So, there were about six strikers outside, two with signs. I let the family go through because I didn’t want to cause a scene with my in-laws, and I stayed back and talked with the strikers.
They recommended we go to the Pirate Adventure dinner theater instead, and I explained the situation, and said I would donate to the strike fund. We shook hands and I went and joined the family. The strikers seemed to understand the situation.
Apparently the scabs are from other non-union Medieval Times locations (trained etc.) so the show was a “normal” show.
But still, I couldn’t enjoy myself because the guilt just was too heavy.
Donating to the strike fund was a brilliant way of evening out the impact. You weren’t attending out of choice anyway but I hope your donation eases your conscience nonetheless.
Netanyahu’s government doesn’t want there to be any reconstruction. The only thing more dangerous to them than a hard line Palestinian government is one willing to negotiate. The worse the conditions Palestinians are in the more militant they will be. This let Netanyahu justify being more aggressive.
Yes, one more cynical man would say that they kind of intentionally let the destruction and the casualties to be so high, so that they can justify the retaliation which would involve a couple of times more civilian casualties on the other side and they can use this as pretext to tighten their restrictions and increase the buffer zone or simply grab that land for themselves.
It doesn’t even have to be some intentional diabolic plan. There is no incentive to be a moderate in this conflict. Moderates have historically been killed by their own side. There would have been peace several times over if this was not the case. This conflict has devoled to the point that any move to the center will result in political suicide and possibly real suicide.
I mean, isn’t this kind of keeping with the theme of US civil wars so far?
If I was creating a civil war bingo card based on history of civil wars in the US, “starts over how people with darker skin can be abused or not” would certainly have been on it.
This has to be purposefully not getting media coverage so as to not incite panic/public support, right? When I saw the first ruling posted by Gov Abbott it seemed almost like a secessionist rant, but it’s NO WHERE to be seen in MSM
Them defying the supreme court is a step they haven’t taken before. It forces Biden to respond or look incredibly weak. Either he allows a red state to actively break federal law and make treasonous statements or he arrests Abbott. It’s not just drama anymore.
No one in the National Guard is going to stop the CBP from cutting the fence down because their pension is on the line. The government of Texas doesn’t control that.
They were ordered to stop putting the fence up, ignored it, and continued to put the fence up. Yes, if the Texas National Guard is federalized they probably won’t refuse orders but that has to be an active choice by Biden to do. Until then, they are under the Governor’s orders which have been to ignore the supreme court ruling and federal law.
It is the definition of treason as the Governor is expected or trusted to obey federal laws.
Point of order: Nobody in Texas has been ordered to do anything. They’re completely allowed to put up razor wire under whatever rule Abbot cited. The court order was to allow the federal border guys to cut the wire if they needed to.
Legally, Texas is allowed to put up wire, and also legally the feds are allowed to cut it. That’s it. It’s a literal Looney Tunes situation. The nonsense from Abbot and the rest of the Rs is just chest-puffing.
They’ve been ordered to allow the federal agents to carry out their duties but adding new wire has “effectively barred” the agents from doing what the supreme court has ruled they have the legal right to do. Yes, they’re allowed to cut holes in existing wire but by constantly adding new wire and barriers, it’s actively defying that ruling.
I know the ruling doesn’t explicitly say “Texas can no longer put up razor wire” but this is like being told by your mom “your brother is allowed to play on the xbox” and you giving them an unplugged controller. They’re allowed to play on the xbox, you’re allowed to give them an unplugged controller, but you actively went against her ruling and earned a whooping.
Because the CBP barely tried to access it? I feel like the CBP was just told to wait them out, like a child. Let Texas have a temper tantrum and wait.
They probably had to wait for the fence cutting equipment anyway. This isn’t the DMZ border with North Korea. If there was a pressing reason to do it, it would have already happened.
Like I’ve said before, if Biden really wants to access it he could just sign the federalization order at 8 AM EST. All the Guard troops would wake up to a direct order to sit their asses down or lose their pensions. By 10 AM Texas time, the fence would be on the ground or the Guard CO would be unlocking the gate.
But that’s what Abbott wants to happen so he can escape this dumb situation he created. Biden is trapping him by not taking the bait. Now Texas looks dumb paying money to lose in court. Abbott wants Biden to do something so he can shout “Federal overreach!” and get donations.
I’d say its not getting coverage because Texas talks about seceding almost every year and states have been using their national guard as political tools for years now.
