I am still convince that soon or after they will discover an hidden function in Windows that overclock briefly every component when task manager is opened
When Yogi said he was ‘smarter than the average bear’, everyone thought it was a joke, but he spoke English to humans, wore a hat and tie, and Ranger Smith complained that ‘keeping a secret from Yogi is like hiding Lake Michigan from a duck’.
So Yogi is smarter than the average bear, and it’s not even close.
Humans feel pain, but we don’t feel the oxidation happening in us constantly. I’d say it’s more about what you’re built for rather than strictly a concept of pain.
Kirby is an unstoppable force with the brain of a child. He has killed multiple elder gods, often over nothing more than food. if you want examples, look up bosses like Zero-Two, Marx/Marx Soul, or Void Termina.
The most interesting part about Void Termina is that its core appears to be another one of whatever the hell Kirby is. So we possibly got a glimpse of what Kirby could be if he weren’t so childlike and innocent… and not so easily placated with cake.
Proceeds to eat all the fish and do a surprisingly sophisticated double-backwards-somersault through a hoop whilst whistling the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ as thanks before leaving dolphin man behind on earth…
I recently began working on reframing this feeling as a signal to the brain to step back and breathe (awareness meditation and therapy have been helpful) and it’s been life changing. Using that physical sensation as a grounding signal helped me realize that often it’s just an adrenaline spike, and knowing that makes it easier to sit with the physical sensation for 30-60 seconds, knowing that majority of the adrenaline spike will subside in that timeframe
Plus, they work way more hours than we do cuz of their big, smart brains. They have to call their R&D department at crazy hours of the night to rant a coked-out list of shit ideas that range from morally bankrupt to pure causes of bankruptcy so that numerous teams of real people, real people with real families and real educations or real work experience who dedicated their adult lives to lead up to the moment that they could be part of this team, have to sift through all the horseshit cascading from a dragon, rich beyond comprehension but mentally and emotionally stunted by their lack of relatable experiences, so that when the one slightly less stupid idea out of the thousands of moronic ones accidentally slips past the lawyers and makes it to production, the dragon can take credit for being a hard working genius and then justify adding to their pile of gold that’s covered in the blood, sweat, and tears of the starving villagers who just died trying to save the dragon’s ass because constantly bailing out a dragon is somehow preferable to being homeless in the gutter where the only way to possibly make money is to either steal from the dragon or sell the dragon drugs that the dragon will use right before calling the head of R&D…
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