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Lupo, in Dreamcatcher avatar


Cannacheques, in Bear trap

Those are some big hamsters

realitista, avatar

I believe they are guinea pigs

forrcaho, in Dreamcatcher

This common misunderstanding of the purpose of life is addressed by Alan Watts in this short animation illustrated by Trey Parker and Matt Stone of South Park fame.

NoufauxRiche, in Meeting face to face

I think this would have worked better if it showed the emoji (still sideways, mind you) in an image bubble to suggest it was a photo. That would add the necessary layer of ambiguity to make this a funny question of whether she rejected because that’s what he looks like or because of his manual emoji use

callyral, in Meeting face to face avatar

the smiley face with a nose feels uncanny to me honestly

viking, avatar

Why? That’s how it has been done for almost 2 decades before emojis became a standard.


idk I’ve been using text emojis for about 15 years and no one I knew ever used the nose

sam2099, in Meeting face to face

Spider location: >!behind the emoji that she messages in the 3rd panel!<

snf, in Meeting face to face

Kinda hot that she can lick her own eyeball like that


Bruh this a cartoon


You’re right tho

Draegur, in Meeting face to face

smiley with nose, maybe you’re not a bad person, but you’re setting yourself up for failure.

fckreddit, in "Natural Enemies" by PoorlyDrawnLines

I get it Mouse. I get it.

CorrodedCranium, in Banned books avatar

The Anarchist Cookbook is on the reading list

pyrflie, (edited )

I mean it really should be, it’s basic ASVAB.

If you are considering a military career this book is the civilian key to EOS or OCS.

LazaroFilm, avatar

I know all these letters… maybe I should read the book to understand you.

pyrflie, (edited )

A google search or a 5 min convo with a Mil recruiter would highlight all three.

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery

Explosive Ordinance School

Officer Candidate School

If you don’t know any of them maybe you should do some basic internet searches. It would make you look like less of an idiot for not recognizing ASVAB. It’s literally a basic aptitude test.

Congrats your country filtered you into E1.

Moobythegoldensock, (edited )

If you’re posting something, it’s your job to do so in a way that people can understand your posts. Posting a bunch of industry-specific acronyms and then being condescending when someone asks you to clarify because they didn’t go and do homework on your stupid post doesn’t make them look dumb, it makes you look like a smug prick.


Most people don’t live in the US and don’t know or care about US military abbreviations.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Congrats your country filtered you into E1.

Only if they’re looking for cannon fodder. I’m 46 and chronically ill.

I don’t think I need to know any military abbreviations.


Mother-in-law recruiter?!?

FlyingSquid, (edited ) avatar

I believe that’s called a fiancee.


Like there isn’t going to be eight million different explanations in Google for acronyms with letters as common as EOS or OCS. Have you never used Google?


I always hate this viewpoint that if someone doesn’t understand what someone else is saying on a website designed to facilitate conversation, they should Google it instead of asking.

Aside from that, it really makes you look like a heel for using jargon and chiding other people for not knowing it.


Moreover, they are talking about military service being relevant or close to 99% of other vocations or daily lives of civilians.


Especially when you’re in a community about comic strips.


Personally I read eos as endeavouros. Also ASVAB is an aptitude test by the USMEPCOM (United States Military Entrance Processing Command) So not only is it irrelevant for the average bloke that doesn’t want to serve in the military but also for anyone not in the US. (At least if other countries do use this test I missed that) Also Office of Community Services was first mentioned in the 27th result on Google when I searched for OCS.

Moral of the story, just because you find it easily at your location and with your browsing habits doesn’t mean it’s that easy for everyone else. Please keep this in mind next time someone asks about the meaning of an acronym.


Where do you get filtered into if you’re too dumb to realize that half the shit in the Anarchist’s Cookbook is actually completely wrong, and act belligerent about it anyway?


Hey hey why so much aggression. Is that to deflect something you miss?

Bougie_Birdie, (edited ) avatar

I did a basic internet search for EOS and OCS, and I found lip balm and a cannabis dispensary.

If you’re using a TLA (three letter acronym) you should probably recognize that some acronyms are common and have multiple interpretations.

If you’re concerned about people looking like an idiot for asking questions, you should probably be aware that calling people an idiot for seeking information has the opposite result.


EOS is a cryptocurrency, OCS is the office of community service

You’re welcome

LazaroFilm, avatar

And ASVAB? Agency for Super Villains And Babies?


Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery - AKA the “Are you stupid, and what can you do?” test.

LazaroFilm, avatar

Surprisingly, I wasn’t too far off…

SoleInvictus, avatar

EOS is a type of medical imaging, OCS is oral corticosteroids.

NABDad, in "Natural Enemies" by PoorlyDrawnLines

That mouse is infected with the Toxoplasma gondii parasite.

On top of all its other problems.

Potatos_are_not_friends, in Banned books

Fun trick I do with my children is to way things like “Oh yeah you don’t want that. It’s forbidden” if I want them to read more about it.

FlyingSquid, avatar

You’re parent clickbait. “Honey, that’s one of the twelve things THEY don’t want you to know about!”