When the national guard was sent to DC after the insurrection, Texas pulled their national guard back because of “poor treatment”. I was there, there was no poor treatment. Texas (and several more states afterwards) used their national guard as a political tool to make the other side seem bad.
Very good point. I’d like to also think it’s not getting attention as to avoid prompting more idiots from joining in on the idiocy, but that’s likely me giving MSM too much credit.
I read how most experts agree that there will be some kind of “constitutional crisis” within the next decade. The impeachment 1, impeachment 2, and January 6 attacks already show the rumblings of what is to come.
Personally I find it doubtful that a full civil war would be the means though bc of the disparity b/t military resources at the federal vs. lower levels. Thus, probably something else, perhaps extremely mundane e.g. Trump runs for President, and bc of the Israeli conflict in Gaza and whatever else Russia manufactures between now and then Biden loses, then Trump simply declares himself Emperor.
Or maybe even that much paperwork will not happen and the government will simply never pass another federal budget again, thus ending the federal level by default of obstruction.
So probably not Civil War, at this time and over this event (no matter how much the clickbait media tries to get its clicks), but even so… something is coming indeed, down the road in some form.
Honestly, it’ll probably wind up becoming an American version of The Troubles. Republicans are cowards, and I doubt there are very many who are truly willing to fight and die for their cause. However, there are plenty of people willing to commit terrorist bombings and acts of sabotage if they think they can get away with it, and the US is huge. There are still plenty of places to hide if that’s the case.
And if Trump wins reelection, I can’t imagine many blue states putting up with it, and the same thing will happen from the opposite direction.
I don’t know how liberals will react tbh. Usually they try to work within the system, but if that should ever prove to become impossible… I haven’t studied enough history to get any kind of accurate impression, but it’s worth noting that nothing like it has been needed (within the USA) in the last hundred years or so, so whatever might come seems hard to predict.
I should add that Democrats are also cowards too, as are most individuals - neither side holds a monopoly on that. That’s what makes this all so dangerous: if something could be accomplished behind the scenes, then 99.9999% of Americans will simply go along with the flow. Exactly like within Russia, even the thinnest vernier of respectability would be enough to forestall a large-scale conflict. So the “constitutional crisis” might take the form of a fairly bloodless (in the wider sense) coup.
Or Republicans could just keep turning the ratchet, making steady gains wherever they can, then locking in those gains and turtling, obstructing as best they can whenever they do not hold a majority, as they have been doing for decades now. In one sense that’s even entirely fair - a democracy should reflect the majority will of the people - except Republicans are aware that white people are becoming in the minority now and so have been changing more and more over time who gets to be counted as “people”. e.g. gerrymandering, with the stacked Supreme Court members not opposing it so now it’s “legal”. Though even that is becoming not enough lately thus they are having to adjust the stakes higher, possibly doing away with voting altogether (yes they are literally talking about that, hence all this discussion about Civil War). They have already been allowed to push that far, which leaves fewer options for them to move forward with short of something drastic.
The trick is that to the uninitiated, much of it sounds reasonable at first - e.g. “states rights” means that we all get to choose our own paths, and what is wrong with that, isn’t that “freedom” in the truest sense of the word? The trouble is how the lie is delivered along with the truth: for one, the means by which those gains were achieved has enormous implications, which feeds into two, it was actually always a lie bc they never stop there and always push forward after people accept the first push. i.e., if only appeasement would ever actually work! However, like that famous saying “first they came for…”, where even if you don’t care about those first few that were come for, eventually they will come for YOU too, and if you had been paying attention then there would be no need to be shocked, shocked I tell you, shocked! Leopards eat faces off, and just bc one hasn’t eaten YOUR face off, yet, doesn’t mean that it never will. They tend not to change their spots, only their current targets. Like Brexit, many people in the USA won’t know what’s happening anytime before, during, or somehow even after it has happened.:-(
And some are even joining in with the leopards, neither realizing nor seemingly caring that they are just being saved as future meals for those who are true predators. These “facilitators”, together along with the much more numerous “collaborators”, collectively are bringing literal (neo-)Nazis back into power.
If it does go down, it’ll be rural people driving into cities to shoot them up, plant bombs, or drive people over with their trucks. That’s what it’ll look like.
“Will”? Check the news… it’s been happening for awhile, just not terribly successfully. I think we get something like at least one such event every other month.
If it is posted as AI art, I don’t have an issue. As others have commented, there are many valid use cases for it, and like any form of art, it’s not inherently good or bad.
The problem I have is when it gets mixed in with real images and there is no differentiation.
