I like the idea of hot dogs more than I actually like hot dogs. Every now and then I get a craving for one and throw it on the grill but it’s always slightly disappointing. It’s never as good as I think it’ll be. I need to learn to just stick with hamburgers. Those are never disappointing.
In my opinion! But, I’m going to be honest with you; if I have my way, I’m buying cheddarwurst over hot dogs of any variety every time. Once I discovered it was possible to buy dogs infused with cheese, I’ve never seen any reason to do anything else :-)
Before you put them on the grill, slice them about half way through diagonally on one side and diagonally again in the other side in the same way … the hot dog will expand across the entire length and crisp along the cut edges. More crisp makes it taste better and the longer length actually fits the length of your bun.
I don't think it has to do with being female or anime. I think OP is saying that they're either a transgender woman or a femboy who is still in the closet
They are probably not out, so cannot present feminime to others yet. As an alternative, they present fem at home alone, here indicated by the transformation. “It’s a vibe” could refer to presenting fem being their preferred state.
If you don’t understand what I mean by “what does this post mean to you, having posted it”, then I don’t think you can help me. 😅 You just randomly click on any image and post it and justify it by “it’s just a shitpost”? If so, that’s even helpful. But you’re giving me zilch here. Take care.
I don’t think I’m the one who’s being unreasonable here lmao. The meme is a vibe. That’s it. That being said, not all posts have to click with everyone. Some people obviously enjoyed it. Have a good one.
Ok, I was mainly with ya, but ya lost me. If “it’s a vibe”, what is the vibe? And why is there a vibe? Is basically what he was asking. He does have somewhat of a point, you didn’t just Google random words grab the first pic you saw and posted, obviously you liked the image and felt some sort of connection to it.
Damn, you guys know more about me than I do. Dressing as a rabbit girl in your home is a vibe. Of course it is, just like dressing as a truck driver is. This ain’t complicated.
I’m just trying to understand how to relate to the post in any way. I just don’t understand how. I’d like to understand what your thoughts are while posting this. That’s all. 🤷♂️ I don’t mean any harm.
From what I can tell it’s possible that the OP may have some trauma or at the very least past negative experiences with egg culture. I can neither confirm nor deny this though as I’m not the OP, I am basing it off my own negative experiences with egg culture.
For those not in the know egg culture is the phenomenon around Egg_irl, it’s the idea that people are transgender without knowing it, or are in denial. The problematic part is that it also targets people who are Gender Non-Conforming (GNC) because it heavily utilizes gender stereotypes.
If that is the case they might have a completely valid reason for why they posted it or are vibing with it and are not sharing it because they feel like people are going to call them an egg or harass them again, but they wanted to share it because they thought other people might enjoy it.
Here’s a sample of what Egg culture harassment looks like by the way, just to give an idea for people who haven’t experienced it (count yourselves lucky), fair warning, it’s unpleasant.
Toxic Egg culture, Enbyphobia, probably is harassment.“I’m saying you’re an Egg because you seem to have an interest in dressing as something other than your AGAB, you’re obviously not Cisgender. People can be either Male or Female and you’re clearly not male, because males don’t enjoy things like that if you keep lying to yourself you’ll never be happy”
I could understand why the op might be a bit more on edge then they otherwise would be if they experienced egging like this.
I think mostly it’s the idea that people* who break gender stereotypes (or are thought to break gender stereotypes) are trans, I don’t think it necessarily implies that everyone is trans, I’ve seen people who claim that and act like it but for the most part it’s based on lack of adherence to gender stereotypes.
(*Most of the times this doesn’t include women who dress in a masculine way, tomboys getting egged definitely does happen, but it’s not as common since women dressing masc has been established as a normal thing.)
I find the whole thing insane. It basically ignores the fact that behavior is fluid. Traits are individual and fluid. Humor is fluid. Everything about our behavior is fluid. You can be “camp af” and still be straight, and “butch af” and still be gay. And that’s just scratching the surface.
Yeah the whole idea of egg culture is very weird and restrictive. It imposes unnatural restrictions on people for how they should act and implies things about them that might not be correct and in many cases aren’t that other person’s bussiness (who are they to judge what gender a person is on the inside when they don’t even really know that person).
