I’ve been seeing it. Worse since the patch, but it happened every once in a while before. Major desync between the audio and animation; sometimes cutting each other off.
Now I’ve just restarted and it hasn’t been any worse than before, so I feel like maybe the problem had to do with continuing games started before the patch.
Hmm, just tried restarting my PC, no dice. It’s 100% percent of dialogue for me, not just some of the time. Guess I’ll try the old uninstall/reinstall.
What I’ve found is that it tends to happen more on dialogs and cut scenes that are skipped through. If you press A or skip through a cutscene at the wrong time (no idea how to tell when a bad time is) it will de sync the entire dialog and from then out you just get characters bobbing their heads as if they were saying something but not actually speaking. Luckily it seems to stop happening for me on the next cutscene if I let it play through the entire way unskipped.
So if you’re in the Underdark, you’re not actually in Act 2 yet. If you need the main story to drive you forward, you have a little further to go. The Underdark doesn’t advance any personal quests, at least not in a major way, even though there’s plenty to do.
The difference between this and D:OS2 is that while Reaper’s Coast felt open, the level scaling still had the zone on rails, more or less. Here, you have a couple different ways to go. If you want to move on (I suggest level 5 if you aren’t already first), there is a way forward to find. If you want a more straightforward road, try the path on the surface.
I'm pretty much at a loss for words here. This feels like a definitive-edition style update we're getting basically for free. It's 30 gigs of goodness, so game-changing in fact that you need 130GB of space just to let it shuffle everything around, and Larian's straight up recommended just doing a clean reinstall if you're having trouble. Baldur's Gate 3 fans haven't just been eating good, we've been feasting.
Take your time, it’s worth it. I reluctantly finished my “first” playthrough (not counting my actual first attempt when I started as the dark urge and restarted after 20 hours because it was clearly fucking everything up) at around 250 hours played. This patch is making me consider starting again. Best game I’ve played in ages.
I think the key thing is that it’s turn based and a lot of kids that age don’t have the patience for a turn based game, especially when you’re controlling a party of 4.
If you mean the vkCreateGraphicsPipelines assertion, then yes, that’s still causing crashes at startup, and can still be worked around by deleting Data/PsoCache.pak .
The vulkan build is also crashing (in a different way) for some people after playing for a short time. The only workaround I know for that is switching to bg3_dx11.exe + DXVK.
Ah, I didn’t know about this workaround - will give it a try and see if it helps me (removing the PsoCache.pak). The game runs OK on DX11, but it’s more stuttery than it used to be on my old GFX card (5700XT). Which I can’t seem to figure out, other than perhaps poorer driver optimisations, with the 7800XT being a newer card.
Echoing the 14? Depends on the kid and parents comments.
Outside of that adding an emphatic YES! THIS IS A GREAT GAME FOR A GIFT! For the peeps cRPGs speak to, this is it. Small or large doses work. Small and sometimes large doses work GREAT. Do it!
It can be fun in small doses except when it wants you to watch a bunch of cutscenes instead of doing stuff. The biggest drawback is just the length of the game. If you played 5 hours per week it might take upwards of half a year to finish a playthrough.
That being said, it’s probably one of the best RPGs I’ve ever played and the best D&D computer game I’ve ever played. I’m fifty so that encompasses a lot of games. The range of morality and meaningful choices is extremely high. To the point where I want to experience making different choices but it’s hard because it’s such a time commitment to do a whole playthrough just to see what unique dialog options you get for playing a Tiefling or a Druid.
The romances and dialogs can be a little spicy, and it runs the gamut of adult language. I think nudity can be turned off and romance is optional, but you’d have to judge whether that would be a problem for their family. Even the full on sex scenes imply more than they show, but I’d be uncomfortable if I was surprised by one while playing with my kid. This is definitely a judgment call on your part.
It’s a great game and I wouldn’t want to discourage anyone from buying/playing it, but I’d be remiss to not mention some of the reasons it might not be for everyone. I’m hopeful it might lead to introducing my kids to tabletop play. But I’m not overly concerned with language or adult themes in an appropriate context.
That’s actually my brother’s age range. And yeah I guess I was so drawn to this because it’s potential for a common interest and shared experience! But I think based on all this it would be best if I played it first and wait until next year to consider it as a gift when I have full context of adult themes.
But damn I gotta say the responses to this post are all so wonderful and it just makes me want to play this game even more because the community is so helpful!
You better make sure that 14yr old nephew is allowed to watch mature/graphic content. It has a lot of sexual and violent themes that some parents might not be too happy with.
I can only enjoy the game in small doses tbh. I need to take breaks since it weirdly uses a lot of my brain to make decisions and pick dialogue.
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