… So you were in the perfect position to test this, didn’t, and came here to ask a bunch of people who aren’t in the perfect position to test it what would happen?
At the Last Light Inn in Act II, before you speak to Isobel and trigger her attempted kidnapping, make sure to use Arcane Lock on all the doors you can (usually all but one of them) to prevent more enemies from flooding her room.
I don’t even trigger her at all. That fight can be fucking cancer at higher difficulties. What I do is make sure I enter the shadow cursed lands from the mountain pass. that puts me near the drider’s group and I just slaughter them and free the pixie. Then I never have to talk to Isobel and that fight never gets triggered. They even made a specific scene for this scenario if you go back to the Last Light after freeing nightsong and never having met Isobel.
I am continuously floored by the sheer amount of options they put in for how you could handle quests. After decades of games that just spit a Game Over at you when you do a quest wrong, having a game that’s just like “lol game isn’t over, it’s just harder now” is so refreshing.
I think the key thing is that it’s turn based and a lot of kids that age don’t have the patience for a turn based game, especially when you’re controlling a party of 4.
Absolutely, I’m going thru a slow campaign with folk, so the bugs I’ve been hearing about and qol go faster than I am progressing for the game. Plus I have a huge backlog to get thru, so it just ends up being I’d rather wait for a good chunk of bugs to be ironed out even if the game has already been amazing so far. I don’t see myself replaying it, as there’s just so much out there, I want my first go thru to be dope af. Then when time and life post backlog permits I’ll go ahead and class up for a differently for a new playthru
Please keep posting things. I haven’t sat down to translate it myself, but you can find plenty of charts online for the Infernal alphabet. There is absolutely no reason to believe this is made up when so much D&D information is out there.
The most important way BG3 can improve is by fixing the right-click to examine bug.
If you try to examine anything during initiative while another player is selecting a reaction, it breaks examining until the next load screen. Happens nearly every initiative in my four player campaign.
Starting my first Bard playthrough right now. I’m thinking Bard with Fighter Subclass. So far it’s OP af as a support character and eventually I got plans to dish out high damage too
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