It sounds like Sync is either blocking users client-side (which would be confusing, since server-side blocks do exist), or it is trying and failing to add a block server-side but suppressing the server’s error message.
Blocking means you no longer see their posts, and they can’t comment on any of your posts. If they’ve already commented or replied to you, the messages are deleted (hidden?).
According to my googling, they may be by Li-Anne Dias? But the artist’s website is so bad you’re better off reading the comics when they’re reposted elsewhere
But these are so classic they even mention Windows XP
For every “I’m the bottom 10% of tech users” there is another 70% of the user base bitching about inept prioritization and service desk people who couldn’t troubleshoot process issues if their life were dependent on it.
Googling problems with Windows I find the majority of the results are MS support telling them to reset the OS. No attempt to debug the issue just nuke it and see if that fixes it. Then you read the next comments and inevitably they say “Nope, didn’t fix it”. I really dislike scripted responses like this.
Yeah the MS support forums are very hit or miss. And even the hit ones usually start with a response that doesn’t appear to understand the question very deeply, followed by a “that didn’t work”, “I said in my post that I tried that and it didn’t work”, or maybe a “that’s not what I’m trying to do, I want to do x”, and then a reply with useful links.
Though to be fair, problems can come from software the user installed or fuck ups they’ve made to settings along the way. Or quiet sabotage from another user.
Once upon a time I provided phone support for Comcast and had a caller call in unable to access Facebook. I did the usual script and found her internet was otherwise working. Narrowed it down to a dns issue. I was aware of the hosts file because I was using it for ad blocking at the time so had her open that up on a whim (which I would have gotten in trouble for since it was off script). Sure enough, it was there. Someone didn’t want her accessing it.
Who knows what kinds of methods people have used to discourage other things on shared PCs. Is edge really broken or did the user’s kid get tired of everyone clicking “make it the default browser” when it begged each time it was opened so they wrote a small program that kills it as soon as it starts?
My first fucking thought. I’m still waiting on helpdesk to respond to an issue I’ve already chased down to a registry key because I’m not allowed workstation admin privileges. 🙄. Which I’m fine with but more than a week to respond to a ticket? Come the fuck on
That’s because IT management theory currently holds that the more processes/workflows you standardize and consolidate the fewer things there are that break. Which means you can hire fewer help desk personnel.
Unfortunately the people usually tasked with performing this standardization is the help desk, so they don’t have the time to decrease their own workflow through standardization when they’re already filled to the brim with a backlog. At that point you’re just giving them more of a backlog.
As someone who works in IT support, I have yet to find any significant number of support people who can’t troubleshoot process issues. What I have found in spades is management making it impossible to make any meaningful process improvements.
There’s a nontrivial number of management type folks that just want it done a specific way, regardless of how that impacts worker performance or how difficult it makes my job.
The number of times I’ve suggested improvements only to be told that the existing methodology works, is too damn high.
NVME screw: phases outside of our dimension before even reaching the floor
Also I really want to know why this can’t be tapped for a standard case screw or even a chassis thumbscrew. Been pissing me off since msata and nvme even became a thing. Such great storage and it can’t be mounted with a standard @!#%^ing screw that everything else uses WHY?
Maybe you should add brave search in the search engines that searxng use. I’m using it since almost one year and except for images I never had weird results
I used to use it but honestly grew tired of getting the same search results. The same Medium article, the same video, the same news report at the top. I often feel like I only see the tip of the iceberg, and often never find what I need.
For the longest time, I refused to watch anything he was acting in. I think it was sometime between maybe 1997 and 2002 when I realized how much his movies had started to suck.
More recently though, I caved and decided to watch Renfield, and I’m glad I gave it a chance. It’s not like the greatest movie ever, but I thought it was cute. And I actually really enjoyed Nic in this movie for the first time in decades.
I totally get that, but for what it’s worth, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is worth giving a shot, too! It breaks the 4th wall in a refreshingly humorous & self-deprecating way. Loved it!
I’d be willing to give it a try. I haven’t watched much of his more recent filmography, and what I’ve seen was not in chronological order.
After seeing him in Renfield, I did end up watching Color Out of Space and Willy’s Wonderland. Neither of those movies was something magnificent the way I view his performance in Renfield, but I enjoyed them. Well, Willy’s Wonderland was meh, but I really liked Color Out of Space for what it is worth.
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