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stephfinitely, in Mother-in-Law bought family tickets to Medieval Times for tonight, but they're on strike and scabs are doing the show...

Watching scabs preforming at Medieval Times sounds horrible.


I know, at dinner you always want the regular knight shift.


The scabs are joust in case.

GuyDudeman, avatar

We shall see. I shook hands with the strikers outside and said I was sorry, and that I would donate to the strike fund. My kids were really looking forward to this and are too excited.

QuarterSwede, in How are you all making it right now with grocery store prices? avatar

Wife has been canning for a few years now and we have a pantry of fruits, veggies, and dehydrated food. She goes to the farmers markets during harvest time and goes to town on entire cases of tomatoes, corn, beans, etc. That will last all year for our family of 5. We also pay a friend to raise a pig on her ranch and butcher that once a year. Just got ours (over 400 lbs!). Pork is A LOT cheaper that way. Haven’t found anyone to go half or a quarter in on a cow. We also would need another deep freezer and don’t really have room for it.

We also meal plan weekly so we only buy groceries for what we need to make meals. That saves a ton of money as you aren’t wasteful as much. Oh and we either do pick up or delivery as you spend more when you’re in the store and see things you want but don’t need.

We make almost everything we can from scratch. Wife recently found a recipe for baked oyster crackers with butter and seasoning on them that make dirt cheap snacks and they’re fantastic. The store brand oyster crackers are $1 for 16oz. That’s almost cheap enough to not make those from scratch too. We haven’t bothered yet.


I’ve always been interested in the idea of canning, but it’s not really a thing in the UK. I know that veg is cheaper and gas is more expensive here than in America but still, surely it costs so much money to can things that you can’t be saving much? Is it only worth it if the produce was in season and therefore really cheap?

kent_eh, (edited )

I’ve always been interested in the idea of canning, but it’s not really a thing in the UK

I suspect it’s more common in the more rural areas.

Or with the city people who manage to have an allotment.

AlpacaChariot, (edited )

I’m in a rural area, it’s really not a thing! Especially not pressure canning with ball jars. People do make pickles and chutneys etc but those are preserved with vinegar and we use kilner jars with a rubber seal to store them. I’ve never once met anyone who has pressure canned vegetables.


When I think of canning vegetables, cucumber pickles are the first thing that comes to mind.


Yeah and we obviously have those here although you could just make them in any old jar and keep them in the fridge. The thing that seems to be quite different in America to the UK is the whole pressure canning scene. We do have similar food but it’s all in tins, nobody really makes it themselves and I’m not even sure where you’d get hold of a pressure canner, you’d probably have to import it.


When I was a kid (20 years ago) my parents would make pickles, and some assorted pickled veggies. Usually the veggies would come from a farm around us or an auction where you could buy trays of veggies about the size of a flat of canned drinks. They would also do some fruits in syrup, mainly ones that my uncle would bring us from another part of the country where him and his neighbours had fruit tree.

QuarterSwede, (edited ) avatar

Definitely not about cost on the veggies. At best it’s break even compared to the store. It’s more about knowing it’s the veggie and water only. Or seasoning too if you like them a certain way. We’ve found corn to be higher quality too. Plus, where we live peaches are fabulous and better than anywhere else in the country so we get to can the best and control the amount of syrup used so they’re healthier. Sorry Georgia, you don’t actually have the best peaches.


Totally get that. Much nicer to know you’re not eating too much processed crap.

Jealous of the peaches!

moving to the country, I’m gonna eat a lot of peaches


Yeah, I’m making a lot myself too, but I sadly don’t have the storage space for large amounts of food. And the homemade goods are often more expensive, unless you can get veggies on the cheap from a farmer

QuarterSwede, avatar

We probably aren’t saving much on the veggies overall for sure. Some are cheaper than canned but others aren’t. However, we know exactly what’s in it and we buy it once a year so we’ve budgeted for it.


Pork is the cheapest meat on the shelf right now

QuarterSwede, avatar

It is, and it’s even cheaper if you raise your own. Plus it’s better quality meat.


Depends on your location. Where I live, chicken is cheaper.


That’s the way to do it. Raising pigs or cows, if you have the space or know someone who does, is way cheaper than store bought pork/beef.

LopensLeftArm, in What are the best steps to reduce the wealth of billionaires? avatar

The last step into the guillotine generally does the trick.


Wouldn’t the wealth necessarily just be distributed to their heirs?


That’s why the French revolution was so… Thorough

maniacalmanicmania, avatar

Heirs are finite and have a shelf life. Guillotines are reusable.


That’s it.