Linux isn’t allowed in this house honey.

100_percent_a_bot, in Banned books

“Hey there’s a book about Minecraft - wait no it says ‘Mein Kampf’…”


i bet that one is allowed in most of these lists


Not in Germany… (it’s banned outside of school too)

kshade, (edited ) avatar

Not true, you can even buy it on Amazon if you really want to.


I don’t think it’s legal though or is it?

SoleInvictus, (edited ) avatar

It’s legal. An annotated version, with neither the swastika nor a picture of the greasy Nazi fuck, was published a few years back and tens of thousands were sold, primarily to German libraries and schools. It’s a good study on how shitheads think.


I often buy books written by shitheads when I end up studying fascism or other radical right wing movements. Heck, even more mainstream conservative movements with radical imagery or frequent dogwhistles. Reading books by shitty people on shitty topics is very important on understanding how the movements work and think.

Reading about fascism from antifascists is good and all, but understanding fascist movements when they are most active requires reading fascist works. Heck, even with books like Mien Kampf, a book with a ton of analysis done by antifascists could still be a potentially useful read for antifascists.

SoleInvictus, (edited ) avatar

That’s smart. I can’t count how many times I’ve learned about new dogwhistles or the details of various ideologies and realized an acquaintance was a fascist and/or racist sack of shit, although I’ve never been surprised. This would help me realize in real-time, so I can call them out on their shit.

I do feel like I’d need a book cover with something like “I’m reading -book title- to understand scumbags. I do not support its ideology”.


I hate watch daily wire ““documentaries””


Now that makes sense. I do believe the original is banned, leading to people (including me) thinking that it is banned period.

Crass_Spektakel, (edited ) avatar

“Mein Kampf” was never banned.

The copyright was held by the state of Bavaria as the official heir of Hitler and they simply said “Nope, no new printings.”

As the copyright ran out in 2015 everyone can copy and print it again. Though most don’t care, even the most right wing nutcracks realize that the book is rather badly written.

Crass_Spektakel, (edited ) avatar

One more thing: While “Mein Kampf” is only available at rather high prices the books of Vladimir Putin are available for FREE on Amazon as EBooks and the printed version is €1. He wrote even years ago straight forward that he is willing to start the third world war to make Russia Great again and even laid out the list of nations he wants to subjugate: Ukraine was the first step, but in his ideology he also claims Alaska, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland and many many more nations. Overall he mentioned he would spare Germany, France and Italy but only because they have nukes and the US as their ally.…/B0CP498D2S/


iirc it wasn’t exactly banned in germany. Iirc the state of bavaria held the copyright and sued everyone who sold the book without their consent, while not printing any copies themselves.

Darkard, in Banned books

Those who erase history are attempting to repeat it

vsh, avatar

She forced kids to read bible


Reading the bible is the quickest way to make atheists

oce, avatar

Depends if someone feeds you interpretation at the same time.

SattaRIP, avatar

I find it interesting that even then they slip up. Not Christian but ex Muslim, and even if I had stuck to learning only what Iranians mullahs and the nationalized education system wanted me to learn, I would still think Wtf is this BS?! And just that did happen.

Religious nut jobs and authoritarians have their sense of morality so twisted they see some of the fucked up parts of their beliefs as normal for others as well.

Well, if they were capable of empathy they probably wouldn't be in that position.

oce, (edited ) avatar

Then I think they weren’t very good scholars. I find Christian scholars like the Jesuits very talented in twisting the language and ideas until it fits their ideology.
Besides, I do think interpretation is required to read such books without taking silly interpretation shortcuts, but I’d rather have it from a secular religion history researcher.
Edit: I was thinking about this scholastic system of education from the Middle Ages that made them so good at this


Worked for me. I was seeking answers and only got more confused.

Bondrewd, (edited )

If people really distanced themselves from religion like they say, then the Bible would be one of the greatest fucking fiction books literature ever produced.

UnculturedSwine, in Banned books

I admire the students that are setting up book clubs for banned books. They are recognizing that they are being given a list of what they should read.


They’re also evidence of why the book banning doesn’t really work as well today as conservatives would like it to.

Book banning was an effective way of controlling what your young population was exposed to before the internet and social media. It worked best when the young weren’t even aware of the information they were being denied.

But social media is making sure they’re all very much aware of what has been hidden from them. They know what’s going on. You will find teenagers in particular are kind of resistant to being told no by an authority, so they’re going to do something about it.

Now, don’t feel too excited about this, because there’s a threat here. Every single time you see a conservative talking about more stringent age verification for things on the internet, part of what they’re actually trying to do is create an avenue to control the information kids are exposed to. They are pretty open about how LGBT issues, particularly the T ones, can be labeled as “sexual” and “inappropriate”. With very simple changes to the regulation, they can suppress children’s access to anything they like as long as they make a half-assed argument that it’s “inappropriate”.


It also opens the door to more internet censorship…

Crass_Spektakel, (edited ) avatar

Indeed, Internet censorship opens the door to Internet censorship.

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