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CaptDust, in Get gud

misogyny is a skill issue

Always has been, weak men can’t stand women outpacing them, this is not limited to gaming but basically anything and everything.


Had co-workers say they would never marry someone making more than them. Shit is so weird.


I'd do housework and care for the kids in a heartbeat if my wife made enough.

Taleya, (edited )

Hahahha most of our relationship i made more than his lordship. Now he makes more than me and he hates it. He wants to be a kept man, dammit


It shows how stupid and against your own best interests this kind of thinking can be.

I am the full time worker in my family, and happy to be the provider for them. However, I would be a stay at home dad / house-husband so damn fast if my wife got some random job mom making a lot more than me. I do have my priorities in order, after all.


My genuine theory is that many (if not most) people are emotionally stunted or emotionally immature. You don’t get this kind of mentality from someone who is balanced.

Now expand that to every facet of life and you get the world we live in.

uis, avatar

Maybe because it is not in realm of possible instead of something they don’t want?

Tavarin, avatar

There are wealthy women out there, so it is entirely in the range of possibility. My mom’s first husband left her when she started making more money as a lawyer than him. It’s an ego thing.

Swedneck, avatar

jfc, being a home-husband is the dream, their fucking loss


Been there, done that, it sucked.

It was great at first! But after 6-months I was depressed. Guess I’m the sort that requires the structure a regular job provides. Kinda been the same for WFH. :(

kadu, avatar

I had depression before WFH, still have it but at least now I can work with my cat on my lap

uis, avatar

Do you pet the cat?

FlyingSquid, avatar

I like WFH but I hated being a house-husband. WFH gives me something to do more than cleaning and cooking and childcare.

uis, avatar

Play some games, contribute to opensource, read academic papers. There are a lot of work to do even if you are not employed.


That requires a certain amount of intelligence and interest in those things. No disrespect to those people but it you are below average IQ and make a living in a simple job, you cant just contribute to open source software and read academic papers for a hobby.

uis, avatar

I replied to comment that says being house-husband sucks because there are not enough things to do.

Also there are minimal intelligence requirements for reporting bugs or donating.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Believe it or not, cooking, cleaning and childcare full time doesn’t really leave you with much energy to play games, let alone contribute to open source or read academic papers.


It would be interesting to see if it’s really because of how they are as individuals or more about the response to social status thing. Like if they did an experiment where high performers were deceived into thinking they were actually performing poorly, and vice-versa, would the attitudes towards women be reversed or not? The conclusions in OP seem to imply the researchers think they would be.


My hypothesis is men with low self esteem would be more misogynistic vs men with high self esteem.


This explains why I am misogynistic…


My hypothesis is that if you’re a piece of shit, that will extend to all walks of life(misogny, sucking at video games) whereas if you are not, the same rules apply(equality, excelling at video games)

By being a piece of human garbage you effectively hamstring yourself in every field.


The reverse is not true unfortunately. Skilled men are often mysoginistic assholes too.


The issue with this is it’s too simplistic.

What it’s actually saying is “it’s easy to not be misogynistic as long as you’re significantly better than all the women”.

It does not imply that you won’t be misogynistic as soon as you are threatened.

Ie when status quo is maintained (patriarchy is intact for you) it’s easy to support women.


Menopaused hands typed this

jol, in I remember getting a PS3 just to avoid this back then

Worse. All games used to let you create your own servers to play with friends. That’s basically gone.


I don’t doubt this this is generally the case, but most of the games I enjoy playing with friends offer their own servers. Which got me thinking about it, and they tend to be indie games.

So it’s not gone. Niche, perhaps.

Swedneck, avatar

it just reinforces the fact that the only games worth playing are indies and like 5 AAA ones


Not just that. People wonder why online games are so toxic, overly competitive and filled with cheaters. Matchmaking is the reason.

You don’t have to be nice because chances are you’re never going to play with those people again. All other matchmade players are just glorified bots, they’re completely dehumanized. That means shitheads can act like shitheads without any repercussions. Compare that to community servers where the admin will ban you if you’re an asshole. You even end up making friends because the same people will visit the same server.

And what’s your purpose for playing when everyone you’re playing with are glorified bots? Well your focus turns on you which in turn means your main metric of fun becomes your own skill. Since you can directly measure your own skill you look a things like wins/losses and kdr. You start to focus on things that correlate to competitive play and if the matchmaking is skill-based the game actually pushes you into sweats as the goal is to get you to a statistical 50% winrate. Now compare that to community servers where you’re not pushed into sweats, the overall skill of players stays largely the same and because you’ll be playing with people you know there no need to focus on being the best you can be, you can just mess around with others.

