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NeoNachtwaechter, (edited ) in Ancient wisdom often sounds like common sense now that it is commomly taught. What is some ancient wisdom that we no longer teach because it was wrong?

Read the theories of René Descartes (17th century) about the nature of air and the atmosphere. Try to get his original texts (translation if needed), not any secondary works.

It is some seriously sick stuff, from today’s point of view :-)

At his time he was quite a renowned scientist.

Potatisen, in After a lifetime against, I'm considering joining social media. Any advice?

I know how you feel but joining in now might be a mistake. The trend at the moment is people leaving social media, soon people won’t care if they can find you or not.

Stay away!


People’s situations can be different, OP is asking how they can join while minimizing the harms

We don’t have to not join something because the trend is people leaving. Worst case scenario they meet the immediate need and leave alongside whoever they need to connect with

SorteKanin, avatar

The trend at the moment is people leaving social media

Eeeh… Is it really? I know that’s what many people on Lemmy would like to believe because that’s what they largely are doing, but lemmings are a minority. I think the vast majority of people don’t even know or care about how bad social media is these days and continue using it.

ExtraMedicated, in What are some dark sides to cute super-powers ?

Turning living things into food is technically what most animals do every day just to live.


All living things are already food

Kolanaki, avatar

Including humans!

user1234, in What's a food you love, that isn't worth making from scratch?



This 100%…

It is so expensive/time consuming/finicky for a product that best case scenario is comparable to store bought.

MeanEYE, avatar

Depends on type. Some cheese is easy to produce. Others require a lot of effort, time, controlled environment, etc.


Squeaky cheese! So damn expensive if your in any other state other than WI…

MeanEYE, avatar

Squeaky cheese

Didn’t know this was a thing. Niice. One more thing to add to the list of things to try.


Paneer or even better, halloumi?


Paneer I only like homemade, but it’s so easy I hesitate to call it cheese. Pressed curds. Halloumi I don’t like, and what’s funny is I was just thinking today that now that I like swiss I like every cheese in existence but forgot about Halloumi.


Yeah I’ll probably never buy ricotta again after making homemade, unless I was really in a pinch for time I guess. You save a decent chunk of change on home made too. Mozzarella I’d go either way on.

RedditRefugeeTom, in So, who or what ruined Christmas this year?

My Wife’s Father. I don’t care for him even if he has changed following a letter she wrote to him saying she’d be out of his life if he didn’t. In the past he beat her Mom and put my Wife through constant guilt trips. He honestly has changed a lot since the letter and he does very well with his grand daughter, but I just wanted to be home with my wife and daughter after working 70 hours out of state on a retrofit job. My Wife’s mother and step father will be visiting new years weekend. I just want it to be my family, but my Wife needs the help watching our daughter while I’m gone for work, so I just put up with it like any decent human would.

sab, avatar

It's like a trope. Old men who used to be really shitty fathers and now desperately try to cling on to the image of themselves as the heads of the family even though they will never truly be forgiven for who they used to be, and everyone are kind of afraid that they still are.

It's sad, it's painful, and it's fucking impossible to deal with in a good way.

Xariphon, in What's a food you love, that isn't worth making from scratch?

Baklava. I love it. When my aunts make it it's always amazing. But holy crap if it isn't the most tedious, fiddly, obnoxious stuff to make. And that's if you're not also making your own phyllo dough... all like six miles of it that goes in a batch one vapor thin layer at a time.


That seems like one of those cases where the production is only worth it if it’s a group/family tradition to get together and enjoy everyone’s company while you do it.

Like…no part of my family makes baklava, but if I had a friend whose Greek or Turkish family met up once a year and made it, I would love to come help, as much for the experience as to learn about how to make it.

In my area where I grew up (if not my actual family) that food is pierogi: families will get together and make massive quantities of pierogi, usually with the grandmas of the families directing the process. Everyone goes home with dozens and dozens for the freezer.

From what I gather, it’s not worth making like…one dozen for a meal, but if you’re going to go through the process, you might as well make hundreds.

Shadow, (edited ) in What are your dental hygiene tips and hacks avatar

Get an electric toothbrush. Don’t push hard, just slowly move it and hold it gently against your teeth / gums in each spot.

If you hate flossing like I do, a waterpik is helpful.

Brush twice a day.

Don’t rinse after brushing like you said.

StopSpazzing, avatar

Waterpik is not a replacement for flossing, fyi

Shadow, avatar

No but it’s better than nothing.

altima_neo, avatar

Waterpik is nifty, but I found a solution that works well in conjunction with it, but without the frustration of flossing . Gum Proxabrush are little brushes that go between your teeth to scrub out the gunk. My hygienist was saying they work better than floss. I’ve really liked them.

