Fairly simple, I’m not retarded. Being a Marxist in the 21st century is an actual embarrassment. You probably either hide your disgusting views in public, or most likely, you don’t even leave your house to understand what reality is like.
I mean if you wanna be a dumbass that’s your choice bro, you can keep getting fucked over by daddy government as you please. But don’t come crying to leftists in a few decades when the world’s on fire and your entire life is in ruins lol.
Lol you’re so retarded you unironically believe that a failed murderous ideology that has led to nothing but poverty, famine, tyranny, violence, and eventually collapse is going to totally work this time despite the mountains of evidence that it is a failure in both theory and practice. The history books are crystal clear about. You can use all the whataboutism fallacies with capitalism and no true fallacies about how it wasn’t REAL Marxism on every single attempt in history, you’re not fooling anyone. The current systems are flawed, but a parasitic ideology that’s just as bad, if not worse, than fascism is not and will never be an acceptable solution. There’s a reason why brainless morons cower together in some no name echo chamber like this and larp about revolutionaries. You’ll never see the light of day.
you unironically believe that a failed murderous ideology that has led to nothing but poverty, famine, tyranny, violence, and eventually collapse
Capitalism? Rates of poverty are unbelievably high, starving, tyranny, and violence is too, and extremely capitalist countries are in a constant state of collapse and go into recession every few years causing mass starvation, homelessness, and death. As opposed to even shitty communist countries like the USSR or PRC where they were far better off after communism than before communism, even being authoritarian they still had way better standard of living than when they were extremely capitalist & imperialist. Even Cuba, a small island with a dictatorship which has been cut off from most of the world for a large part of its history and has technology outdated by decades, is doing better than some Republican strongholds in the US, which is pretty embarrassing for a country with as many natural resources as the US.
And even if you don’t want to consider that, there’s pretty much any democratically elected socialist governments which the CIA immediately assassinated & overthrew, which had extremely high success and standards of living increases. But I guess if your democratic leader’s head gets blown off during an artificial American-led coup, that counts as a W for capitalism, aye? Entirely orchestrating uprisings in most previously friendly Latin American countries, Iran, etc. and turning them into authoritarian fascist shitholes certainly is a way to make your ideology seem like the only choice.
Capitalism has caused the deaths and suffering of billions. We have seen dozens, hundreds of capitalist regimes fail tremendously, bringing their entire population down with them, multiple times the amount of communist countries that have even existed. Capitalist countries have caused the worst disasters, the worst famines, the worst mass deaths, far more than even the worst communist regimes somehow. Yet you think you can point to the failures of the few communist countries in history and say that it’s proof your flavor of fascism is totally better than leftism.
I’m not even a communist. I don’t like communism, I don’t like any of the authoritarian regimes that followed a variation of the ideology, I strongly disapprove of the people who think the ideology of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, etc. was in any way at all sustainable. But my God it takes a real idiot to not be able to see how modern right-wing capitalism is just as bad if not worse than even those shitty ideologies, the difference being that capitalism has been given infinite chances to fail under the pretext of “oh tens of millions died from this one event but it’s fine, that’s just normal market fluctuation”. You can’t even call the US a democratic country at this point, it’s an oligarchy for the ultra-rich. Even pointing to other capitalist countries you can see that them partially implementing socialism has made them a far better place than the US, even if still heavily flawed by the capitalism.
is going to totally work this time despite the mountains of evidence that it is a failure in both theory and bla bla bla
Lol yea bro these leftist policies are totally failing in, say, Finland or whatever Euro country is of your desire. Countries that rely on very leftist socdem ideological views which Americans would call “socialist” or even “communist” and have much better equality & standard of living than the US, solely because of those ideologies. Isn’t it funny how the further left these countries go, the higher their standard of living and general success, and the further right they go, the more unstable and worse off they become. For example some select places in Europe have tried tasting right-wing ideology for recently and are paying the price for it (e.g. Germany, Netherlands, Italy). Crazy coincidence, isn’t it.
I’m sure the massive political unrest, attempt to overthrow the government, hundreds of mass shootings, worst healthcare in the developed world, record garbage education, even worse starvation than China and Ukraine, extremely high crime rate, and everything else the US is going through is a sign of a successful ideology. And similar thing in Canada & to a lesser extent the UK. I’m sure it’s those damn communists causing all the issues, if we stray further to the right surely we’ll stop all that nonsense!
The current systems are flawed
“Flawed” is an understatement.
but a parasitic ideology that’s just as bad, if not worse, than fascism is not and will never be an acceptable solution.
You are delusional
There’s a reason why brainless morons cower together in some no name echo chamber like this and larp about revolutionaries.
Looks like r/conservative lost one of their losers. You clearly don’t like this forum, so you can cry on your Reddit echo chamber about how everyone on there is a communist, then whine about people brigading your sub when a people disagree with your opinion, but nobody falls for it here lol.
Preach. All the Society Experts here have come to a conclusion- based on the hardest of evidences - that Democrats are the only good ones they just aren’t left enough. Notice their unwavering homogeneity- it’s not groupthink or any kind of propaganda campaign, it’s just how the Lemmy MENSA brains operate. Why make room for tolerance of dissenting opinions when you just like know you’re totally right?
The irony is that in the US, Metric is the standard, used by all science, military, governmental etc sectors. It’s just that the average American is too insecure to acknowledge this fact.
Insecure about what? Which side of the tape measure to use? Honestly I don’t think many Americans are or were ever made aware that metric is the standard.
Everyone who has ever served in any branch of the US military knows this fact.
In 2020, US gvmnt estimates were 19.4m living vets in the nation. With a population of around 331m, that’s around 6%. If you include the number of non-vets civilians who’s jobs directly support the military, and who therefore are also required to use metric in their jobs, this number will be higher - I couldn’t find population estimates, but it’s at least a couple percent as the DoD alone employs a million civilians. NASA employs around 17k, and anyone working for a company who works with NASA is going to have to use metric. I’d be shocked if the number of Americans who aren’t having to use metric at work, and are therefore aware that it’s a standard here, wasn’t at least 10%.
Nowhere near a majority, but certainly significant; over 20m people warrants “many,” surely?
This is utter horseshit. Anyone who doesn’t acknowledge that fact probably just didn’t know and you’re just projecting some “I’m better than you” nonsense.
We learn the metric system in our schools. It’s part of our curriculum. We learn it in math classes, we learn it in science classes, we learn about it in history classes as well.
The UK drives using MPH too, despite the metric system being the standard. Oh nooooo! An alternate measurement system that the masses understand and accept!
For what it is worth, if you were curious, NIST adopted and recommends the SI standard.
However what IS fun is the world adopting US customary measures intertwined with metrics units for new measurements that weren’t used before, electrical current/resistance stuff like that. **Though, good luck getting anyone who likes to try to dunk on the USA like this to admit it.**Any American who responds how you’re saying is just pissed that once again someone is trying to look down their nose at us for living our fucking lives.
We learn the metric system in our schools. It’s part of our curriculum. We learn it in math classes, we learn it in science classes, we learn about it in history classes as well.
And apparently promptly have an episode of amnesia because every adult here seems to not know how to convert.
Normal people subtract debt from available wealth, but if you have a billion dollars and three billion in debt, you in effect still have a billion dollars. The magic of late stage capitalism!
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