My friend and I jumped across those broken stairs and in the gauntlet of shark without realizing we couldn’t jump back. So, our other friend (big boy) tossed us back up instead of running around
I haven’t unlocked the bird transformation if there is one. Still in act 1.
I think it depends on how far you can be thrown. I can be thrown right now as far most characters can dash and it automatically takes you out of your transformation when you land, because the throw damages you and the cat only has 2 hp, so you don’t have to spend a bonus action to come out of it when you reach your destination.
Oh I know. What I want is to be able to have Karlach toss my halfling and the game transition to my halfling’s turn where I’m hacking and slashing on the way down. A man can dream.
Not only did Baldur's Gate 3 win Game of the Year and shadow drop its Xbox version, but it also won Best Community Support, Best RPG, Best Multiplayer, and the Player's Voice category. Alan Wake 2 followed with 3 wins in the categories of Best Game Direction, Best Narrative, and Best Art Direction.
Congratulations to Larian! Their love for making Baldur's Gate 3 really did shine at the awards.
What is player voice about? The quality of Tav’s voice?
I’m honestly surprised BG3 nabbed this one. To me the voices sound too similar. I’m missing a gravelly voice for half orcs and dragonborn. Or a sassy voice. Or a cute voice.
They had much more variety in the old games. In the German version they even had one with a silly dialect.
I haven’t been able to verify yet (I’m still in Act 1 on this playthrough), but it would make sense if they did. In which case, I’ll probably go with P2/W7/F3 and pick up the Champion subclass for those extra crits.
Steaming rothé innards, how did you get to a 58% crit rate? Advantage plus Champion gets to 19% per hit. Is the rest equipment, or is there some other class/race mechanic I’m missing?
Yeah, it’s all equipment plus Elixir of Viciousness. There’s four pieces of gear with an unconditional crit threat range boost, and a cloak that tacks on another if you’re hiding, but I can’t be bothered to do that, hah. 14-20 is good enough.
With the cloak, Dark Urge can get down to 11-20 at the end of the game.
I’m playing a Dark Urge No Companions run. I have nearly completed Act 1 with zero party members beyond the Dirge.
Right now I’m Rogue (Thief) 3 and Ranger 2
I’ve discovered that if you are sneaking (so you can see the vision cone), you can sneak attack, and re-hide, and as long as you don’t step into any vision cones during the process the enemy will spend its turn activating dash and staying in one place. They don’t attempt to find you 90% of the time.
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