross, God knows how it informed our development. It’s really uncomfortable to watch as an adult. And my goodness - did you watch the adult version when they brought it back years ago? Jfc

    squiblet, avatar

    The Rick & Morty guy kind of ruined his show, too.


    New season with replaced voice actor is really good.

    Garbanzo, in Honestly - How much will you sacrifice for a better world?

    Killing a billionaire would reduce carbon emissions more than anything else I could personally do, so let’s start there and see how it goes. We can talk about me giving things up when those efforts won’t be undone by some asshole flying to Chamonix for the weekend or whatever those fucks are doing.

    Valmond, (edited )

    Yeah the old lie that we are all in it together and should try our best was, yeah, a lie, and some just took all our efforts.

    There shouldn’t be billionaires, it’s a morally wrong concept. Money is not meant for hoarding.

    We could just confiscate everything over 100 millions and they’d probably wouldn’t even notice. An upper limit of 10 millions seems fair, until no one starves on the planet, have access to health care, education.

    And no heritages. Get your money as everybody else.

    Corkyskog, avatar

    An upper limit of 10 millions seems fair, until no one starves on the planet, have access to health care, education.

    I actually really like this idea. They all seem to have some sort of God complex, so let’s put them to the test. You provide clean drinking water to everyone, you unlock another 50 Mil to your cap. Feed the world, you unlock more to your cap. You get the idea.


    I’d additionally like to propose a change to corporate tax code. Any full-time employees at your company that are on food stamps or other financial hardship support programs have 2x the cost that the government pays for those benefits added directly to the company’s overall tax bill as a final adjustment. The adjustments will not be deferrable or offset by any other portion of tax code. If your company cannot pay those adjustments, your company now belongs to the government.

    I am very fucking sick of companies socializing their losses to the rest of the country and keeping all the profit for themselves.


    Also no wage gap bigger than ten times (including bonuses, shares etc).

    toasty_mcboost, (edited ) in Which of your favorite creators content quality went downhill very quickly?

    Possibly controversial but… Hot Ones.

    I prefer the older videos with less/no post production effects. I tried watching the interview with Elijah Wood but the fading video overlapping, music, zoom ins/outs, the voice echoing, and I couldn’t deal with these stupid transitions. Closed the video and haven’t got back since. The channel has one job and that is to make people eat progressively hot wings but the stupid post production effects ruin the video quality and make the whole interview less engaging. COOL IT SEAN!

    Their content is good but how it’s presented is garbage.


    I liked it a lot when they had smaller content creators. Do they do that anymore or is it only celebs?

    BigBananaDealer, avatar

    i think they also got rid of a lot of the really really hot sauces

    its mostly just dabomb or last dab that are actually super hot


    I feel like Sean’s interviewing has gone down too. He used to be so good about asking unique and interesting questions you wouldn’t hear elsewhere. Now he seems to like to interject his own thoughts and anecdotes, way too often.


    I never really enjoyed his interview style, granted I only watched some of the later episodes but it never really got me. Quite monotone voice and very rehearsed feeling questions.

    shalafi, (edited ) in What groups you are unwillingly associated with? How you handle it?

    I’m very much into guns, have 35-45 or so, depending on your definition of “gun”. I particularly like buying old crappy ones and fixing them up. They aren’t “safe queens” either, I shoot every one of them at times, and shoot almost every weekend at my camp in the swamp.

    I am liberal in about every other aspect and given the GOP’s behavior since Obama took office, I’m voting straight ticket D till the day I die. I loathe being lumped in with the right-wingers and their attitudes.


    Hello fellow liberal gun owner! It’s good to see more of us out here. It fucking annoys me to no end whenever we get lumped together with that nonsense.

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