Zorg, avatar

My teeth are so tight I can sometimes barely get floss down between them. A brush would have no chance of cleaning the whole sides of the teeth.


You may already know, but Glide by oralb is great for tight teeth. It’s flatter and slippery. The only issue I’ve found is that it snaps more often.

Zorg, avatar

Yeah, I loved that floss! Right up until I found it’s so good because it’s coated in Teflon.


Fuck. Thanks I guess?.. now I need new floss


What do you use instead?

cheese_greater, (edited )

Doesn’t the WaterPik sort of negate the don’t rinse thing, or are you saying less is more in terms of water getting in the way of remineralization and you net benefit from using that for flossing. I definitely prefer it over physical floss

Use flosser first, THEN brush without rinsing. Got it 😁


You can do the WaterPik before brushing and then don’t rinse after brushing.

jarvis2323, in Why are Some Apps Updated Daily?

It’s agile. Every change is small and less likely to break the overall experience. Putting into hands of users quickly means bugs, especially breaking bugs are found quickly and easily backed out or fixed. If you wait a month, then when a bug is reported it’s much harder to track down and fix. Plus your users suffer until your next release.

themeatbridge, in Honestly - How much will you sacrifice for a better world?

I would sacrifice my left arm if I thought it would prevent a climate catastrophe. But it won’t. Literally nothing I can give will improve any of the problems you listed.

What should I be willing to sacrifice? Hamburgers? My personal car? Money? My kid’s college fund? Give me an outcome, and I’ll tell you if it’s worth it.


Ya, I was going to "offer" much more than my left arm. But it wouldn't do anything. The changes need to be much more systemic(?) than that.

I wouldn't give up cheeseburgers, though. But if I only had them once a year, I'd probably survive.


If you already knew the outcome, it wouldn’t be much of a sacrifice would it. Sometimes we need to do something because it’s the right thing to do, not because it guarantees success.

Nelots, (edited ) avatar

I mean, yes, it would be? If I can solve world hunger by sacrificing my left arm to the elder gods or some shit, I’m still losing my left arm. It’s still a sacrifice.


You mention ‘solve world hunger’, implying you know that’s the outcome already. That’s an easier choice then, isn’t it. The point I’m making is that doing something because it’s the right thing to do regardless of whether you know it’s going to work is what makes it a bigger sacrifice. The person I was replying to was also implying they would only consider sacrificing something if they knew the outcome first. If we all did that we’d never achieve anything.


It would because it would still be a choice. One would have to make it or choose not to. Yes it makes the sacrifice smaller but it’s a valid point. I also share that concern.

It wouldn’t need to be guaranteed but right now many scarifices are basically insignificant

YungOnions, (edited )

Insignificant in the wider picture, maybe. But as you imply we have little to no control over that. All we can influence is our own actions, and hope that will be enough. The problem with the defeatist attitude that so often surrounds any discourse regarding, for example, climate change is that by declaring success impossible before you even try, all you do is guarantee failure.

All one need do is chose what changes one wishes to make and then make them to the best of one’s abilities. That’s it. If you can look yourself in the eye and say ‘I did all I could. I did my best’ then you have succeeded. Will it achieve everything we want it to? Maybe not, but it’ll achieve 100% more than not trying. Ultimately we all have a responsibility to do what we can. So I argue we should all try and do just that and be content that we did our best, because I will not except defeat. How about you?


I’d argue that effort is better spent fighting for broader change. Ideally you’d do both but one is more significant than the other imo

I have no interest in being a modern day martyr. Both of us could end our lives right now and it would be the most eco friendly action possible, but it would wouldn’t even begin to move the needle. Insignificant is not even close to describing it. So I won’t severely impact my lifestyle just so that I can feel good about it. I will and have make compromises and reductions to help with this, up to a certain point and I have and will continue to push for broader changes that will affect groups of people even if I’m included in those groups because there the proposition is different.

Imagine you live with a couple of roommates and they completely trash the place every single night. We’re talking like shitting in the middle of the living room, trash everywhere etc etc I won’t contribute to that mess at that scale but I won’t lose sleep if I left the my dishes undone overnight.

YungOnions, (edited )

Then it sounds like you’ve made your choices, and you should be satisfied with them. That’s a good thing. Those compromises and reductions have moved the needle. A little, maybe, but it’s still doing something. Good for you. 👍.

Philharmonic3, in Which of your favorite creators content quality went downhill very quickly?