And of course cheating is a huge issue, but again it’s one of those things where having an admin to vet sus players make a huge difference. The admin isn’t infallible but cheating is less of an issue if you’re playing with people you know.

But people would much rather give it all up and deal with toxicity, sweats and cheating because the server admin could be a badmin. But maybe I’m just old and am remembering the good old days when you could make friends playing on the same server.

fadingembers, avatar

Holy fuck I miss community servers

AsterixTheGoth, (edited )

I posted this above, but I really want to emphasize the point. The is not new, it’s not rare, but we need to demand it and be angry when we don’t get it. Dedicated servers should be the norm.



Jesus. I hadn’t thought about it.

I never make friends in games these days. I just drone around and quit when I get tired of it. I don’t even like multiplayer anymore. This is why.

Back in Counter-Strike/CS: Source days I made a ton of real friends. I knew what was going on in their lives. I congratulated them when they got married and had kids.

My clan server was always full of regulars just laughing and telling jokes and making changes to the server to see what worked for us. We had it perfect. Vote for knife fights, fun sounds like “gotchya bitch” for a knife kill. We built it together and we all stumbled into the server by accident and it just fit who were so we stayed. We had a rotation of maps that we all agreed on.

They’re still on my friends list. Last online 11 years ago, 7 years ago, 13 years ago, 12 years ago.

Damn, looking at that hurt a little bit.

It’s sad just how fast time goes. I have no idea where they are now or what they’re doing. That sucks.

The last time I talked to the one dude he had overdosed on heroin and was trying to get his life together. He might not even be alive anymore.

For nearly 5 years I hung out with those dudes every night.

I meet people now that I could see myself being friends with, but there’s no incentive to talk to them again. Random lobby, play game, the end.

I was hoping GO (now 2) would have an active user base in the servers. Nope. No gungame, no endless custom maps, no fun sounds, just base shit.

As sad as it was, I’m glad you made me think about this tonight.


If you want to make friends playing games, these days it’s done on Discord


To me personally it isn’t about meeting people to play with is more of getting long life friends from playing games, it’s pretty much just play a couple of games and be done without much reconnect after, being an introverted person also doesn’t help.


Yeah you can make lifelong friends on discord

pc486, (edited )

Spot on!

Sometimes even cheaters could be dealt with without an admin in those days. Servers would have fun game settings and odd maps that would break cheating gameplay.

My brother and I often played CS in the same room, on opposing teams because we didn’t like being cheated and didn’t want to be cheaters. We found an empty server with a sniping-only map. Made for great fun and someone joined in about 15 minutes later. They seemed really good, so we joined together to see if we could make it challenging. The new guy was just too good, so we decided to swap back and forth with the new guy to see if one of us could make a 1v2 miracle happen. That’s when we figured out he was impossibly aim hacking. Bummer, our fun game was toasted.

Then we realized the map settings had friendly fire on and a 5 second start delay. Aim hacks don’t target your own teammates. A perfect trap was available: we’d headshot TK the cheater at game start and then 1v1 each other. The cheater tried swapping to the other team only to find my brother using the same TK tactic. Our cheating friend found himself without a chance to grift. Needless to say, he didn’t hang around for long.


I miss the days of opening Steam and being able to search a million servers to find the specific niche type of game I wanted in CS. Warcraft, custom maps, zombie… So fun


Zombie escape is the best 🏃‍♂️ 🧟‍♀️


There’s people actively working on bringing those to cs2, but you wouldn’t know by the massive shitshow that the server browser is with thousands of redirects currently, which is why the community also built a server browser if you search CS2Browser you’ll find it, you can go back to enjoying it ^^


AKA dedicated servers. They exist now for games now, but are… well not rare, but very specific. Factorio has a dedicated server. Ark has a dedicated server. Valheim, Space Engineers (windows only), Satisfactory, to name a few that I’ve dealt with myself. Demand them. Punish devs who don’t accommodate them with your wallets. No user dedicated servers, no purchase. Fuck you and the distributed info-scraping service you rode in on.

I have a list of games I will never buy because they have succumbed to the lure of hosted services with no user control, no dedicated server support. Those devs want control; they want to control you, how you play and how you interact with those you play with.



Just posting this here. No Reason.

someguy3, in Get gud

Men of quality do not fear equality.


This is in my top ten favorite quotes.