Extinguish the bloodline, cut heads until there’s no hoarder, tax evading billionare.


If you are at the point of guillotining billioners, you can also seize their wealth.


Just shows how complicit people are, even when guillotineing a billionaire, we don’t know how to acquire their wealth, anyway other comments explain how to do that.

ILikeBoobies, in So is the US slipping into Civil War?

No, it’s theatrics

An election is upcoming


Just like every year


At the same time, if we can get the 14th figured out the “pledging troops in opposition to the federal government” seems like the things insurrectionists do.


Its a meaningful and new escalation. This dismissive attitude is exactly why there will be a war. These governors should be removed and charged with sedition.

dgmib, (edited ) in Xenophobia is to racism what homophobia is to ... ?

You’re trying to take a prescriptivist position on the meaning of the word “homophobia”, defining it as meaning “fear of homosexuality or homosexuals”.

But English doesn’t work that way. English words are defined descriptively not prescriptively. The definition of a word is changed to match how people use the word. When a word is commonly used with a new meaning the people who make dictionaries will change the definition to match how the word is used.

Homophobia can describe a fear or homosexuality, but it’s more commonly used to describe hostility or discrimination against homosexuals.

And as a result the Oxford English Dictionary now defines homophobia as “Hostility towards, prejudice against, or (less commonly) fear of homosexual people or homosexuality.”

Most words that end in -phobia do generally just describe a fear. But when we’re talking about a class of people, words ending in -phobia (e.g transphobia, Islamophobia, etc) we tend to use the hate, prejudice, and hostility meaning instead.

It doesn’t matter that “phobias” were at one time exclusively just irrational fears. If the majority of English speakers use the word to describe hate, that’s its meaning.

If anything, we now need a new word to describe “fear of homosexuality without prejudice towards homosexuals”. Because homophobia already means, to use your words, “a hatred of gay people”.


Fears also takes more forms than staying away from something. People with what you might define as more conventional phobias would avoid the thing they don’t like (maybe spiders), many would hate the thing and others may even seek to destroy it.

PhlubbaDubba, in Are Americans more prone to conspiracy theories than people in other countries?

No, we just have a larger presence on the internet relative to our share of the global population, meaning our idiocy is noticed a lot more often.

Call it the Florida Man effect, it’s not that other states don’t also have crazies, it’s just that Florida’s are more well documented and publicized.

bitwaba, in Getting braces as a young adult?

Correcting your teeth is something you’ll enjoy the rest of your life. Don’t let your worries about how people will precieve you now impact the rest of your life

LunchEnjoyer, avatar

Thank you, i believe this is the right way to think about it; just difficult to grasp. But you’re absolutely right!


Yes. Do this. It’ll be unpleasant but you’ll regret it for the rest of your life if you don’t do it.

anon6789, (edited ) in What are some of your cheap eats hacks? avatar

I don’t know if this is the type of thing you were asking, but it’s one I’ve been using about once a week lately.

I was listening to How I Built This with Guy Raz, and he had on a lady that wanted to eliminate food waste. She started the app Too Good To Go.

Partner businesses will pack up about $15 of food at the end of the shift, and instead of tossing it, they put it in a to go box for you for $5.

Tonight we had jerk chicken and sides from a Caribbean place, another time we got 4 big pizza slices overloaded with toppings, and our favorite is the Manhattan Bagels gives us 15-17 bagels. We’ve also tried a vegan bakery, which is way too expensive for us, but for my girlfriend’s nephew with a severe egg allergy was a great surprise.

These are all places we wouldn’t normally go, but they’ve all been really tasty, helped eliminate some waste, and let us try some new restaurants for a fiver. We’re kinda in the country, so there aren’t too many options, but I looked in the nearby city and there are a lot, and the app started in Europe, so you non-US people don’t have to miss out.

So maybe not the super cheap lentil curry recipe I have, but this was an intriguing things I recently learned about and have been looking to share awareness about.

Even if you don’t have much cash, it still feels nice to be able to get restaurant food sometimes too, and this is a cheap and mutually beneficial way to do that.


This is a great tip. We this in Berlin. It’s great to just walk to a random area in the evening, open the app up and see what’s available for pickup in the area.

anon6789, avatar

That was another thing that had gotten my interest about it. I recently started a new job that was in an area I wasn’t familiar with, so I’ve gotten to get a sampling of the restaurants there for next to nothing.

Bakachu, (edited )

I remember back in the day a few food court places did this. They’d preload a to-go container with a ton of food and mark it for $5 about 30 minutes before the mall closed. I haven’t seen a food court do this since 2008 though.

anon6789, avatar

This sounds pretty much exactly like that. It’s about the only downside, as it’s first come (to reserve a box in the app), first served, and you get a half hour pickup window.