AAVE. He used to be a cool tool review channel who really got into the nitty gritty of how electric tools worked and what made them quality. Now he’s an anti-vax spouting asshole who loves the truckers who blocked the bridge in Canada. Spiraled into the right-wing like a waterslide


He kinda always flirted with being overly caustic in my experience. Definitely creeped a little too close to heteronormative, western world good, global south bad, clunky boomer type shit humor wise. But ya, around covid popping of I sensed some real cracks forming and I bounced on outta there.

MaxVoltage, (edited ) avatar

Meth* thsts your brain on hard Amphetamine



elephantium, in Which YouTuber still creates high-quality videos to this day? avatar

Primitive Technology

Low volume (not even 1 video a month), high quality, highly entertaining.

Beware of the copycats, though.


I cannot believe I had to scroll so far down here to find this. It’s a channel so good he created a freaking genre! And plus, almost no one else does what he does legit. At least a lot of the bushcraft ones show when they use tools, but I’ve seen videos with 8 million views showing hand tools and harvesting wood, then boom, suddenly there’s dimensional lumber in the shot. Drives me wild when people fake it, but the OG never does, since he started the whole project for fun and fell backwards into money.


Always turn on captions, he narrates in text.


Whaaaat! I had no idea. This is blowing my mind. I’ve watched this guy’s channel for years and didn’t know about this.


We have all, at one point, been you and gone back and rewatched every single one now with captions. It just hits later for some. They’re still good though.



Mostly_Gristle, in What are your "poor person" money life hacks?

It requires a bit of financial discipline, but having a credit card that you religiously pay off in full every month can be a really powerful budgeting tool when money is tight. It lets you combine paychecks or borrow from a future week’s budget so you can take advantage of bulk prices or a really good sale price to stock up on things you use a lot of. And once you get stocked up on all your staple items, the money you would have spent on those things gets freed up for other things for weeks, or maybe even months at a time.

Speaking of stocking up on bulk items, my Costco membership has saved me a ton of money since I’ve had it. It might not make the best budgetary sense for everyone, but my membership fee more than pays for itself just with what I save on gasoline. Even when they don’t have the best price on something, often the quality you get for the price still makes a lot of their stuff worth it for me. But even if I don’t find a deal on something it’s always nice to be able to grab a huge rotisserie chicken that I can make meals out of for most of a week for $4.99.

bstix, in What the fuck are bagged eggs?

It’s scrambled eggs in a bag.

They’re used in hotel restaurants, canteens, cafeteries etc. for making a uniform product when serving many people in a buffet.

It’s alright, I guess. Eggs are great for this kind of product.

It would be nice to save the plastic bag and just make actual scrambled eggs, which is about as difficult as opening the bag anyway. However in kitchens like in hotels where the staff is new every month, it’s an easy way to keep that dish from fucking up.

I was once at a 4 star hotel where a chef would cook each dish of scrambled eggs individually for each guest from a selection of additional ingredients and spices. Sure it was a luxury experience, but I could as well have eaten the bagged eggs and added some stuff myself if I actually needed mushrooms and peppers etc.


And for hard boiled egg some canteens and restaurants use Long Egg, a cylindrical shaped hard boiled egg with a cylinder of egg yoke in the middle.


I wonder what shape the chicken is?


Square. The cylinder goes in the (out of) the square hole.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

(◕︿◕✿ )


Very tall, one would imagine


It’s not a chicken, it’s wombat eggs.


I was today years old when I learned about long eggs


I still don’t understand how they make the raw ingredients into that shape?!


If I had to guess: they separate the whites and yolks, and then there’s a concentric cylindrical mold where they pour the whites in the outside and the yolks in the center (maybe lightly beaten to break the membranes?), start bringing things up to temp, and remove the inner ring once the whites are firm enough, so that the whole thing is a continuous egg-rod when done cooking.


It goes really well with long pork.

the_q, in What's the simplest thing humans are too dumb to grasp?

Capitalism isn’t purpose and purpose doesn’t exist.

tocopherol, avatar

I wouldn’t say they are too dumb to realize this necessarily, people are just misled by endless propaganda or don’t have the time and energy/skills to really contemplate things properly.

waz, in Customs Officers: Have you ever laughed out loud when someone gave you their passport and they had an… unusual name?

When I worked at a car dealership there was a service customer named Stuart Pidasso.

Over the intercom, when they announced “Stu Pidasso, your car is ready” it sounded like “Stupid asshole, your car is ready”.

I thought it was pretty funny.


His parents knew what they were doing.


My cousin’s full name is Christopher Patrick Bacon. He goes by Chris P. Bacon and just embraces it. His parents knew.


How could you not, it’s just too tasty.


Lean into the Bacon

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