It’s a mouth for my emoticon. After years of using reddit, I wouldn’t dare to use emojis. People get angry if you use emojis there. I assumed it was the same here. :ا
That emoji police subreddit was one of the most pointless things I ever came across when I used the site. Communities that LARP brigade the entire site, even as a bit, just made Reddit worse to use imo
I haven’t played fallout, so idk how far off this is going to be, but if you like scrapping everything around you to make other stuff, have you tried dysmantle?
That’s basically the game - explore, destroy stuff in the environment (including nearly everything, except some buildings/structures are unbreakable because they are quest spots), use the materials to make better stuff so you can explore and destroy better. Increase the damage your weapons do to break more stuff. Etc.
There’s also zombies, but that’s sort of a minor part of the game imho (you get stuff for killing them that you need to level up gear, though, so not totally pointless).
I put about 100 hours into it to do everything except the zombie respawn thing because it’s too tedious (involves killing all enemies, in all areas, 4 times total, there are 16 areas, and some of them have 100-150 zombies in the zone. No thanks. But you don’t really get anything for doing that anyway except the knowledge that you did it.)
That one I think about if I got three wishes. First one would be always have green lights. More specifically I wish for unlimited luck that includes nothing impending my right of way. Just smooth traffic at all times.
At first I felt this wasn’t right, and then I flashed back to Whomp’s Fortress and scrambling to pick up coins from stomping on Whomps (and then picking up the 100 coin star).
My mother is a steel woman, rational and calm, no bitching, no crying, there is a problem? fix it. You need something? say it, don’t expect others to guess. Words are empty, you care? See what that person needs and help them. Not a fan of corny things, you want love? There is this delicious food, and a hug, now grow up and keep going.
Aaand everything she taught me, has put me at odds with every women I have dated.
love languages. Even an action can be relatively empty, in the short term. For some people, physical action takes less effort than emotional, empathetic work due to the potential emotional discomfort involved and/or the vulnerability required. Different people need different things, this is often due to our experiences as children.
They key is to do both. Listen intentently, respond with something like “wow that sucks, would you like a hug?” And then while hugging say something like “is there anything I can do to help you with this?”
That’s what will give you your answer. If she says “no” then just let it be. If she says “I don’t know” help to guide her to the solution. Ask “what do you think could be done to make it better?” And let the pieces fall in place.
Even if you know the answer, it’s better to let people come up with it on their own. They’ll feel understood and empowered, and you won’t get shit on for being calous. Everyone wins
I let you in on a secret: these type of people exist in every gender. So do people who are sensitive and emotional. Stereotypes and sexism about that is dumb. Believing anecdotal evidence speaks for a whole group of people is dumb as well.
What works if someone has a preference is to look early into how a person ticks. Instead of focusing on stereotypes and other superficial assumptions (for example).
Since you are a rational person and not just emotionally reacting, I bet you have a credible source for these blanket statements. Can you name one, please? Because I can’t find even one.
Are you getting triggered or something? Yes my mother is that way, but in contrast my father is pretty much a manchild, can’t keep control of his emotions.
All the women I have dated doesn’t include you, so stop proyecting yourself on that statement. Maybe I feel attracted to those kind of people in virtue of my own emotional simplicity, just like her. It’s all anecdotal evidence, never claimed that’s the way the world works nor I believe it is. If people read my statement and starts believing that is the way the world works, not my problem.
More anecdotal evidence: when you don’t know what are you going to eat today you don’t have time for bitching and moaning, not first world poverty, but abject third world poverty.
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