The way they sell it to places is they make it so it’s no more work than just tossing it would be, but you get a sale.

RozhkiNozhki, avatar

We found it too and it’s awesome. A huge bag of tamales and pastries from our local Mexican bakery, $6.

anon6789, avatar

Exactly! I wish I had tamales near me!

Though I do make a mean tamale pie, and that’s a pretty good cheap way to stretch out leftover protein when it isn’t enough left to feed the both of us.

Not healthy, but damn good for leftovers! 😁

user224, in What gifts that you received for Christmas this year are already in the trash? avatar

Not trash, just returned to the shop. HP Smart Tank 580 printer.

Usernameblankface, avatar

Wow that’s a big gift! Do you have a different preferred solution for printing?

user224, avatar

Not really preferred, but I do have a printer already. A 20 years old HP PSC 1315. It still works, and I don’t even know how after my USB port replacement attempt which was also my first soldering attempt, and it ended terribly. But, it does seem to make a connection, so it works for now. I didn’t know what flux is, and I used the highest temperature, 520°C. As I said, no idea how it works, but it’s been like that for over 2 years.

It’s not perfect, but it works. It only has partial support by HPLIP, so to print in high DPI I need to use a Windows 7 VM with the drivers. That then takes 20 minutes per A4 page. The colors are quite poor and it has quite large borders. If scanning anything with color, I need to play with contrast and saturation in Scan2PDF, otherwise most colors are just invisible.
On the plus side, I found an app called NokoPrint that allows me to print from Android phone using this printer via USB.

So yeah, that smart tank would have been much better, but there would also be extra e-waste. I can deal with this printer. Actually, I got this from e-waste, so I even saved some. Also, they took it with extended warranty and some insurance, making it €207!!! I don’t want such an expensive gift.

Usernameblankface, avatar

Far be it from me to get in the way of your self-imposed suffering.


Did you buy a brother instead?

user224, avatar

I currently have a printer, also HP, but an old one (20 years).

When I’ll finally need a new printer, I’ll be deciding between HP and Brother. I am not sure about Linux support with Brother printers. I heard it’s great, but I need to search more. I know HPLIP works well, but I also heard these new HP printers don’t last long. Then there’s also the thing called HP+ (not to be confused with Instant Ink) that many of those printers have, which REQUIRES HP account AND a connection to internet.


Be a member of the Brother-hood. I have a big black multifunction Brother printer, scanner (even fax, wtf!), and it works on both Linux and Windows. Bought four years ago. It just wants a quiet corner and a wifi connection. I think it’d even print from my Android phone if I tickled it a little, but can’t be arsed now. It’s happy with cheapo ink as well. It also cleans itself and has survived in a definitely-not-an-office environment. If it makes another year I’ll give it a pet name, it deserves one!

Zerlyna, avatar

I have had three Brother lasers since 2006 and they are workhorses. Can’t help with the Linux question.


Why did you get 3 printers in 17 years, did they break or anything?


Maybe used them lots?

Zerlyna, avatar

Two were for work. One I have at home.


Recently went through this, did not continue with hp and went brother, couldn’t be happier.

rob_t_firefly, (edited ) avatar

Linux user here, can confirm a Brother multifunction laser printer/scanner monster from around five years ago works flawlessly and painlessly out of the box with multiple Debian derivatives.

Also the first toner I bought with it is still sealed in its box because the free starter toner which came with the printer still hasn’t run down. I’m never going back to inkjets!


My 2 year old brother (all in one, not a human) same story. Works great with Linux. Better than my hp, even.

MeanEYE, avatar

HP is a nightmare, I had nothing but issues on my system with HP. Brother is no fuss no install kind of deal. It just appears ready and willing.


My first laser printer was an HP Laser Jet MP5 that my boss threw away because ‘it was noisy’. Workhorse beast printed easily another 15,000 pages before I replaced it with a color laser from Brother. That beast (purchased in 2013) has gone through 3 toner carts for CYMK, and printed high res great output in glorious color for over a decade now.

Moral of the story: HP wasn’t always garbage, but they certainly are today; Brother makes a damn good printer.


Oh yeah, in college I bought an HP color ink jet that lasted probably 2 decades. No bullshit, it just printed stuff, and it was fantastic.


Good call lmao,


AMEN. HP used to innovate technology. Nowadays they innovate new ways to fuck their customers around.


I like the hp-48 calculator


The Canon version of that has been good for me. No subscription or anything, just fillable ink tanks.

