Exactly. As a Boomer who grew up in a small town with telephone “party lines” I just can’t be arsed to care. Come look in my windows if you need a thrill.
I was gifted a fancy-schmancy whiskey aged in port wine casks. It’s delicious but I’m allergic to something in it. The warmth of the whiskey quickly turned into burning and itching.
Any chance it's corked? I don't know if that's the correct term, but is the cork light grey / moldy? I've purchased a few bottles that were like that, but I think the flavor was affected in those cases.
Alternatively, any chance you're in the NY vicinity? 🙂
I’ve used connect, jerboa, thundar, sync, voyager, summit and liftoff. Eternity is the only one that works well for me without annoying bugs and has all the features that I need.
Been using Eternity for quite some time. I like it, it’s clean and modern, but I get a lot of bugs. Last week I couldn’t see posts, then, I couldn’t comment or save posts, and then posts were loading but I was seeing posts in communities I wasn’t subscribed to. Sometimes logging out and logging in again helps.
Yes we should be out to revoke chiropractors’ degrees, but I’m not sure why that’s coming up here since you asked about science specifically. Which chiropractic is not.
No one should be ok with people who run around pretending to be doctors and occasionally paralyzing babies and crippling people by trying to work magic. It’s also revolting that any of it is covered by insurance and health plans, which materially takes real resources away from real medicine for people.
I was in Salzburg back in 95 with a HS exchange program. We were traveling around and having a great time. That day we went up to the castle kinda near closing time. The entry booth was unmanned so our group walked on in.
We walked around, saw lots of the castle and the views over the city were enchanting. Most of our group left, but about six of us were still in the castle later. It turns out they close and lock the main gates once all of the tourists are out. Since we didn’t get tickets in, we apparently went uncounted and got locked inside.
On my my buddies came running up to me as I was sitting on a battlement being morose (summer fling issues) and declared with alarm “we’re locked in!” so I jogged to the gate with him.
This is pre cell phone and we weren’t great at German. I told him to rally the rest of our stragglers and stood by the gate to think of how to get out. As the group was walking down the path to me, I heard keys jangling outside the gate.
After a moment the smaller postern door opened. Standing outside was a kid about 13 years old with a sack of groceries. I said entschuldigung and blocked the door open. Our group all piled out through the gate and ran off down the road while the kid just stood there looking shocked.
That was the first time I accidentally got locked in a castle in Europe. They’re remarkably effective at keeping people both in and out, both are issues I’ve had to deal with at various times.
Not as often as I’d like, but it’s happened a few times in my roaming the world.
I also had this short stint as an illegal immigrant in the UK. No one (not even me) noticed that my passport was expired before I entered the country. The dumb part was that it was noticed as I tried to fly home, but my home country changed the rules a couple of weeks before then to only allow valid passports back. So… I couldn’t immediately go home and I didn’t have a valid visa in the UK.
In an unrelated face, did you know that embassies often close at 3pm? That’s really early when you’re racing from Heathrow on the Tube and around London trying to get a valid passport for a flight the next day.
Tbh I did fall off of his videos. His charm became smugness to me. I was excited to see his indian videos but then they never came. I used to listen to his podcasts but HI has been down for so long, and him and mike talking about making stuff lost interest when grey wasnt making that much stuff. It felt like he was cooking a huge pile of videos making they really good, but then we got hexagons. Maybe I have changed. Maybe I have.
I went exactly the same route as you, loved his old videos, HI. At some point I started to listen to the one with Myke (Cortex - had to look up the name) . The first few episodes where quite interesting, but it got repetitive at around episode 50 or so…
Now even the few videos he releases don’t really get me anymore
Cortex is basically a yearly cycle of talking about iPhone releases, WWDC, yearly themes. I still enjoy it but the main topic of productivity is mostly lost at this point.