I wouldn’t call a skilled gamer a man of quality though, not without more informations about him…


Anyone who can play support all day is a god

uis, avatar

Medic mains are gods confirmed.

AFAIR I have most hours as Medic in TF2.

uis, avatar
abracaDavid, (edited ) in You know what? I'll just wait...

I don’t believe this at all, but they’re still gonna have to make a really, really good single player mode for me to get this game. I’m not trying to play online constantly and I’m not trying to pay a bunch of micro transactions.

I’m still pretty annoyed at how they left all of the features that make GTA what is for only online play. GTA 4 had such an awesome story and dynamic world with so many interesting characters.

GTA 5 just felt empty in comparison. I’m sure I’m in the minority, but I’m just here for story mode.


While I agree that 4 is amazing, 5 felt anything but empty. It was literally the most lived in GTA world theyve made, where every GTA before felt like walking through an old Hollywood set where you can’t go into any buildings and to look behind the facade would reveal the hollowness of the world.


Make that two of us. I think maybe IV had worse graphics, but other than that it was superior to V. Especially when you include those two extra DLCs and how interestingly those stories intertwine.


i don’t ever play online or the campaign, i just like driving around and crashing into shit


Same. My wife loved doing that too, and also driving the bus around. I mostly liked to start off walking around as Trevor, wailing on the first guy to mouth off at me, and then go on a rampage through white trash country.


They’re gonna make a stink about 150, then charge 80 for the base version. 90 for the digital deluxe. 125 for the collectors.


GTA 5 single-player was absolutely fine, certainly on the whole not worse than the other 3d GTAs. Never cared about online.

0110010001100010, avatar

If you’re in the minority I’m there with you. I just want to play offline story mode. I have exactly ZERO desire to play GTA or RDR online.

I will say, the RDR2 world was significantly more immersive than GTA V was (though there was a lot of years between them). I actually wanted to explore the world and uncover all the random shit. With GTA V yeah it was fun to drive around and blow shit up but there wasn’t really engaging content outside the story.

I’ll be curious what GTA VI holds, but I’m not going to pre-order or even purchase on day one. I’ll wait and see how things go.


RDR2 has my all time favorite game world.

I absolutely love interacting with it.

Between quests I avoid fast travel so I can hunt and explore.


Agreed. I will say the companion activities like golf or tennis were fun in GTA V, but the basic immersion stuff of like needing to eat, sleep, take care of my horse, etc, while silly or tedious to some, really kept me engaged in RDR2. They even had a basic hunger system in San Andreas. I’m hoping for something like that. And on the topic of horses, they really need the car insurance system from multiplayer to be integrated. It’s frustrating to customize a rare vehicle and have it disappear because you decided to start a mission.

aniki, (edited ) in I remember getting a PS3 just to avoid this back then


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  • vlad76, avatar







    Stop making me more jealous.

    Taleya, in Get gud

    Ain’t just gaming. I dropped a note on a home tech forum while being visibly female and very rapidly realised i’d forgotten how fucking neckbeardy rank amateurs are

    I’ve been a network/systems engineer for 25 years, my fellow pros would never be so gauche.

    Except dev.


    Except dev. 😞


    Rather ironically, I’m actually married to a dev


    Tell Dev to cut it out.


    instructions unclear, husband now caught in ceiling fan ranting about SEO


    And that’s why they made us learn Murphy’s law early on :P


    I prefer O’Toole’s Commentary. Murphy was a fuckin’ optimist

    gkd, avatar

    It’s weird with devs. Most of us are fine but there’s definitely a sizable number of “tech bros” that absolutely are misogynistic. And it’s probably worse than I realize not being the target of it.

    nickwitha_k, (edited )

    Also, a disturbing number of misogynistic people in web design/web dev needing help from technical support. It was rather shocking and educational for me, as a cis male, to work as a support supervisor. I never anticipated the level of sexism and harassment that my female techs faced on a daily basis.

    Everything from asking of they want to do porn to “can I talk to a man”. I had several techs that had to change the names that they used for customer communications to male or neutral ones due to the severity on the unending sexism despite regular warnings to the customers that this behavior would not be tolerated.


    Working sysadmin gets you four times more abuse because it’s the crux of ‘mean person won’t let my idiot arse run rampant on a system because they’re mean and i hate them’ and ‘fuck youse wimmen don’t tell me what to fucking do’

    harbinger, in Hold my beer - Bungie

    I assume that stock was in the form of restricted stock units that vest over the course of a few years. I’ve seen this kind of thing play out at a few big tech companies over the years and have seen people lose literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in delayed payout.