MeanEYE, avatar

Only thing in all of these posts that deserves to be trashed.

Boozilla, in When/how do you think capitalism will be defeated? avatar

My hope would be that we can transition peacefully to a hybrid model with the rising power of unions, gradual emergence of worker cooperatives, and increased demand for socialized health care and affordable housing.

However, I think it’s more likely that things will have to collapse first. Especially with violent accelerationist types doing their thing. Unfortunately, it’s far easier to destroy systems than it is to repair them.

return2ozma, avatar

Have you seen this?

Why it’s so hard to imagine life after capitalism?


My hope would be that we can transition peacefully to a hybrid model with the rising power of unions, gradual emergence of worker cooperatives, and increased demand for socialized health care and affordable housing.

None of this has anything to do with capitalism tho.

Like, capitalism can and should be the economic engine driving these positive outcomes.


I mean not really? Because currently capitalism as an economic engine is actively preventing these outcomes. And basically by design. How do you explain that?

xigoi, avatar

A lot of capitalist countries have free healthcare. So how is capitalism preventing that?


Because in those countries it was regulated enough?

The question you need to answer is why countries like the US don’t and if you disagree that capitalism didn’t have anything to do with it

xigoi, avatar

Well yes, regulation is often needed to ensure that markets remain free and the USA is a great example of how that can fail.


The USA is also a good example how the markets can get in the way of the regulation and of free markets. The players in the free market don’t really benefit from being in a free market. They have every incentive to change that.


How do you explain that?

it isn’t true, so I don’t


The current strategy of venture capital is not success, but sabotage

It’s not good enough for you to be doing well, you have to strangle the competition and introduce yourself as an unremovable bottleneck

For example, becoming the intermediary between concerts and concert goers. The fees charged and the trouble caused is worse than if they hadn’t been there.

Amazon makes examples out of any business that dare challenge it’s dead zone around it.

VC money is meant to crush the competition and lock in the consumer to charge rent.

Why would they ever want worker control, or unions?

Why would the private healthcare industry ever stop lobbying against socialized healthcare? Why would a capitalist success ever lead to the political change necessary for it when the doctrine of capitalism is privatization

Why would any commercial real estate firm allow affordable housing to exist when they can scalp it on investment properties and leave them empty? Why build affordable housing when the margins are small?

Capitalism isn’t a savior, it’s just locally optimal to the people with capital.


VC money is meant to crush the competition and lock in the consumer to charge rent.

This is not anything close to correct lol. VCs specifically do not invest in mature companies or they aren’t VCs.

Why would any commercial real estate firm allow affordable housing to exist when they can scalp it on investment properties and leave them empty? Why build affordable housing when the margins are small?

All housing built helps other housing come affordable because it increases supply. You are correct that there is little purpose intentionally building less valuable housing

lvxferre, avatar

You probably know it, but just in case that you (or anyone reading this, who might agree with you) don’t: give the texts of The Fabian Society a check. They’re rather close to what you’re proposing with a peaceful transition; I have my criticisms against it as a Marxist strictu sensu, but I bet that you’ll have a blast with it.


Care to explain why?

lvxferre, (edited ) avatar

I’m proposing to check their texts out because it’s a good way to get theoretical background to back up your beliefs, if you believe in a peaceful transition. (Here’s a link to a good one, by the way.)

It’s also useful for Marxists, given that Marxism always interacted with other left-wing trains of thought. So by reading this stuff you get a better historical context on why Marxism defends some policies instead of other policies.


Yea I wasn’t doubting you, I just wanted for your to add some small explanation/context as to what these texts had


I have reservations about unions. While it does give employees bargaining power, it sometimes does it to a fault. We see this with police unions in the US as it stops bad apples from getting proper punishment, and as a result, they get slaps on the wrist. I imagine that it would be equally as hard to fire somebody in other industries like medicine unless there’s a 3rd party (like an arbitrator or court) enforcing these decisions.

Also, without any legislation in the US, I’d argue that unions will stay incredibly difficult to form, and even if they do, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they can negotiate with companies fairly. Companies out there (I believe Dish is an example) have spent 10 years stalling negotiations with unions, and it’s all practically legal.

Ibex0, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

The IR blaster that worked on most televisions.


I hate this. I'd be perfectly fine with network bullshit if it was a universal standardized profile so it actually worked (and I could build a programmable physical remote for it) . But the App Store is flooded with "android TV remotes" that maybe support one specific obscure (unlabeled) TV. I've never found one that works for anything I've owned.


That too bad, because my Galaxy S4 worked on most TVs with the Samsung software.