Is it us or did something change? I almost thought it had something to do with Brady tempering grey into not being so I dunno. It felt like Brady was getting frustrated with grey towards the end
I hear historians hate him, for example because of the Americapox video. It’s heavily based on the book Guns, Germs and Steel without mentioning that it’s a theory many historians disagree with. /r/BadHistory has a wiki page dedicated to it.
While looking for this I also found economists unhappy with Humans Need Not Apply. In general I guess he has a tendency to confidently talk about things he’s not an expert on.
Ah yes, I also find some of his videos are totally incorrect. The humans need not apply one, as a public transit and cycling nerd, fails so hard to miss the point that we need less cars, not more and “smarter”.
A lot of posts are from bots. It would be cool if the bots could make a whole new submission and not link back, but all things considered I’m just happy there is interesting content.
For some types of posts that's fine - the capybara community, for instance, is a steady stream of capybaras from reddit (I think) and that's not the type of post that needs interaction with OP or comments. Posts from say, tech support, very inappropriate to copy to Lemmy imo without a link back and an explanation as it might get a conversation going but it also confuses people who think their response might be seen by the OP.
A little cat iron puck was introduced in an Asian region with high iron-deficiecy in the poorer population, but nobody used it. So they did some research and changed it to resemble a fish instead and it took right off. Turns out the local culture considered fish lucky or something.
I actually teach my students about this strategy that the WHO employee in Micronesia in my sport nutrition class. It’s less about the iron fish, and more about that dietary iron can come from cast iron cooking sources instead of supplementation (as the latter often causes digestive distress).
My coffee machine gets a little “thank you”-pat whenever it is finished brewing my coffee. No idea why exactly I started doing it, but nowadays it feels wrong to not praise it a little before walking away.
We cant run scripts on our work laptop because of domain policy. Thing is, I am a software developer. They also do not allow docker without some heavy approval process, nor VMs. So im just sitting here remoting into a machine for development…which is fine but the machine is super slow. Also their VPN keeps going down, so all the software developers have to reconnect periodically all at the same time.
At my prior jobs, it was all open so it was very easy to install the tools we needed or get approval fairly quickly. Its more frustrating than anything. At least they give us software development work marked months out.
Thought my work was bad. We at least can use VMs. I literally can’t do my job without one, Rockwell being what it is. Companies don’t like upgrading PLC software so I need to use old versions of windows occasionally to run old Rockwell stuff.
There was also a bug for a bit that would brick win11 PCs when trying to update PLC firmware, fun stuff.
Same boat. I use dedicated laptops. This is for my old Rockwell stuff, this is for my old Siemens stuff, this is my normal laptop with AD stuff, this one for Idec, and the last one for Schneider. Pretty much every laptop at the company gets retired it becomes mine.
Also works for on site access. Customer needs support? Mail them a laptop. I got one laptop that has been in Canada, both coastlines in America, Australia, and Vietnam.
I cannot remember the specifics because it’s going back almost 15 years now but at one point…crontab (edit and other various vital tools) was disabled by policy.
To get necessary processes/cleanup done at night, I used a scheduled task on a Windows PC to run a BAT that opened a macro program which opened a remote shell and “typed” the commands.
I hate this stuff. When I had a more devops role I would just VM everything. Developers need their tools, here is a VM with root. Do what you want and backups run on Friday.
I had a software developer job where they expected me to write code in Microsoft notepad, put it on a USB, and then plug it into airgapped computers to test it. Wasn’t allowed to even use notepad++.
Oh it felt so freaken good leaving that job after 6 weeks. It felt even better when I used my old manager’s personal phone number on a fake grinder profile I made. She kept a tally of my bathroom breaks.
Jump systems are a good practice but they gotta have the resources you need… I hate to say it but it sounds like y’all need to just move to a cloud platform…
health insurance provides a legitimate service to society. not a bullshit job. i get you have political motives to project but it’s not a bullshit job.
If by “job” you mean being a middle man sucking money and effectiveness from people and getting in the way of actual health care, then I agree. It’s a “job” in that people show up and get paid, but it’s 100% a bullshit job.