    They offer these as a “loyalty incentive” so the employee wants to stay while of course offering no loyalty in return when they decide to execute layoffs.


    That seems insane to agree to, like it incentivizes the company to fire people the day before their stock is fully vested.


    You’re not wrong

    dojan, avatar

    Sounds like just another way to avoid paying people. A share that’s never paid out might as well just be Monopoly money.


    One of the worst instances was one year that virtually all “merit increases” were instead replaced with RSUs that vested in a year. When I had to bring that to my team and tell them what they were getting… Well, not a single one of us expected to see that money. Sure enough, layoffs happened and that potential money evaporated before any of us saw a cent. None of us were unprepared or surprised, but obviously still unhappy.


    Plays out in small tech companies too, albeit in a slightly different way.

    Got that carrot dangled in front of me at a past job. Company was past start-up phase; self-supporting and doing ok, but not outrageously well. Promises of riches should the company be "noticed" and bought for an outrageous amount.

    Of course none of that accounted for the CEO (founder and 85% shareholder) being an absolute crazy person, who would change the development roadmap into making a vastly different product than the one we (the techies) believed in, TURN DOWN THE OUTRAGEOUS SUM BECAUSE HE THOUGHT HE COULD GET A BETTER OFFER, basically run the company into the ground, and wind up selling it for a pittance (which would have made the employees' share a pittance of a pittance).

    I mean most of us had already left by that point, but finding out around 4 years after that he'd turned down about $150M and wound up selling out for $3M, that stung a little.


    Hey, I worked there!


    Sounds familiar to me too.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Reminds me of a place I worked for in the 90s. We were the premiere catalog of contemporary radio drama in the country. It was niche, but doing okay. One day, this company comes up to us and says that they’re starting a satellite radio network and if we work on a commission basis, the company will make a lot of money. Only about five people worked there and we all begged and pleaded with the owner to take the offer, but he was nuts and kept saying things like, “there’s GOT to be a catch!” So he ended up passing.

    Yes, that was Sirius, which became XM.

    Fucking moron.

    ultratiem, avatar

    Except these were never meant to be paid out. Bungee isn’t about to give away their company to their employees.

    It’s a plastic carrot.


    Yes, I am certain that was the case. It was the case in my examples too… Every now and then someone gets through and gets a couple units to vest, but the majority are gone and so is that compensation. It’s disgusting.

    ultratiem, avatar

    I assume they have to cash in some. Or else the SEC comes sniffing around like “you guys have given out 3 million shares over ten years but no one has ever cashed a singled one out, hmmmmm”. So those are likely the rare few. And a few units tracks because they aren’t giving $2m in stock to some entry level tech.

    I always liken those practices to the same shit they flash musicians or sports figures during negotiations. Wave a mansion, Lambo, gold, some ladies making all kinds of promised. But in the end, some contractual loop hole says that you’re just “borrowing” it all. Fake money.


    RSUs can be a great bonus, but agreed, you definitely shouldn’t consider RSUs part of your total compensation unless they vest quarterly to yearly. If they take a full four years to start vesting you definitely shouldn’t count on that income.


    Honestly, consider banning any reward besides cold hard cash. Pay people up-front and in full. If there’s residuals then they’re a percent gross and don’t say shit about employment.

    If somebody did the work - give them the fucking money.

    Complicated forms of theft should put white-collar scumbags in prison.

    LuckingFurker, in I remember getting a PS3 just to avoid this back then

    Are we really going to convince ourselves now that Sony wouldn’t have introduced a subscription at some point? Realistically the only reason Microsoft where the ones to popularise it is because Sony didn’t get there first

    Tier1BuildABear, (edited ) avatar

    Meanwhile Nintendo was just waiting in the corner so they didn’t have to be the first to try and start charging for their incredibly shitty p2p serverless online service while changing literally nothing


    We can at least be relatively sure Nintendo wouldn’t have been first because they were so fucking terrified of online consoles that they almost had to be dragged kicking and screaming into it at all


    Nostradamus much?

    Meowoem, in You know what? I'll just wait...

    My uncle works at rockstar and he said that gta6 is going to cost $150 a day to play but you can earn real money by murdering people and selling drugs irl

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Every time I wait for someone to stop at a light and I try to open their car door to pull them out of their car and steal their car, their door is locked.


