Oh I know. What I want is to be able to have Karlach toss my halfling and the game transition to my halfling’s turn where I’m hacking and slashing on the way down. A man can dream.
I was romancing Gale. He is a funny guy and we had some fun together, but he is the kind of guy you have to fix, or he will blow up. You know that type of man.
So I broke it off with Gale and I am now trying to land Halsin. He seems more affectionate and more loving that Gale. I think I can get him. I have a beard, men like beards. LOL
The article says Shadowheat is the most romanced. I am not attracted to women, but isn't she in a cult?
Who did everyone romance? I am stuck at work with hump day talk. Weekend is the time I can get back to playing BG3.
I played 3 times and picked a different love interest each time (just the women). Karlach was the best because she’s funny but Shadow felt like the most “rewarding” romance despite being completely unrealistic because you think “I can fix her” and then you do
I saw some articles about people playing honor mode and having some bad luck. Like them getting a bunch on critical fails on dice rolls. Rigged! (Grin) And another player finishing the honor run in 38 mins.
38 minutes has to be cheesed. The world record is like a minute and a half through knocking out shadow and launching her across the map in a box (called Shadowboxing) so I imagine it’s something similar for honor mode
That is wild. I didn't read to see how they did it. Didn't want spoilers, but I know there are lots of ways the game would end early fairly, but you are right, I am not sure 38 mins is a fair play through.
The speed run is surprisingly spoiler-free! At most you see the face of one of the bad guys during .25 seconds of a cutscenes. Maybe wait until they get officially introduced in act 2 before watching…but it’s worth checking out if for no other reason than to see the guardian the player designed lol
I got really good at the tech used to do it (launching boxes anywhere) and would throw boxes at my friends any time I found one
I romanced shadowheart because I’m a lesbian and she’s just extremely chill with everything. Want to fuck someone she hates? She’s not going to have a problem with it
Laezel. I like strong, competent women. Shadowheart is kind of a sad wallflower, and karlach is… fine, but doesn’t hit my love of competence and control.
I didn’t end up with Lae’zel in the end, but I hedged my bets for long enough that I got the Long Rest scene where she wakes you up in the night. The encounter ended hilariously fast, but what followed melted my heart and made it very hard to not choose her.
I also love how quickly Lae’zel changes her entire world view, which happened around the same time for me. Mad respect for such principles and focus
I ended up with Astarion. I was en route to romancing Shadowheart, but I got surprisingly few approval moments or interactions with her throughout act 2. At the same time, my character seemed to be taking the shape of “goodie-two-shoes but sassy bitch to those who deserve it”, which gave loads of Astarion approval.
I ended up learning into it and I’m super glad I did. There’s an Act 2 Dark Urge scene that I felt completely changed the romance dynamic between my character and Astarion - it felt like it put us on a much more even footing, and I was surprised by how sincere and empathetic the scene felt (given that Astarion’s main Cope is a mask of flirting and sass).
I had originally wanted to romance Karlach, but there was a bug that prevented her approval from rising and by the time I discovered and fixed it, I had missed loads of Act 1 approval moments
The player has the option to either ask Halsin to stay in human form, or let him get his furry paws all over them; 66% of players asked for the former.
Shart is your first romance, when your options are her (who is more or less ambivalent towards you at first) or the frog (who fucking despises you). Of course people pick her while they don’t know about Mommy Karlach.
Second playthrough you know there is someone better waiting for you out there!
I got just inside Act 3 before I put the game on hold to wait for patches and things like that to come out...almost ready to jump back into it. I have been romancing Shadowheart because her story seemed to be the most tied-in to the game's plot. If/when I do a second run, I will be Team Karlach all the way.
I hope I don't loose my gay card over this, but I am terrible at picking out things to wear. So I guess that stereotype is just wrong, or I am not doing gay right. (Grin)
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