I do the bulk of posting at !superbowl, and one thing I do is promote raptor rescue operations, so I’m subbed to 60ish Facebook feeds for the various shelters I get news and photos from. As a result, I get recommended near every owl photo posted to Facebook.
Now, getting real image groups recommended to me is great. I just got a bunch of great images I’d never seen from a photography group it recommended. But I get so many obvious fakes posted as real images, and another larger group where it’s hard to tell.
I’m just someone that wanted to keep a Lemmy community going after the original buzz died down. I’m not an animal expert or a photographer, so I can’t always pick out what is a really good photo vs post processing, vs downright fake. I want to keep the legitimacy of what I do post intact, because I work hard to keep content factual. I pass on what could be some really great photos because I can’t always say they’re real.
Plus it would be nice to have them separate from real images in general. Sometimes I would like to see some AI owl pics, but once random groups or repost bots start mixing things in randomly, it makes people question things.
I’m always glad to hear it’s making a positive addition to everyone’s browsing!
I try to keep it fresh and unique, while being a good balance of fun and education. I’m typically shy with people I don’t know, but the community here, especially during the summer was so friendly and welcoming, I just wanted to step up and do my part to maintain that.
I like hearing that it means something to you guys though. The time making 1-3 posts a day adds up, and I don’t mind it as long as people are enjoying it.
I think a big part of the mental blocked on both sides is people generally not understanding the difference between fact and faith.
Knowledge is about fact. It’s the realm of science, empiricism, and logic. If it can be understood and known, it belongs here.
Faith is about the unknowable (not the unknown). It’s a choice to believe something without evidence because that evidence cannot exist.
You can’t both believe something and know it.
Understanding that faith and science don’t intersect allows people to hold spiritual beliefs without rejecting knowledge and science. They don’t conflict because they’re entirely separate.
Some people aren’t wired with the mental flexibility to embrace both spiritually and empiricism. Some reject science, while others reject faith, and neither understand the other.
If you’ve ever worked a job where you stand in the same place for 8+ hours, you know that it can also be rough on the body. The current advice that I see floating around is to change your position at least every hour.
If you want to be healthier, do the physical exercise that your body can do. Walk instead of drive, and take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Ergonomics/workplace safety officer here; you’re quite correct. The idea that sitting is the new smoking ignored the detail in the epidemiology: Inactivity is the real problem.
Keep in mind, defederation is bidirectional. You can end up on an instance that doesn’t defederate anybody but is being defederated by some major instances and end up worse off. Also, communities are bound to an instance so even if your instance doesn’t defederate with another, the instance that hosts the community might, which also doesn’t solve anything.
Also had to restore from backup monday because postgres shat itself, so if the post is from monday or around, it’s possible it was simply lost due to the technical problems.
There’s also some federation problems with 0.19.0 and 0.19.1, so it’s possible it’s been attempted to be delivered to but failed due to load or whatever.
You didn’t give any details or examples so we can only speculate. We troubleshoot federation by establishing patterns, like from what instance are the missing comments from, what instance hosts the community.
Addendum: I’ve also been experiencing occasional ghost posts, and I’m on my own instance, so there might be some stuff going on that’s unrelated, because I sure didn’t do anything. If they were deleted or retracted I would see them because I’m admin, I see everything.
This is my answer as well. It’s not at all because the world [building] is so compelling – there are better (well, crunchier) books out there for that – but the recurring characters and settings and themes, make this series a total comfort to go back to every few years. It’s like a warm blanket.
Plus one for Discworld. I also really like the way Gods, magic and interplanetary travel worked in the Raymond E Feist Universe (the main planet was midkemia?)
I’d do the inverse of this and see what might have happened if Charles Manson had had a successful music career. I heard an album of his songs and they were actually pretty good, kind of a mix of The Beach Boys and The Doors. Maybe if he’d sold some more songs then he wouldn’t have gone into the whole murder cult thing.
But then again maybe it would have positioned him to be way worse and we’re actually living in the universe where somebody stopped Manson from achieving true wealth and power and like leading a nationwide death cult or something.
All I see are people talking about consumer apps that could be websites, but it’s a problem in the business world, too. My small business makes a service for other small businesses and all our big competitors use apps for their system while we use a web app. Some even restrict to only iOS or Android, too. It blows our potential customers’ minds when they see that ours is just a website with at least as much functionality as the competition and the ability to access it from anything.
I have no idea why anyone would do it differently as it’s WAY easier/cheaper to maintain this website than deal with app ecosystems. And there simply aren’t enough users in this space to merit data scraping like with consumer apps.
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.