    My aunt’s brother said mostly the same thing. You’ll also get a small discount on the game for every person you recruit to play/pay daily. If the person you recruited then recruits someone else, you’ll get a shared discount. I plan to preorder early so I can finally be my own boss.


    How much washing up do you think you can do without washing up liquid?


    free the pedos!


    If you hum The Final Countdown while it’s loading, it’ll let you play original Vice City instead!

    oldGregg, (edited )

    You can preorder now, send me $ and start selling drugs irl, you’ll get in game currency once the game is released.

    jcdenton, in Get gud avatar

    All I heard was men submissive to men


    Low elo men confirmed biddable and breedable

    jcdenton, avatar


    Lucidlethargy, in 2 way communication is key


    All gamers ever say is shit like “it’s over here!!”, or “I’m here, dude!! Right over HERE.”

    I’ll tell you, once we all find out where “here” is, the gamers will have nothing left to stop them from world domination.

    Alas, the search continues…

    idunnololz, avatar

    Also people can definitely be passive aggressive playing competitive games.


    There are two types of games. There are games where locations are unnamed, and there’s CSGO, where Hog Dog is an extremely specific place.


    My kingdom for a properly phrased contact report


    it’s not a problem in CS at least, just look where he is on the minimap


    Meanwhile, in Dead By Daylight, people have divided all maps in to numbered zones for this shit. Lazy gonna be lazy. Smart gonna be…


    You’ve never heard Goonswarm Comms. Utter chaos until someone utters the word “Check.” Then we all turn into pilots with complete comms silence except the guy calling for help and the fleet commander that gets to jump in to save the dummy.

    echodot, in You know what? I'll just wait...

    There’s absolutely no evidence that this is going to be the case. All that happened is that the CEO made a dumb comment and CEOS are always making dumb comments doesn’t mean anything.


    The President (Rockstar doesn’t have a CEO) is also the founder of the company and made every single Grand Theft Auto up to now.


    Who’s talking about the president of Rockstar? OP was referring to the CEO of Take Two, the person who made the pricing comment


    I assumed he was prepared for something higher than $50-60, like maybe $80. I really can’t imagine any company trying to justify $150 for a game. That price would drive more people out of the market.

    I love GTA and Red Dead Redemption and I make 6 figures, and there is no way in hell I’m paying $150 for a game. But I would pay $80. I wouldn’t be happy about it, but I would still pay it.


    AAA titles are already selling between 90 and 130 CAD depending on the version. 150 for the new GTA would not surprise me.

    I am happy I’m a patient gamer so aside from very specific titles (Elden Ring) I rarely buy day 1.

    vaseltarp, in I remember getting a PS3 just to avoid this back then

    Just don’t buy that expensive crap. If people where better at math they would buy PCs instead and we wouldn’t have any exclusives.


    Steam deck is the best option for cost/value


    Damn I want that limited oled though haha.

    I probably won’t be getting it.


    I’m finding it hard to believe that you can get PS5-tier graphics and performance from a $450 PC…do you have a build you can recommend?


    Psst… The ps5 has a monthly/annual cost you’re conveniently forgetting about, while unfortunately proving right the OC you replied to


    Also good thing to note, a decent pc build will usually outlast a console in being able to play the latest games. There’s still people with PC’s built when the ps3 came out that are playing CS2 just fine.


    I’m guessing a PS5-tier PC is about 800-900 and the PlayStation subscription is $80/year so you’d break even at 5 years or so.

    I have a more powerful PC and I haven’t owned any consoles since the Wii. I just wanted to see if you could build a comparable one for $450 nowadays

    Fonderthud, (edited )

    I picked up a 2080 super, ryzen 3600, motherboard, and 32 gigabytes of RAM 1.5 years ago for under $400 used. I already case, PSU, and SSDs so close to your premise.


    All good. I was just making fun since it’s a typical gotcha question that gets asked. I’d say it’s totally fair to get a console if that’s what you want.

    That said, the math’s possibly worse when you realize some people bought the pro version of the PS4 just 3-4 yrs after buying the original.

    ayaya, (edited ) avatar

    You’re overestimating the power of a PS5. Its GPU is roughly around an RX 6600XT which can be found for ~$200. You could build a full system with it for around $600 and you’d break even in just over 2 years.


    to add on to what you said: At least 80$ per year currently for PS+ essentials(online only basically). if you calculate that out 5 years (i’m gonna give the ps5 the benefit of the doubt here and assume you want to upgrade after that time) thats another 400$ on top of the 450$ you paid for the console. i could build a very well kitted out PC that blows the PS5 out of the water for 850$ and it would last longer and have an upgrade path that could extend its life an additional couple years. this doesn’t even factor in the overall cost savings of games being generally less expensive on PC.

