C instead of V when I try to paste something… Like I’ve got something copied and I accidentally hit Ctrl+C again, instead Ctrl+V and now I have to go copy the thing I want to copy again (and then proceed to missclick again, it’s a never ending cycle)
we should just Go aroUnd acting lIke they are the best ever Landlords on the pLanet and there is nOthing unusual abouT them beIng the oNly people on earth familiar with thE concept of happiness, right fellow captive serfs?
I mean, I don’t throw them away immediately, I wash them and put them in the rag bag. There’s always something needs a disposable bit of fabric to handle. Socks are great for dusting, as an example. Pull it over your hand, wipe things down, and Bob’s your uncle.
Yeah, I have done some therapy but in my mind there’s always something telling me that the therapy isn’t for the sake of humanity, it’s just for the sake of making honest living people functional in a world literally built to not allow or incorporate them into society. A lot of people’s benefits to good and society go unseen or not manifested because of this.
I didn’t really mean seeking professional help. While that would be a good thing, what I meant is the problems wouldn’t have arisen in the first place.
Portugal is dealing with a major housing crisis. Due to excessive tourism and privileges for digital nomads and foreign retirees our population is being priced out of our own country.
Everybody knows lots of people who were forced to emmigrate. Families broken apart, relationships ended, etc. Everybody has multiple stories like that. I mean EVERYBODY.
To make matters worse, tourism needs low pay workers, but there’s a lack of workers willing to live and work for 800 euros in a city where rents start at over a 1000. Instead of improving conditions for its citizens the solution was to bring in a wave of immigrants from very poor countries who are willing to work here in deplorable conditions. Right now our own capital is overrun by tourism and you can barely hear Portuguese being spoken. And it’s spreading to the other cities.
More and more people just give up and leave every day. Universities are failing to fill their quotas because it’s no longer affordable to live in their cities. Politicians and elites don’t care because they have their interests in tourism.
In the bigger cities, when you enter a shop or restaurant, you can feel the annoyance as soon as they hear you speak Portuguese because they think you won’t spend much. It’s not improving at all and the only measures we had to improve it are half-assed. Right now I’m wondering how long until I give up and leave to join the others.
Short answer: it’s hurting the country but it’s making a few people very rich.
We always welcomed visitors and we had a reputation as an hospitable people but we saw that change drastically in the last years.
Some people will criticize my complaints, that tourism brough development to degradated city centers. The fact is those city centers were renovated but not for us. We are not welcome in our own city centers. The traditional neighborhoods of Lisbon and Porto and its culture that attracted so many tourists? Dead. Those people are long gone. Dead or pushed out of the city. Those traditional neighborhoods were Fado was born? Gone. Every last house is an Airbn’b now.
Lisbon is pretty much a Portuguese Theme Park. If you want to experience its culture you won’t find it there. Save your money. Porto is well on its way to be as bad. Braga will get there too.
Portugal, unlike most of Europe, used to be a 100% homogeneous country. There were no national minorities. We have Roma people but they’re considered just as Portuguese as the others. Right now, 20% of the population are foreigners from digital nomads to third world immigrants. I wouldn’t care much if they weren’t taking the place of nationals who are being driven out. And it’s increasing. Some would call it colonisation but I guess we’re in the wrong continent.
Open Facebook and it’s full of ads trying to sell retirement in Portugal to Americans. And they’re coming in droves, some attracted by our universal Healthcare that we pay for while they barely pay taxes. Those ads selling paradise and completely ignoring the fact there are people already living here is so reminiscent of the old ads convincing white settlers to come to African colonies, it’s disgusting.
No, Americans are just as prone as the other anglo countries, there’s just more of them. If we start delving into other languages, then things immediately go downhill. For example, I speak Arabic and I would say that at least 80% believe in at least 1 batshit crazy conspiracy theory. Why? It’s because the vast majority of Arabs consume their information from Facebook and a good chunk of that information comes from state owned propaganda outlets. Just a 2 minute scroll on my father’s Facebook, I saw the following conspiracies:
Israel is created by the kufar to sin against allah
India is on the brink of becoming majority muslim
Incest, pedophilia, and zoophilia are common in the West because they don’t have islamic morals
Russia is fighting NATO and winning
Hamas is beating Israel so bad that Israel is on the brink of collapse
Eating Pork will slowly turn your heart inside out
Bathroom mirrors that don’t steam up after taking a shower.
Vending machines that are competent at accepting cash. Everywhere else that I’ve been to, you have to smoothen the bill and make sure it has no wrinkles or bended corners, and even then the machine would sometimes give you a hard time. In Japan, you just insert a stack (!) of bills, and the machine will count them within seconds, and also give you change in bills, and not a gazillion of coins.
Gates at the train stations are also better than everywhere else. You don’t have to wait for the person in front of you to pass the gate, you just insert your ticket and go. You also don’t need to look for arrows or notches or whatever on the ticket to insert it correctly.
Electric kettles that are very quiet and keep the water hot for a very long time.
Trains where all seats face the front, so you don’t have to sit against the direction of travel.
That reminds me. All of the change machines I had the pleasure of using were very gentle when taking your money. Felt kinda jarring coming back to the US where they fucking jank the money our of your hand the second you insert it.
Trains where all seats face the front, so you have to sit against the direction of travel.
I recently took a ride on a historic restored railroad where they run sightseeing tours on period accurate trains with period engines and coaches from the turn of the century. The trip was an out-and-back, and there is nowhere for the train to turn around before the return journey. Everyone was immensely surprised, then, when the conductor came down the aisle and demonstrated to everyone that the seats in those old coaches are reversible, and you can flip the backrest to the other side so you’re facing the right way regardless of which way the train is going. They’re otherwise 100% symmetrical.
Apparently this arcane technology of the reversible seat has been lost somewhere in the intervening 100 years, never to be discovered again. (In America, anyhow.)
Reversible seats sound marginally more expensive to install and maintain. The benefit is to make the customer’s experience better while adding no revenue.
Sounds like some anti-American euro-commie bullshit to me!
Orcas are a natural predator of everything that his the ocean. Fun fact, orcas have been known to toy with seals by catapulting them with their tails. I believe I remember seeing at least one baby seal got seventy feet in the air before returning to the sea (and its inevitable death).
All cases known to have happened are in Alaska, where moose were swimming across straits and between islands. Orcas are opportunistic hunters and nearly anything swimming in water deep enough for them to swim in has a chance of being eaten. Most of them keep their distance from humans but if you were swimming in their territory away from civilization and boat traffic you might be stalked and hunted.
I’ve since learned it is a fairly common one. But we got a lot of laughs out of it with him. Just out of the blue when he’d come to his desk someone would break out singing it.
Would suggest a driving trip on I65 just north of Lafayette Indiana…
It is a flat boring patch of rural farm land just like the rest of rural indiana, but they added hundreds of wind turbines to the fields that stretch as far as the eye can see. It is truly a marvel to look at…
In essence, i drive through rural indiana every so often… i can definitively confirm that the section with windmills is far more interesting looking than the rest.
Yeah I drove from central ohio to Chicago once. The thing that struck me most was how little renewables ohio had. The wind farms were exactly what rural America needed to look fine.
But yeah also I advise against driving through rural Indiana because you still have to be there to do it
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