All dicks and no holes. Just a big pile of fuckery and greed in a big circle. The fed fucks big pharma. So the pharma company fucks over the hospitals. The hospital turns around and fucks the insurance. And the insurance companies are legally justified to square the difference from out of your asshole. And since some of that comes from the fed via state run marketplaces, the cycle of fuckery is complete.
If anyone’s offended by my language there, I apologize and assure you, it’s an entirely gender neutral and accurate metaphor.
I like how an annual doctor’s visit and a biannual dental cleaning are supposed to be 100% covered by insurance.
But every time I go, I get a bill later on with the explanation that “the provider is asking for too much money for the services so we are refusing to pay the full amount”. Fuck off. That’s not how that’s supposed to work.
On a certain level, if you can afford to pay lawyers to delay the process you can “get away” with anything, but there’s only so much creative accounting that can be done before it’s clearly a crime.
You can call them clear and obvious crimes or even chicken sandwiches if you want but it doesn’t actually matter what label we’d personally like to put on it if the government doesn’t prosecute it. Wealthy people and companies in our society have been successfully funneling money to sidestep tax law out in the open for as long as law and government itself existed and will continue to do so. It’s no secret that Apple pays no federal taxes. It’s acknowledged by both sides. Donald Trump publicly filed for bankruptcy several times despite making significant profits and walked away with huge write-offs and possibly even a huge refund. Hes openly bragged about it for decades now. He would love the opportunity to talk highly about himself by doing so again to a room full of IRS agents. Nothing will ever come of cases like these.
It makes me sick also, because I feel like Bernie was our last chance to stop it. But at this point to even get angry about it anymore is a waste of energy and time. I was around in 2011 when the occupy protests did dick all to stop wall street from getting away with financial crimes. They all yelled and screamed that it was illegal, and it at least partially was. But who gives a shit if it doesn’t affect anything? Wall street hasn’t changed in almost a century aside from automated trading. Several movies were made named wall street, several decades apart, and it was almost literally the same movie. Our options are: just fucking cope already, or go mental. It’s likely not going to happen, at least not for a long time, and by that time most of the ones that already did or are happening now that we know about will already have too much time passed to be legally persuable. We have to just let it go and persue another battle. Cope.
Lol it’s so funny how many bad takes there are in this thread. But saying that the government knows everything g you owe is one of the worst one.
No they fucking don’t. Sometimes they aren’t even sure that someone who got both his legs cut off needs disability, or that they can’t regrow their legs.
Or that a dead person can’t have a job.
Like, there are plenty of independent contractors and businesses that need to report their income, ecause how the fuck would they know that ?
I get that there are a lot of people with special types of jobs where their specific financial circumstances or the way they earn money is unusual. In that regard, I get why those people need to file their taxes.
But what about the remaining vast majority of people with standard jobs? The government absolutely does know how much I make and it makes zero sense for us to have to fill out a bunch of paperwork and not make a mistake on something that the government already knows the right answer to.
I’m going to catch some flak but I found myself in a position where H&R Block came in handy. It wasn’t for any services they rendered but because they have something akin to a protection plan where you pay a one time fee and they provide legal representation if any tax authority decides to come at you after filing.
The two times I used them were when I made an interstate move and the following year when I purchased a house. The place I moved to has a byzantine regional tax authority that collects local taxes on behalf of most - but not all - municipalities in the county (like I said - byzantine). This regional tax authority is notoriously disorganized and aggressive, opening investigations about years old tax debt that amounts to pennies only to discover that the debt was paid but their records were misplaced.
Both years I filed with H&R Block and signed up for their protection plan. Both years the regional tax authority opened investigations. Both years H&R Block paid for a lawyer to get on the phone and get the stick out of the tax authority’s ass.
This is a super niche case but until I have a year where I basically don’t do anything interesting (move, have a kid, change jobs, etc.) or the regional tax authority gets it’s shit together and chills out H&R Block is actually providing value to me.
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