The beast being the government itself. The idea is that the government is somehow overspending in comparison to the tasks carried out and it needs to be fixed by cutting funding.
The result is obviously that the government will function even worse, so it’s a self fulfilling prophecy.
Just like they’ve always done, they’ll throw a couple of their own to the wolves to distract the pitchfork weilding townsfolk (that’s us) just long enough for us to stick our heads back down into our smartphones and gadgets and forget the entire business.
Just like the sacrificed Weinstein and Spacey to our public ire and then quietly stayed under the radar long enough to forget how many other celebrities are doing the same thing.
The powerful stay powerful by distraction and subterfuge. This will be no different.
I personally enjoy DDG. Their privacy policy for their search is straightforward and there’s no evidence that they’re not abiding by it. I find it tends to prioritize higher quality blogs and articles ahead of social media results.
I sometime use Brave Search as it seems to do better at giving social media/forum results as they seem to be prioritized higher by it, when I’m looking for more discussion-based content.
Because DDG uses Bing’s API. Basically, you submit a search to DDG, DDG submits that search to Bing, Bing provides results to DDG who repackages them as DDG, then provides that to you.
Boogie. Not a favorite of mine and hated the Francis stuff, but I used to watch some of his gaming videos. He did his weight loss surgery about the same time as a relative so found that interesting. But good lord it’s been a descent since then,all of it self inflicted. Be it saying something stupid, firing a gun within city limits while getting into a pissing match with some other YouTube idiot, or losing his money in crypto. It’s hard to imagine someone that’s fallen further than him.
Watched the documentary on him last month and then went through his channel and it was embarrassing.
Did you ever happen to visit /r/samandtolki before it was banned? They really gave Boogie hell. They documented lie after lie from the dude. It’s sad how much of a pathological liar Boogie is. The worst one I witnessed was him saying people were swating him. Mod of samandtolki did a FOIA request to Boogie’s local police department and got camera footage from the officer that visited Boogie’s home. Boogie was making a lot of suicide claims and a fan called a wellness check on him. One officer showed up and asked Boogie’s roommate some questions. That was it.
I think the problem with Sucker Punch was no one really knew what it was about before watching it and ended up being like “this is fucking weird”. If you look at everything as though it’s from inside the mind of someone who was just lobotomized then it’s pretty good, imo.
Had one named “FBI Surveillance Van #3”. I know, not so creative even 10-years ago, but read on.
Guy at the end of the street sold weed. He was telling my neighbor to be on the lookout, there was an FBI van cruising around. Being at the end of the street, my signal faded in and out like it was moving. Dude was freaked the fuck out.
I had one with my countrys version of the “Van”. Then ubiquity had a zero day exploit become public knowledge back then and someone renamed the SSID “NotThePolice”. Didn’t do anything else. Just that.
Solids vs liquids - could you elaborate on that? Soap seems like an obvious example, and a couple specific food items like broth vs powder… but that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.
A couple years ago I switched from drinking soda to drinking those powdered wylers light drink mixes, it was mostly because I wanted to stop drinking so much soda but I went from spending $6 every other day to $20 every month and a half.
It makes sense when you think about it. Most drinks are 90% water and it just seems so wasteful to have water shipped rather than using the pipes that come directly to my house!
Water weighs about 8lbs/gallon (1kg/L). When you’re eating soup, the actual flavors/salts/veggies take up about 20% of the weight, tops. Additionally, volume is far decreased, so you can have more food in a smaller container. Finally, bacteria have nothing to work with in material without water. Just add your local water when you need it, it’s already there.
So, buy dry goods to reduce shipping costs for both you and the producer. Ship only the food part of food, not the water. The costs are much lower, for all the reasons above.
I dont know if its really “Lesser Known”, but pest control is a very interesting field to work in and isnt often talked about in many circles.
Its essentially future proof, as we’re always going to have pests. Its one of those jobs where its the same enough every day that you get a little better, but different enough from call to call to keep you challenged and stay interested.
I wished that I had even considered it an open back in High School and gone to college/university to actually study pests in an academic setting, and be able to participate in some of the groundbreaking work taking place currently.
Has it ever happened that you accidentally took some pests (like bed bugs or cockroaches) home in your clothes or bag and infected your own home with it?
Nah. I mean, it can happen, and really only with bedbugs, but only if you’re not careful.
Roaches have no interest in being on your person, so.its not like they’re going to hitch a ride home with you. If I were to, say, take home a cardboard box from a heavily infested unit, then maybe (they loooove corrugated boxes), but that fall under “not careful”.
Bed bugs are pretty much the same. I mean, if you give a bear hug to a mattress that is heavily infested, then there is a chance that one could make it onto you and you bring it home, but theyre actually not that great at holding on (they are not like ticks where they latch on).
My only precaution is an ocular patdown of myself when I leave a unit, and as soon as I get home, my uniform goes into the dryer on High for 40 minutes to kill anything in the off chance I brought a bed bug or an egg home with me.
If you have anyone in your house or on your network that is, shall we say, less tech savvy then this effectively shuts them out of some sites.
And for yourself if you happen to make a miss click it shuts out most passive security risks.
The extension is as dumb or smart as you make it. For most of the users on my network it’s functionally retarded, but it works fairly well to prevent missclicks and curiosity fuckups for me as well.
Double upvote for bitwarden, since OP is switched browser, they defenetly need move all their passwords. No need to use built in Firefox manager. Don’t forget to use password export from Chrome.
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