RiderExMachina, in what, in your opinion, drives the start time of factory and manufacturing jobs to 5am?

If they are 12 hour shifts, so that the people can head home at 5 with everyone else. If they are 8 hour shifts, usually for the later shifts to have an okay life balance: 5-2 for day shift, 2-11 for second shift, and a third shift option that overlaps.

Even though I’m a night person, 5 is a common time to wake up for enough people who presumably want to be productive, and the benefit of getting off work before the school day ends has to be enticing. And on the second shift side of things, they get to have lunch with loved ones before going to work, and 11 is early enough that they could potentially go out for drinks or other fun before bed.

It’s also nice that for either shift, the person has time to run errands at a time when most stores are open and activity levels are low.


The machines would wear out faster with more usage, so using them longer each day wouldn’t help with that, but doing two shifts per day would increase productivity per machine than one shift per day. Which would also help pay off any loans for the machinery faster.


This is why routine Preventative Maintenance is important. My job strives for World Class Manufacturing, so I hear all the manufacturing buzzwords all day everyday.

Sprinks, in How to respond to gf saying "I'm fat"

For the past year ive been struggling with my body image because of a small amount of weight gain even though im fully aware im not fat. I love my husband to death, but i wish he had done the below when i expressed disliking my physical appearance.

Stop and hug them. Give them reassurance through physical contact. Tell them you love them. Hearing it, even when you know you are loved, is reassuring. Tell them they’re beautiful and compliment something specific about them, like the color of their eyes or a cute mole. Then, treat them to a date somewhere they can dress up “fancy”, spend the night complimenting their appearance, and “show them off” as if you cant help but brag to the world that a beautiful woman like her chose to be with you that night.


Thank you for a serious answer. I would love it if a man did this for me after I expressed dislike about my appearance.

archchan, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

Rootable modable phones, with a 3.5mm headphone jack, SD card slot, and an ultrasonic fingerprint reader cherry on top. Maybe some heart rate monitor sprinkles if you are so inclined. My S10 that I still use checks all of the boxes minus root. It feels like I have a sundae with all the high quality toppings I could want… but no proper ice cream. And I want the whole custom sundae, which these days seems impossible to find.


It’s important to remember that even if a company did that and the customers who said they wanted it all went and bought one it would still likely be a tremendous waste of the manufacturer’s money. And then there are all the people that say it’s important to them while they only use it to point at while shouting at iPhone users despite not using their phones any differently.


These still exist, for now at least. Just not any flagship phones. My Oneplus nord n30 has all of this (well idk if the fingerprint sensor is ultrasonic, it’s on the side and fast though). And I’m pretty sure a lot of Motorola phones have these as well. Only downside is not the best processors or cameras, but are good enough for me at least.


Try a shiftphone, it has all this


Basically down to either Pixels or IIRC nothing phones are moddable, but those aren’t sold in the US anymore.

I’m running Graphene Os on a Pixel 8 Pro and it’s been great.

Sway_Chameleon, in Why is canned soup often so bad even though soup tends to improve as leftovers? avatar

There was an interesting CBC podcast called Fridge Light, and in one episode the host followed people who had their recipes accepted for commercial sale. Apparently, a big issue is making those recipes generic enough so that they are acceptable to the widest range of consumers. This often means toning down the flavors. So for example, a spicy recipe gets dialed back to the point that even people who find yogurt offensively spicy can eat it. Basically, they bland everything down. There’s other factors as well, like the taste from the can, etc.

roofuskit, avatar

Cans are coated in plastic these days, the food doesn’t come. in contact with the metal. But the rest of this is accurate. Add to that recipes are changed to work at very large scale and to be the most efficient, not extract the most flavor out of the ingredients.


Something about the commercial canning process does give a distinctive taste though. I do meal prep for a person who receives food bank food and he gets these big cans of plain chicken. They smell exactly like canned tuna. For the life of me I can not figure out how they get that way.

I’ve got a friend who does all his own home preserving with a pressure canner (in glass jars) and he cans chicken the same way a commercial place would- raw chicken cooked during the canning process. His taste and smell like delightful chicken soup.

Zeppo, avatar

I bought a can of hummus made in Jordan one time. It also smelled like tuna - one of the most god-awful things I’ve ever experienced.


You’re right, there’s definitely a “canned-food” taste that turns me off most canned soups. For some reason I don’t notice with canned tomato soup, but every other canned soup I’ve tried has this weird flavor to it that I can’t put my finger on

macgyver, avatar

To add to this, I could see this being furthered by most people eating soup when they are sick or feeling sick. So blandness might be a good thing on an upset stomach.

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