    Gutek8134, avatar

    On the other hand, PC is much easier to break and harder to diagnose than a console (says a guy who never had a console)

    wazzupdog, (edited )

    If all you do on the pc is play games(as you would on a console) it won’t break (usually) but that’s what debug lights are for diagnosis made easy and then you rma the broken part or buy a new part if the ps5 breaks its basically landfill and you’re out another 450 (if your console is not still under warranty). Forgive my bad grammar, one the alcohol starts the grammar stops

    ThunderWhiskers, avatar

    Yep, and you totally wouldn’t put any upgrades in your $850 PC over the course of that 5 years.

    Kolanaki, avatar

    My PC was about $800 altogether when I built it back a month before the COVID lockdowns. It uses a 1660 Super which doesn’t support DLSS or ray tracing; every game that’s on both PC and PS5 looks exactly the same. Even with ray tracing on the PS5 and I am literally comparing them side by side on identical displays.


    You have to factor in the cost of the online subscription over the life of the console when pricing out a comparable PC. That is what he meant by “better at math”.


    $80/year for 5 years is $400 but how much more is the comparable PC than a PS5?

    ThunderWhiskers, avatar

    You can’t, but getting in an argument with the master race nuts is a fool’s errand.


    I’m a PC-only player but for reasons 95% of console players don’t care about. Playing on console just makes a lot more sense for some people


    You can use a PC for other things, I’d need a full desktop PC anyways. Also games are generally cheaper and you don’t have to pay for online play. Once you bought a game, you can very likely still play it in 10 years on a totally different machine.

    That being said, there are plenty of situations where a console is the better choice: they’re cheap to buy, easy to use, generally have less software problems, they have cool suspension features etc.

    Swedneck, avatar

    yes, truly that is all that matters. God forbid you have to turn off godrays


    Ok then why bother with a PC? Just play SNES

    Swedneck, avatar

    last i checked a SNES can’t play youtube videos? The whole point of PC is that you can run anything, you’re not limited to only one platform’s media.


    That’s the goalposts moving. We’re discussing gaming devices and I asked for a PC that performs as well as a PS5 for the price and you implied graphics don’t matter…so…why are you talking about YouTube

    randomaside, avatar

    This is another case of YMMV because you have to be thrifty. You can walk away from a microcenter with everything but the GPU for that price. (The 5600x3D bundle is a really good option but I understand most people can’t get to a microcenter in person).

    If you’re thrifty, you can get your hands on something like a Radeon 5700xt for between 80-120$ (check Ali Express).

    On the AliExpress note, even though I recommend a GPU, I can tell you that I do not recommend any of these Chinese motherboards from AliExpress unless you’re prepared to burn money. You can get them to work for very cheap but they are made out of ewaste and there is always something wrong with them (I’ve bought a few).

    This will get you into the sub 800$ tier Gaming PC. At that point I would recommend installing a Linux OS like ChimeraOS. This will give you the total functionality of a steam Deck and that console-like experience.

    If you’re looking for some more pre-assembled, morefine and minisforum make small PCs that come with a discrete radeon 6600m. This will get you into a PC that will be the size of a console but will definitely put you above 800$.


    You get cheaper games, no subscription for online play, mods, replaceable parts, and an actual computer that can do literally anything you program it to though. Also a PS5 is at the very least $550 where I live


    A PC being able to do literally anything doesn’t factor in at all imo. Most people buying consoles don’t want it to do anything but play games


    People with consoles don’t also have computers?

    Gutek8134, avatar

    You don’t need a beast to run Word/Excel/YouTube

    PhlubbaDubba, in Get gud

    Nobody fears competition more than the mediocre who only get by on the weight of their privilege.

    Swedneck, in 2 way communication is key avatar

    everyone going on about how gamers can’t communicate for shit, meanwhile deep rock galactic players INSTANTLY agree that the compressed gold must be pinged unceasingly until management shouts at you, with no verbal communication whatsoever.


    Also all gamers immediately Rock and Stone!

    Swedneck, avatar

    For Karl!

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    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /var/www/kbin/kbin/vendor/symfony/var-dumper/Caster/ClassStub.php on line 52

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32768 bytes) in /var/www/kbin/kbin/vendor/symfony/error-handler/Resources/assets/css/exception.css on line 1